Why is Fascism the only way forward?

Why is Fascism the only way forward?

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Contemporary/IronmarchOriginals/Vladimir - Open letter to the white man.pdf

I love this gif.


It is literally the only political stance that offers a legitimate strong stance against the forces that threaten to bring down Western Civilisaiton.

Because it is the only stance which will give us the breathing room to start fixing all the shit the Commies have fucked up over the past 100 years.

Because most of civilization is so fucking stupid. Just wait, you will see them invade this thread in a bit and it will become very clear.

This too. Fascism is the only valid response to complete communist infiltration of your society, which was accomplished in America after WW2 and other places either by proxy beliefs or by legitimate soviet or other agents.

Basically, McCarthy, Patton, Mosley, Mussolini, Hitler were right.

Good kids

Is China considered fascist? They are highly nationalistic as well as deeply socialist.

It's the only way sideways, so to speak. What we need is not to go forward, we have already seen the horrors of modernity and now post-modernity in the flesh. What we also don't need is to go backwards and reject technology, to just keep things like they are forcefully and ignore everything else.
Fascism offer, well, a third way. An alternative modernity, where mankind assumes total control of the tools at its disposal to shape the world. It's not immediately nationalistic or reactionary.

mosley was right about everything

It is quite entertaining isn't it?

I don't think so? Fascism seems kind of bad. An elected authoritarian government? I don't see this happening. But, who knows?

Obama and Trudeau are fascists you faggot OP!

Cause we're in deep shit.

>hurr durr people are stupid so we should put people in charge
Nice going, retard

your shithole cuck country could use such government

what do you propose instead you ugly commie?

>McCarthy, Mosley, and Hitler were right
Funny because if McCarthy lived under Hitler or Mosley's rule he would have been killed for being Irish.

Before you understand the clear differences in Fascism and fucking Communism, you must read. .

He was pretty damn based, our country and probably the world would be in better shape if he could have won. (((Multiculturalism))) essentially ruined that for him, despite him being one of the first to see its effects damaging society.

It seems bad at first glance, but it is actually completely correct about everything. You will understand one day. Read some books on the topic by people who aren't biased, hell read the biographies of fascist leaders from history.

Remember most of the based civilisations of the world have acted under similar systems to what fascism advocates.

Wrong. Mosley never had a problem with Ethnic Irish peoples, and never advocated killing. He also never ruled so I have a sneaking suspicion you have no idea what you're talking about.

Hitler would also not have had him killed out of hand, some Brits defected and fought for Hitler and these included a very small percentage of Irish. Look it up.

Besides, meaningless hypotheticals don't counter the principles of fascism. Even if you were correct, which you aren't, you still wouldn't have made a valid point that shows why fascism isn't the best option left for western civilisation at this point.

This is the correct answer. Democracy is shit.

Nuclear apocalypse

>Wrong. Mosley never had a problem with Ethnic Irish peoples,
He was a WASP supremacist, of course he did

>and never advocated killing
He was pro-death penalty

>He also never ruled so I have a sneaking suspicion you have no idea what you're talking about.
Hense I said "if"

>Hitler would also not have had him killed out of hand, some Brits defected and fought for Hitler and these included a very small percentage of Irish. Look it up.
There were even some Jews in the army, he only allowed them in to get shot by the enemy and to help the Reich

People are stupid, and so you put the best and brightest people in charge and make it an active objective of your civilisation to refine your gene pool.


In a until, idk, the 50's it wouldn't be really necessary. National conservatism could solve most issues.

The more fascism get discredited, the more we needed it.

You're completely wrong about everything. Have you actually read any works by Mosley? Just because he was for the death penalty doesn't mean he was advocating the wanton slaughter of all the irish you absolute moron, you're conflating one position with another (that you made up) to support some sort of bizarre point about how McCarthy would have hypothetically been killed for being Irish under these leaders, which I already told you doesn't honestly matter.

>and so you put the best and brightest people in charge
>put the best and brightest people in charge
How? Who determines who the best and brightest are? How is the criteria for 'best and brightest' determined?

NVM I looked it up he wasn't really that racist he said he judges each person individually. He said he doesn't even hate non-bad Jews.

Forward? Where? Early grave because you're being useful idiot? And why did it fell faster than any other political ideology? What happened to Sturmabteilung after they helped Hitler to get the power he got? Oh yeah, Hitler kinda killed them for being useful idiots....

Clearly you're not a moron, I take it back. Good on you for actually looking it up.

Do you want to have dinner with me sometime? We may need a few hours to discuss exactly how it would work.

Thanks. You illustrated my point faster than I expected.

Maybe a Government with fascist ideals of nationalism, without the oppressive levels of control on it's people? I think social conformity is good. I think people should behave with some dignity and respect for others around them when out and about. But, a pure fascist Government would almost dictate what you think and what information you have access to. Your home would be more like a prison cell.

