Why can't millenials get jobs?
Why can't millenials get jobs?
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Because we have a similar number of jobs but now men and women are taking them
their liberal arts degrees only works for entry level McDonalds positions.
Too entitled to take the shit jobs they're qualified for, many seem convinced they deserve high dollar positions and wages with no experience or credentials.
Because Boomers can't retire
They can.
Unemployment is on acceptable levels in 2016.
>b-b-but muh capitalism fail & technological unemployment
None of that will ever happen, go back to work
Because they're 16 or younger and child labor is illegal in civilized countries
I did get a job though
I work part time as a movie theater roach
sure am glad I spent 7 years in college
My inner child doesn't feel up to it, bigot! #hedonism
I don't have a lib arts degree and I still can't find something.
I thought the economy was better now
this is partially why, as well a huge percentage of baby boomers still in the work place (hopefully they are imparting knowledge and training the fresh blood properly).
This is another huge part of it as well. Might as well take underwater basket weaving.
This as well.
The saying it's not what you know but who you know still holds true in that for a large percentage of jobs a degree doesn't train you for how a job actually works it just allows work to see who is willing to work hard and can understand directions which is unfortunate. But that also means that if you have a relationship with someone you can potentially come into the field with no school and no experience and hopefully be thrown to the wolves or given proper training and not just coddled.
Everything will fall into place though, those that don't or won't work will not be able to hack it as well as generations prior and most will attempt to supplement incomes via selling illegal drugs but they won't have the ability to do so while saving enough money for legal fees or avoiding the system entirely because of lack of foresight which put them in said position.
>Working at Fedex
>$55 an hour to drive around a truck and shitpost on Sup Forums
>Never went to college, no debt
I feel bad for you
>getting a job so schlomo shekelstein can extract your surplus value and pay you just enough so you can afford to eat and do it all over again the next day
top kek
You're thinking of the iGeneration, the generation after. Millenials are late 80's to 1999 iGen is 2000-2020~.
Because business need to make money and can't afford a lot of people. They rather have 20 people who work their hands to the bones than 60 who sort of work. They want to invest in outstanding individuals.
Source: went to community college and couldn't get a job but once I transferred to a top 20 school, employers wanted to meet with me.
Also you have to have a useful degree that shows you can actually work and not sit around and complain all day like (((liberal))) arts majors. It's really a system to weed out the trash. You'll get more education in one year of actually work experience that you will in four of school.
Walmart drivers make a decent chunk of change as well. It's all about doing what is right for you not what society tells you, you should do. Some of us are happy scraping by making X amount per year while only working Y amount of hours per work or having W amounts of paid days off. Some people aren't willing to through Z amount of training or schooling. Some people need to hit a certain dollar figure safety net while others are concerned with not having a ceiling.
If you don't pick your path in society , society picks your path for you. Chances are most of you will take the path of least resistance and give into peer pressure and go the routes assigned to you or that are easiest or that you have been recommended. And there is nothing wrong with that, just don't be lazy good for nothing niggers.
Dude I'll work for min wage Id work in a damn warehouse or factory where I wouldn't really have to deal with other people much and at least a decent amount of actual hour times not like ones I see where they literally want you 12 hours for 3 days a week sometimes ones where they want it at night. Ill work normal 8am-5pm or whatever fucking hours.
Yeah people want to bitch at me to just get over it and take whatever and shut the fuck up I hate that. It isn't their life, and it isn't them trying to find what makes them the best worker. I'm not being too picky I'm trying to be the best I can be.
this fucking entitled ass boomers don't retire they just keep working even once they're fucking senile
Apply for a night time security job. Plenty around. Unarmed but you just watch cameras, shitpost, watch movies, and check rooms or grounds every so often. Pay sucks but it's chill and good experience.
That makes no sense. Millenium is year 2000 so why would it refer to anything but people born after y2k?
Because their Parents and Grandparents outsourced most of it for short term profits.
How easy would this be in britbongistan? It sounds comfy but apparently here you need all sorts of shit because "oy vey we cant have YOU having authority goy you need to do loads of stupid shit first"
Anyone got any stories or tips?
