Aboriginal thread

Are abo even humans ?
If they are so stupid how do they managed to live so long on this hostile rock that Australia is without even building mud huts ?

How could we fix the abo problem without going full nazi ?

Feel free to post your abo content and stories.

Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=bBIubgsfK8E

Other urls found in this thread:


>be studying law
>in lecture listening about colonisation and imposition of british legal tradition
>everybody walk the dinosaur

Is this 5 dimensions shitposting ?

oh look its this thread again...

>Fix problems
>Not being nazi
Pick one


abo = denisovans

Of course they're fucking human holy shit what's wrong with you?

Look I know you probably aren't well traveled but I've personally heard them play their unique music, give it a chance please.



They literally burned it down and made it the wasteland it is today.
I wouldn't consider them human and I am still amazed humans can procreate with them.

Fun fact: abos never managed to see a causal correlation between sex and getting children.

I just sighed and shook my head.

Fuck off, racist.

We are all equal. One Race! THE HUMAN RACE!

That song sure was aboriginal.

they are finished

They are in reality far, far more advanced than all other races.. they have evolved to the point where they exist in a transcendental realm of eternal light and have long ago left behind the silly pursuits so called modern races chase..

our technologies are all simple and irrelevant to these angelic beings.. we have much to learn from them if we can but see it.

They are a separate human species. I would say they are Denisovan and the media has just covered up that fact because it be ''racist'' to reveal the truth that they are a separate species of human.

They aren't adaptable to modern western civilization - i.e. living in urban areas and solving abstract problems.

They are good at what nature selected them to be good at, identifying plants and living as hunter gatherers.

They have extremely low IQs, proven and measured so many times. They have been reproductively isolated from all other human races for a long time, which meant they under went speciation with no gene flow from other groups of humans.

They are humans in the sense they are still reproductively compatible, but they are NOT the same. A wild timber wolf can reproduce with a jack russel or a german shepherd, are they the "same"?

When you get right down to it in terms of genetics, species is kind of a blurry line. We generally draw the line at whether or not two animals can produce fertile offspring, but its never quite as simple as that.

Brown bears and polar bears are totally different species with different habitats, hunting instincts etc, yet can successfully reproduce if they come across each other.

I suppose we could try letting people live their own lives their own way, and see how that works out.

That was kind of crazy

I saw this before, but it never fails to make me laugh. I expected something like mongolian throat singing where natives produce some crazy harmonic sound thats really unique, then you open this video and its...


Does anyone have the origin of genetics map that shows when human beings diverge ?

I'm told Canadian abos are more related to Asians ,
Why are they such niggers?

All noise is music you peace of fascist pig!

Just fine :^)

Well put James

Antony is great

What if abos are only pretending to be retarded and are actually the master race?


I guess I'll dump some Winnipeg junk too.


Basically we are the biggest biggots in the country

Because stupid Indians keep getting themselves killed
And they blame the ebil white mane even when it's them killing each other.

Hey, its none of our business. Its dey kultcha, who are we to interfere?

they are their own race man.
4 main races

mongoloid (asian)
negroid (obvious)

Yes I think that was Tasmanian aboriginals which are now an extinct race

old but gold

How does a state have it's own flag

Have you read Martian Time slip by PKD

Lmao even the abos are laughing at their own "music"

Ask Britain.

No I'll check it out. Thanks.

Source about the fact they burnt it down ?

The abo's burnt everything to the ground, if you go deep enough into the soil its just ash. They're the reason Aus is fucking hot af.

>new guinea

Try harder. You don't see Maoris or Aussie abbos doing that shit.

Wow, it is weird, on an evolutionnal pov that does not make sense.
I mean there are animals being cannibals but not of their own children unless they are dead or if they have no chance of survival.
I don't even think monkeys act as violent.

>Brown bears and polar bears are totally different species with different habitats, hunting instincts etc, yet can successfully reproduce if they come across each other.
Come INSIDE each other

Oh no, they do. Chimpanzees are just as fucked up if not worse.

Daily reminder that even the most filthy race of homo sapiens sapiens are far greater than anything on this planet.

Besides, New Guineans are fucked up, but very ethnically similar to Abbos, and yet they don't act like that.

>yet can successfully reproduce if they come across each other.

That isn't what classifies two animals as part of a species though. It's producing FERTILE offspring successfully.

I'll help you out. Brown bears and polar bears CAN produce fertile offspring. They still are considered separate species though, because, if you paid attention in Biology, you'd know that the hybrids never express a preference for other hybrids.

Food, desu
look at europe - Cereal grains, cattle/beasts of burden
look at New Guinea - taro root, pigs
Being able to stockpile foods for a long time leads to being able to have a more complex society
There's a reason that Sid Meiers Civilization starts with the technology "Farming"

> you'd know that the hybrids never express a preference for other hybrids.

Thats irrelevant; its determined by whether the hybrid can reproduce again.

>Food, desu
>look at europe - Cereal grains, cattle/beasts of burden

This has been pretty widely disproven though , European foods aren't nutritious, grain is shit compared to things like pumpkins, squashes, various fruits ect. found in the Americas.

The second point is that the animals of Europe were bred to be domesticated; horses were as wild as zebras and dogs as wolves until successive breeding domesticated the animals.

There is however a direct correlation between complexity of a civilisation the the precense of changing seasons, which has produced a sort of "Northern Work ethic" to provide for winter; but it doesn't really explain the civilisations around the Mediterranean.