Strong patriarchal system to counter the jewish feminine subversion going on.

thank you good sir.

Mosley was one of the only British MPs to speak out about the use of the Black and Tans in Ireland. He also wrote articles about the country's right to unite.

Based Chile knows what's up


Enjoy, faggots

Fascism could only occur under a nuclear state, and most nuclear states are already inundated in a different ideology. Russia would probably be the best bet, but they wouldn't have a Western European kind of Fascism they are more like the old Tsar system if anything I guess.

I've always found the Fascist emphasis on strength and beauty to be attractive, especially in the sea of negativity that is the liberal culture i live in.

That is a very interesting thought about not moving forward.

The problem most of the west has been raised to expect that there is always something better just around the corner. It is an addiction and there is no cure.

Why is this a thing? Is this Japan's version of the, "twerking", movement?

Some authoritarianism will be necessary. Remember, people have been programmed for decades to be degenerate and will fight against the wholesome values fascism will present to them.

That I can agree with. But, will it stop at just cleaning up the filth, or will it end up like best Korea?

It's more like the Harlem Shake

Its not.

Just link me to the books you parrot your ideas from.

some people are just better than others though
the fact you don't understand that shows you aren't one of them

>the fact you don't understand that
That's an interesting fact. Mind posting sources for it?

A truly democratic society isn't strong enough to hold together through a modern World War. It's coming soon and all the higher ups know it.

epic reddit response

God damn it. I would really fucking hate the Japs if they didn't make such good cartoons.

>Why is Fascism the only way forward?
Because it's the correct path.


>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany


>Adolf Ehrt - Bewaffnetter Aufstand!

>Adolf Hitler - Mein kampf (English)


>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Deutsch)

>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions


>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)


>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery


>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation



Why does Sup Forums hold such a romantic view of fascism even though if it were implemented all of their freedoms would be curtailed?

Here are some of the boons you can expect from a fascist government:
- Inflated bureaucracy meant to surveil the populace and uphold political and cultural purity.
- Diminished freedom of speech and association.
- Entrenchment of the governmental 'bourgeoisie'.
- Severe punishment for any dissent.

You say that people are dumb and incapable so what's the sense in putting all power in the hands of a few people? I'm not saying that those in power are equal to everyone else but they aren't guaranteed to be the best and their goals may not best suit the populace.

>Leszek Kołakowski


>A challenge to conservatism


>Left and Right

>Nicolás Gómez Dávila


>Mircea Eliade


>The Sacred and The profane


>The Hermeneutics of Religious Phenomenon

>Julius Evola

>The Roots of Western Nihilism

>Savitri Devi


>Savitri Devi - Gold in the Furnace


>Savitri Devi - Impeachment of Man



that's the price to pay
democracy is degenerate

The fact that you are unable to recognize how superior I am to you proves that fascism can't work. You and your hoardes of average morons will keep your average moron friends in power while the true geniuses of the world go unrecognized.

An Open Letter to the White Man

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Contemporary/IronmarchOriginals/Vladimir - Open letter to the white man.pdf

>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:

>Tomislav Sunic - Art in the Third Reich: 1933-€“1945

>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals

>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh

>Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940)

>Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWII

>William Joyce – Twilight Over England

>Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.

>Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, Eckart-Verlag

>The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany by Arthur Pillans Laurie

>a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich.

>The Foundations Of Culture In Australia: An Essay Towards National Self-Respect

by Percy Stephensen


>dude why doesnt the government just have ultimate power? they will just use it to help us, it worked great every other time

you lefty faggots think you're so superfluous
you'll kill yourselves quicker than any fascist system would

they have ultimate power pretty much now anyway you mong

>mfw yellow fever
>no yellows in my country

I don't know, man! I guess that's just how it's meant to be.
Saluto al Duce!

... I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anybodies post. But, superfluous means unnecessary. too much, like emptying a bottle of ketchup on a handful of fries.

Why would they consider themselves to be that?

All people are not dumb but most people, at least today, are dumb and apathetic.

Fascism is an ideology that places emphasis on the nation and doing the best you can for your people. The few that are put in charge are the best of your people who will use their talents to do the best for the nation. This is why nationalism is so important for a nation. Without it you get what we have now, politicians raping it and stuffing as much money in their pocket before they are voted out.

You think it's fascism but what you all really are asking for is Militarized Nationalism. Having a strong military influenced by a bond of countrymen. Actual fascism means your putting all you eggs in a basket of a handful of men who say they will rule the country to the will of the people. Last time we honestly tried it out (Italy not Germany because Germany was National Socialist) the leaders were beaten to death and hanged for trying to control every aspect of our lives.

>- Inflated bureaucracy meant to surveil the populace and uphold political and cultural purity.
So if there was a White-only country that would be pretty easy. And if there was a one-party state than upheld pro-White values that would again, be pretty easy.