At one point during college I was getting desperate for some cash, I wasn't going to be able to live indoors or have food, so I went and picked up the first shit job I could find.
Zulily warehouse, 6pm-4am. Fucking torture.
Because they are lazy and work is beneth them.
When we say there are jobs out there we don't mean 50k a year full benefits nice comfy office desk job. We need people to mow lawns and roof buildings. We need people to unfuck piping and install electrical lines. We need people putting up sheet rock and picking up the trash.
Working for a living used to be common and every job that had to be filled in their country was by the lower class. Now everyone, even if they are lower class, has an inflated sense of self worth and sees these kinds of jobs as beneath them. Something for illegals to fill out of sight and out of mind.
They are getting double teamed by a flooded job market filled with people who shouldn't even be in this country and a self destructive lack of drive because if it isn't their dream job it isn't a job worth having.
See part of the issue I have with this now is that long back when I first was more serious about this. I would be someone that stays up late and wakes up late. Well , as a fair compromise because most jobs want that and also because I was dealing with anxiety my body now is more able to get up earlier and go to bed sooner which I would have to completely get rid of that . Ya see? I'm ok now with waking up around 7/8.
I take it you're driving freight in a semi and not on a delivery because no fucking way their delivery drivers make 114k? I would assume you're an independant contractor get to have double FICA withholding taken out because you're "self employed", also get your own insurance and have your own retirement?
>10 years experience
>literally teaching classes to 40-50 year old fellow tradesmen who have 20, 30, etc. years of experience
>paid by vendors and a manufacturer to teach theses classes
>not even my 9 to 5
Their problem is that they treat them as jobs and not careers. If people put in the hard work and desire to truly succeed in their career, they'll run circles around 99% of the rest in their field. Most people are lazy, worthless fucks. I'm not special, I just gave/give a shit.
Low incentivisation. We have no serious economic goals, either because they have become unattainable through massive inflation (which is often driven by immigration and globalisation - for example home ownership) or because we now economise our lives in such a way that those goals are no longer necessary.
What's the point of working when your entertainment is free, you have no economic dependants and your expenses are consistently low? Most of us came to maturity at the height of the worst depression in 80 years. We've been heavily conditioned to minimise our expectations and our outgoings. You can't know just ask us to switch to FULL CAPITALISM MODE SPEND SPEND SPEND now. Why trade your valuable time in order to make more money to fund a growing but unsustainable lifestyle? Why deliberately do something that makes you unhappy in order to pursue things you neither want nor need?
This. Mass immigration during a time when we have a huge labor surplus to begin with hasn't helped either.
Why would you include part-time work to unemployment? I work part time and make average wage of a Finn.
More like.
>Why do I find that fox so sexy?
They don't understand that you don't start in an office, you earn one.
because you mongoloid it refers to the fact it's the last generation that was born before the turn of the millenium
Well it is nice that you are willing to train people. A lot of places really don't want to do that and want multiple years and kinds of experience instead. They honestly don't care about people's potential they want instant gratification. But props to you sir , you seem like you care.
Obama job creation is 95% full time.
Next right wing retard talking point.
You're too fucking soft to do the jobs the wetbacks take anyways.
Well I guess an American measurement system being dumb shouldn't surprise me
a fucking leaf and the obama leaf at that
I love my job man, love the people I work with. Any chance to work/make more money, I take it. I'm not making $300k like most Wendy's chefs but I'm doing alright for myself.
Life's good man. Life is good.
Kek, okay. Maybe thats why 90% of the people I worked with in my first 5 years in the workforce were hispanic.
Because they are entitled fags who expect to be an executive with a million dollar payroll without any experience
Yeah , I'm almost 30 myself and it's still a long way for me. I'm gonna be the latest of bloomers.
you're still a mongoloid
so theres more
too busy making threads on Sup Forums?
>be millennial
>currently in school studying economics and accounting
>eventually want to get my CPA license
Am I doing it wrong?
Except construction jobs are shitty as fuck because its mostly illegals and the builders/supervisors don't care about shitty work conditions because the illegals have no other option.