And as someone who has worked with them, I can tell you that you're wrong.

It really isn't. There are exceptions to the rule. Polar bears and brown bears are not considered the same species.

Technically using the commonly held definition they are; as they were classified as seperate before understanding about their breeding came about.

It's a pretty well known problem in biology called quite appropraitely "the species problem"; its because speciation is an on going process, there isn't a technical knock off point where we can say something has become a seperate species.

Kind of like when a dialect becomes a different language.

>posts the exact same video as in the OP

You're right, but it's almost pedantic to use that and justify throwing the CURRENT status of the human race out the window. By all accounts, no matter how fucking retarded abbos are, they're still human, and I at least believe that they're entitled to the same basic rights we are.

Yeah I completely agree, but I think apes and highly sentient animals should be treated fairly and allowed to live in their natural habitat free from intereference; Abbos generally live in their primitive state because when they have been foricbly intergrated into society, the average Abbo has the mental comprehention of a white seven year old.

By god, it sounds like the sounds my dog makes when he is hungry.

Wait, what are we arguing about again?

>half abbo mongrel faggot.

I feel bad about being a neet sometimes, but then I remember Chris Chan and people like this, and think... It could be much worse.


they sleep on roads


Aussis, please tell funny tales bout theabos, i want to be distracted from the islamisation of my home.

They are actually really hard workers of they don't get on the piss. I was speaking to a farmer in rural New South Wales who owned an abattoir. Apparently he used to employ a lot of abos there and they made really good employees. But then the filthy Sudanese started coming in and they got forced by the government to hire the cunts which put a lot of abos out of jobs. Basically, they would make an amazing low skilled labour source if our parliament had two brain cells between all the MPs. I don't believe they are fully capable of being educated to the same standard as whites, but I know some half-breeds who are pretty fucking switched on, one is a friend of mine who actually browses here. Hopefully he doesn't read this. But yeah, all you need to know about our most intelligent animal in Australia is that they can be integrated into society, would make an adequate slave race and they really can't handle alcohol.


You should still feel bad about about being neet you worthless piece of shit

this is now a bmx biker boyz threade. All white cunts get out


2% of the population 60% of the prisoners


Almost forgot to include some aboriginal folk music.


youre a fuckwit if you get killed by ANYTHING on that list (except the cassowary that is blind fury)

this cunt gets it

What if a spider climbs under your blanket or into your shoe?

Fuck, this is a hard country to live in as an arachnophobe.

Aboriginals are the traditional land owners. We should really stop making fun of them on the internet and treat them with more respect. :/


Is that cummies on those mummies?

Dont tell the yanks but no ones died from a bite since the 70s

United states has the equivalent of almost every one of these.
Plus we have shit like grizzly bears, panthers, mountain lions, moose.
Plus we have blizzards, 70% of the worlds tornados, highest recorded surface temperature...
I actually live in an area with eastern diamond back rattlesnakes, timber rattlesnakes, copperheads cottonmouths and coral snakes.
Neighbor took a picture of a full grown panther in his yard.

That's why I will never visit this country.
At least here the shitskins die when they fall in a pool.

Honestly, Australia being dangerous and filled with Steve Irwins is the biggest load of shit since The Holocaust. Most of us are actual fucking pussies.

I feel like Australia's still got us when it comes to spiders and flightless birds

Aren't most of you on the beach away from all the wildlife anyways?
I have 2 timber rattlers and a copperhead in my freezer right now (been lazy, need to skin em).
Honestly curious, when was the last time you saw anything from that list?
Not talking shit, id guess 75% of U.S. citizens have never seen anything we have roaming around either.

Spiders were why I said "almost all on that list"
We have brown recluses and black widows (I actually like black widows, I have them and never kill or screw with em).
But fuck those ones in Australia.

Survive? You wake up, eat a fruit. It's not like civilization has any real benefits, other than luxury.

Ban petrol?

Dude I'm a truck driver and have see every big predator America has to offer, but thanks to gun laws I'm not allowed to protect myself in the woods taking a shit or piss. So let me tell you we have straya beat in dangerous animals. They have the most venom per capita dough

Australia was largely a fertile rain forest area with mega fauna unique to the area.

The abos hunted by burning everything down then just eating what they could find, they literally looted and burnt down a continent.

Well that is the easy way to hunt and cook your food at the same time

Yeah, just killing everything, all plants that the animals eat, driving the animals to extinction.

No wonder the Abos were the first to launch a successful satellite.

I've seen most of that shit with the exception of snakes, I've only seen them a couple of times. I had a funnel web in my bath once when I was six and I've been shit scared of them since.


That's because of systemic racism and selective enforcement.

No fucking way. They can't really be this bad can they?

Wish i could do this in New York or Minnesota

Fortunately amputations save lives. At least it won't kill you!


b-b-but what is this user.

Good job reposting the exact same video as OP, numbnuts.


Lol, the guy above suggested they were not human, I just picked up on a point that species is kind of arbitrary; Aboriginals are more a sub-species of human because of their isolation, they're ugly and thick as a result and struggle to function in western society.


>If they are so stupid how do they managed to live so long on this hostile rock that Australia is without even building mud huts ?
the Australian outback apparently had less selective pressure for higher IQ than ice age Asia and Europe

> We call the leaders of Ngaanyatjarra lands
> You don't sniff petrol from a can
> You put the petrol In the car it stays
> Don't be Rama Rama, it's messing with your brains

Fucking ell lads don't sniff petrol eh?