Donald trump is an evil per-

>donald trump is an evil per-

wtf I love Drumpf now!

hitler, obama and bin laden had pictures of their fathers in their offices too.

really makes you think.

way to alienate the 3 black guys that voted for you

Obama was a good guy though

He's had tons of wives, tons of kids, and tons of grandkids.

But only one father.

Hitler breath and drank water like Trump, too.

This fired up my neurons when I found out.


He also pooped!

trump poops from 2 different holes.

Bin Laden didn't have an office.

>fb filename

kys normie shill

There's absolutely no evidence of this.

This desu
My father's kind of a dick but I'll miss the hell out of him when he's gone.
Fuck off

>Mr President Obongo, there seems to be some indication that a Terrorist hid in this village some time ago, we could investigate and do resear-
>but sir, there are women and childr-

So relatable. Just like us. He's my president now!

proper alpha.

>Having a picture of his Klan member father makes him a good guy

>remember when we had the smartest president on the planet

Singapore President, Tony Tan?

>t. muzzie sympathizing right winger
You're more confused than a girl (male)

He's not evil, just a neocon jew puppet

>Mr Daddy issues places a photo constantly behind him to pretend his dead old man can see he isn't a loser


>Sup Forums
>Television & Film

Did you know Trump's father was alive when Hitler was alive? They might be the same person.

I'm kind of glad he didn't bring the wife to the white house, it just seems like he's taking it more seriously. And even the golf trips appear industrious when the man is in his 70's!

>it's a real name
>he really is president
wtf I love singapore now

I'm reading this thread on my computer telly, what now smart guy?

Report submited, enjoy your ban.


>Trump keeps a photo of his father in an office he never visits
What does this mean

He should be cool to Canada though, we're natural allies.

Is that Ted Nugent?

Announcing reports is not allowed, enjoy your ban


If you don't have barren walls throughout your entire house except for one portrait of your father above the fireplace then you are not a man

>Trust fund baby that got millions from his dad thinks his dad was alright

No shit.

hitler,stalin and drumpf
know what they have in common? they're all MEN

>Announcing reports is not allowed, enjoy your ban
Announcing reports is not allowed, enjoy your ban

go back to your cuck threads

I never said I reported him :^)

His dad is the one member of his family that isn't always in his face. the White House is like a tel aviv phone book these days. Give the guy a break.

triggered trumplet spotted.

are you upset that i made fun of your pozdaddy?

there you go


you sound pretty triggered trumplet :)

>I know where to find cuckporn general
>that'll show you who the cuck is!

Drumphlets, when will they learn

Maybe some people just want to not be a world police? uhmm? just fucking concentrate on America instead of whothefuckcaresingstan?