Everybody who works in construction aside from maybe electricians are overworked and underpayed as fuck
Because the job market is hot steaming shit
The reasons the job market is hot steaming shit
1) Modern jobs all power lies with the employer
2) Old folks aren't retiring when they should have, thus slowing the climb up the ladder
3) You're required to have a near impossible amount of work history/college education for what used to be entry level positions
4) Many employers discovered it's easier to take on temps and interns than to actually provide paid training
5) It's easier to get gov autism bucks and give up than it is to keep trying for employment
shit wrong reply. my bad. lol its me!
>try to get hired to flip burgers, stockboy, waiter, janitor, literally everyfuckingthing
>the jobs go to people in their 30's and 40's
The only options really left open to me now is wastewater treatment in a small town or public works in an even smaller town.
Which means I'm enlisting soon.
You've got problems other than migrants if you're still doing the same jobs as them 5 years after the fact.
Fuck that noise. I work around them at construction sites/projects all the time. Salt of the earth, good people, hard workers but I'll be damned if I'm going to let them eat my lunch.
I never thought about this
OP here, I work as an industrial mechanic for the steel industry.
Community college general mechanics diploma. I make a more than minimum wage changing out a part or two a day and shitposting on Sup Forums the rest of my time. I got my spot because there's a shortage of workers in my industry.
Work is so fucking easy I don't fucking get what's making millenial morons freak out. Don't choose what you like, choose opportunity.
It's not just that. Many jobs that boomers hold on to for decades are not being replaced when they DO leave. Instead it's outsourced or just added to the burden of workers still present.
>Why can't millenials get jobs?
The immigrants their parents brought in took them all.
I'm waiting till all these old delusional fucks kill themselves off in the next great war. They'll send my age group off to war and I'll have all the pussy and work to last me till death
That's because you boomers walked in as a helper and made the equivalent of $50k a year after 2 years as a HELPER. We have to have at the very least a 2 year degree to even be looked at as a helper. Boomers now run sweat shops and if someone low on the totem pole trys to learn and move up they get cut and replaced with a temp. People 40+ should be removed from the labor pool by force.
But we'll be the ones dying in that war? I don't follow your logic.
We are enslaved by directed energy weapons.
At least I am, I can only assume the others are afflicted similarly. Aliens? Jews? Russia?
Why would the American government purposely fuck it's own economy like this?
1.) no motivation
2.) cost of living increased
3.) no confidence in society
4.) government is on the verge of a cataclysm
5.) increase in statistics of autism cases
Wait what you can get into waste treatment without a degree in US? What are you even doing to that shit if you can let some random burger flippers in?
Here you need to be a B.Sc in Chem or other relevant field minimum to even touch the machines.
You're completely full of shit. Illegals are non-existent in the commercial construction industry. Unions and the 2008 sanctions took care of that shit big time.
As for residential, sure, they still exist. Day laborers and all. But they're few and far between. Residential homebuilders' insurance companies take care of that. Most large scale developers require documentation on employees (I've even seen some require background checks) in addition to about 20 other documents in their vendor packets.
But yeah, quit talking.
>tfw finally got a job interview
I'm hoping my diversity points carries me through.
all excuses skirting the real reason, we are enslaved by directed energy weapons, or possibly chemical weapons
Why do you spend so much time on pol shilling for obabo?
>work for kitchen installation company
>go to a new build in the city
>trim guys who happen to be illegal have table saws laid out in the hallways which is not allowed but supervisors don't give a shit
>literally no space to work in the apartments because chinese immigrants are sanding the walls
>no AC
yeah man, people are just """"lazy""""
If you are stupid enough to clean up these old fucks mess. I don't plan to fight for a nation that can't create jobs above cleaning shitters. Even the Chinese and the Mexicans get better jobs than that
I mean I hate to get all "socialism" sounding in a place like this where a lot of people are right wing (I'm an independent voter I don't belong to a party) but are we going to soon reach a point where we have to have what they call a "universal basic income" en.wikipedia.org
Because I feel if this trend continues either this is going to happen or shit's really going to get seriously bad.