>- Diminished freedom of speech and association.
You're talking about bans on porn, anti-White media, non-White media, non-Whites, homosexuality, feminism, communism, diversity and multiculturalism. Right?

>- Entrenchment of the governmental 'bourgeoisie'.
As long as it's pro-White, who cares?

>- Severe punishment for any dissent.
If you're anti-white, you deserve to be punished.

loads of Japs in Brazil apparently

they think they're the best goddamn ketchup there is, when there's clearly better options

Democracy is literally buyer take all, mob rule. A fake banking aristocracy. Foreign powers buying our politicians. Media in collusion with politicians with banks with foreign powers. Rampant consumerism destroying society and the land. Run away inflation, foreign powers controlling the economy.

i sexually identify as a fascist and i feel oppressed in my liberal body and i'm taking hormones to make the transition from liberal to fascist

I really can't tell when I'm being bated and when I'm interacting with a genuine idiot anymore. Sup Forums has always been a shit place to discuss politics, but things have really gone downhill since the whole SJW thing went internet mainstream.
Whether you are actually retarded or just pretending, I wish you luck.

I agree, get rid of the name though you reddit tripfag shit

I do sometimes. Convince me to.

Subversion through cultural marxism.
This generation, the next one, and possibly even the next one after that have all been tainted.
You can't reason with a cultural marxist.
You can show them as many facts, graphs, and figures as you want. Even if they admit you are right they will keep going back to their base programing, and preconceived notions of the world.

With that said I don't condone fascism.

go discuss politics back on facebook or reddit you brainwashed fool

fascism is merely a stepping stone towards a better form of monarchy

The website is a bit slow right now, I don't know why, but y'all should check it out anyhow.
Fascism isn't inherently totalitarian. It can simply recreate the communist message and subvert the school systems and the entertainment sector, but instead of filling it degeneracy it goes for a Prussian Serf approach and teaches kids to be loyal to the nation and to the people while avoiding degeneracy. If we have students who are wired with the truth and are programmed to resist degeneracy, we don't need to be totalitarian. You would've seen that in fascist Italy, should it have lasted longer than it did. Not enough time to subvert.


In what way is fascism a solution to those problems?

This, Absolutism is what's good about Fascism not everything else (big state can do one)

Nationalized banking that benefits the people, economy that isn't globalist oriented but aimed at supporting the people, social awareness of the land and the culture with greater social cohesion.
Unity among the populace with no subversive, degenerate Alinskyism.

Speaking of Alinsky, did you see Ben Carson name the Jew last night? Shit was fucking hilarious and yet scary. I had no clue how bad Alinsky actually was.

>The few that are put in charge are the best of your people who will use their talents to do the best for the nation.
Sure but what's the mechanism for choosing the best and ensuring that they guide the nation correctly?

>muh ethno-politics
In a fascist state you will not be able to criticise the government on anything at all. Not even corruption. How is that good?

That's just cultural conservatism tho. That doesn't offer any solutions to dissidence. What happens when kids raised under one ideology discover and cleave to another? Stopping them from spreading 'degeneracy' would require institutional intervention, no? It seems to me that Fascism in necessarily statist.

Also, that's a load of bull about Italy. Mussolini was creating a full on fascist government in addition to Church-led propaganda.

Yeah he fucking did. Ben had mentioned subversion and Alinsky during the debates, made me like him more.
Should Trump have made him VP? Do you think he will get a cabinet position?

>okay everybody who isn't blonde with blue eyes stand up
>if you were in Nazi Germany Hitler would have killed you

I don't think Trump should have made him be VP. In all honesty, I don't think he's the right man for the job. I fucking love him, but his radical religious views and how low-energy he is 9.7/10 times would make him be a laughing stock. I do, however, think he will become the Surgeon General.
"Oh hey America, here's the cure for cancer big pharma and the liberals were keeping from you. I'm off to sleep for three and a half years."

jap girls have a good sense of humor

>"Oh hey America, here's the cure for cancer big pharma and the liberals were keeping from you. I'm off to sleep for three and a half years."


>In a fascist state you will not be able to criticise the government on anything at all. Not even corruption. How is that good?
You're buying into the anti-fascist narrative.
You probably believe the Nazi's were the bad guys and the holocaust happened as well.


lol it's so bizarre and silly what he said am i right
give me some karma bro xD


you guys do speak like that over there though desu

>You're buying into the anti-fascist narrative.
What narrative? That a state that makes it its business to promote and enforce certain values and attitudes would also censor political dissent to maintain authority just makes sense.

Do you have an actual answer?

>to maintain authority

That's the lie, it is to maintain national unity, preservation of values and culture, and advancement of the interests of the people. Maybe you are looking for civic nationalism.