I'm 21 and been working the same job for 3 years, just put in my application for a big promotion today. In my experience people my age are lazy. I currently work as a farmhand with 3 old retired men and one other my age. The young kid shows up late and hungover every day, he won't buck bales with the rest of us, and he's always first to take a break.
I don't know why, but it seems like a lot of us are this way. They would rather stay up all night and sleep all day just mooching off their parents. They have no drive and no concept of money. I don't know why they are like that, but it is a pretty big problem.
>we are enslaved by directed energy weapons, or possibly chemical weapons
They are lazy sacks of shit.
Because they do not want to work.
>tripled the stock market
He has nothing to do with that.
>ended two wars
How many are we still fighting?
>brought gas down to $2.75
He has nothing to do with that.
>bush deficit
I guess.
>Got Bin Laden
He had nothing to do with that
What about the race relations? He was supposed to tame the groids and bring their race back onto the right path. BLM is evidence that he failed.
It's easy to call them lazy when they are being turned fucking retarded because of Jews microwaving their brain.
It's like being a fucking nigger, we deserve your fucking sympathy not disgust.
Yes and no. Its training, during the training period you get your certification to operate in the particular state. It's not the easiest cert to get though.
It's basically the equivalent of a trade.
It could be different in places with >5000 population though.
Why are ALL Luxembourgians supportive of open borders?
If I am born in 2000 am I part of this iGeneration or am I a millenial.
Be aware of the fact that 2000 is in the 2nd millennium.
A small pop can't support a large one, though.
Although the economy is held up by magic at this point, so just shuffling money around could keep it healthy.
Shit parents, shit grandparents, nobody retiring,
Jobs no longer training, expect 4 year degrees to do it all
Yeah it's kinda shit though that scares me and it doesn't help that as I said I'm basically an anxiety ridden pussy.
Not only that, but the chemistry is really not that hard to grasp. Mother, uncle, and cousin were/are all in the field, they have maybe 3-4 years of college between them and they can explain a lot of the finer details of the chemistry involved.
>2 posts by this ID
>thread gets made almost daily
You retarded pieces of shit fall for bait/slide threads way too easy.
Every single building i've worked in had illegals. Majority of them chinese. Nobody asks for documentation lmfao, the contractors don't give a fuck.
That actually sounds like a good system. Here we spend four to six years in college to get a degree that gives you almost zero hands-on knowledge of the field you're now permitted to work in.
A friend of mine who works in the nuclear sector said that as soon as he got his first position they flat out told him to forget his degree and trained him from ground up.
Taxpayer money well spent
People who go to top schools are trash.
If you take it for granted that men and women are equal and interchangeable, adding women to the workforce is no big deal. Unfortunately, having 100% of men and 0% of women employed turns out to be a much more favorable situation than having 50% of each. Unemployed men are immediately unattractive to women, so by pushing men out of the workforce you're just exaggerating the alpha/beta dynamic. It's the same issue as equal pay. Women say they want to be paid the same as men, but then also say that they want a man who makes more money than them. They fail to see the long-term implications.
>Illegals are non-existent in the commercial construction industry.
>It's like being a fucking nigger, we deserve your fucking sympathy not disgust.
I'm fucking 21, I grew up with all the shit you grew up with. It's your mental attitude, there is nothing stopping you from making more of yourself except for yourself.
>apply for government job
>pay ranges $18-$28hr for most positions
>barely any experience/requirements
>they'll train you
Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner? Why go through all the trouble flipping patties when big brother oniichan can take care of you far better? Better yet why even go to college?
Ayy i have a friend that got a degree for the same, then joined the Navy for nuclear bullshit, pretty much the same story.
It's fucking incredible that employers won't hire someone without a degree, then proceed to shit on the degree because it doesn't actually teach what is needed.
mopping floors 10 hours a day for peanuts does not qualify as a job.
a real job pays decent for numbers of hours worked, plus coverage.
if you worked under inhuman condition it does not mean you are guaranteed promotion
take it from someone who worked only shit jobs and been in the military