What is /pols opinion of The Us Navy?
What is /pols opinion of The Us Navy?
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Awesome. Too many nigs though.
Wish there was a Swiss equivalent I could join.
Cool, but they need to get over their carrier fetish.
but you guys can guard the Pope
they got a lotta broats
>"carrier fetish"
You mean the literal backbone of the modern navy and reason we maintain total control of the world because of OP power projection
at least the american navy doesn't have the weird ramps that the British have
Army has more boats than the Navy tbqh familia
not enough gay sex
there aren't any boats in the navy, only ships
Bunch of buttfucking faggots and niggers on a boat. They're trying to queer up the USMC too now.
Fuck them.
Coast Guard > USAF > USMC > Army > Navy > Fatty Fatty Boombalatty Reserves
Rated by amount of niggers, amount of discipline and professional attitude, skill and education required, and general standards.
someone obviously was rejected by the naval academy
Gay sex, pregnant female sailors, bastard children abroad, alcoholics, tattoos.
thats because navy doesnt have boats they have ships
Not true. Subs are boats
I never joined because my grandpa use to tell me stories about old men officers in diapers and you had to do shit like that to join their garbage shitty fraternities or else they'd beat you with soap and have niggers rape you.
After joining the USAF I can say that I have never seen a single thing from the Navy to lead me to believe I made the wrong choice. Tons of deck chimps and piece of shit pencil necked retards. All their women are dykes too.
yeah i was waiting for someone to point that out kek
All subs are boats.
they some jrumbo broats, and then they got some little broats when they gotta get those pirates.
>be me
>hates navy because grandfather had bad exp
>joins the air force
>calls the navy weak
top kek
Royal Navy here, we very rarely encounter Amerifat tars on shore but when we do, you all seem to be niggers.
Jealous of your big ships though.
And not jealous of your distinct lack of female shipmates. :^)
Do all your seamen fuck eachother or something?
The only branch of the US military I respect is the Coast Guard.
lapdog murderers for israel and saudi arabia
how embarrassing
Pretty good.
I wish my navy was comparable, which wouldn't be unwarranted considering how much fucking Ocean we're surrounded by. My country's priorities are beyond fucked up though, as I'm sure you've all come to realize.
HMCS Windsor is the envy of the world.
>Chairforce deckape talking shit about the Navy like their branch isn't the worst in existence
O am i laffin
>live on a boat for 9 months of the year every year
>live on a boat with angry NCOs and retarded officers and Fetal Alcohol Seamen.
>ain't shit to do but get harassed
>get captured by Iran and forced to apologize
>get killed by a Chinese anti-ship missile
If you want to join the military, literally any choice is better (except the Marines).
Join Puddle Patrol (U.S.C.G.) if you want to be a military-style boat person.
Navy lets their sense of traditionalism come in the way of their sense of professionalism which leads them to be a burden which they only make up for in raw strength and massive R&D budgets.
It's only the US Navy too, every other Navy is great because it isn't a dwelling shithole for homofuck politicians and their shitty nigger pets.
If it weren't for the Army our Navy would also have the shittiest special forces in the military.
You see, while it would be a lot of fun having a 12-inch benis; you can't deny that the good 'ol 6-incher is a lot more practical.
My grandfather served on the USS Colorado during WWII. He told me many stories of being aboard her... I do miss him.
I like the Navy.
>carrier fetish
literally the only important ship in the fleet besides the brown-water anti-piracy vessels.
Navy and Coast Guard a cute
>your grandpa was a faggot that couldn't handle Wog Day and made you into a bigger faggot
jezz louise that's a spicy seafrood
>RCN comparable to the USN
You silly goose, we couldnt afford to run a single one of their carrier groups
your grandfather sounds so based
I was an EMN. Loved the work, hated the job.
Did you even read what I said?
>our Navy would also have the shittiest special forces in the military
Are you retarded? The USN has more elite special forces than every other branch. Even fucking Navy rescue divers are more elite than anything the fucking Chairforce has.
Holy shit, you chairforce faggots are the worst. They never should have separated you from the AAF because you lost your fucking mind AND your balls with one snip.
the only constitutionally granted branch of the US military.
>doing gay shit because its an informal tradition
Its still gay shit. You buttfuckers have that reputation for a reason.
>Ywn see USN blockade Shanghai and US troops lay siege to it outside of battlefield 4
I just commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy. My life is fucking awesome.
>stashed until I go to flight school in November
>modified working hours because summer, so work 9-2
>shoot the shit with the other officers or shitpost on /k/ or Sup Forums all day
>work out right after work
>drink with friends every night
>stashed until November, so I get a whole nother SEC football season, no classes, no tests, just fun
>get to be a pilot eventually
>no debt
>decent paycheck
My life is fucking awesome right now. No regrets.
This isn't 1914. Battleships and Dreadnaughts are obsolete in the face of a carrier
>Navy,Air Force
>You will never see the eyes of the enemy
Thats why you need to join the army to be a real man.
Former Navy Corpsman here
Its pretty based outside of the shitty dress uniforms and being on a ship. Shore duty is pretty chill if you're in the right rate, but sea duty sucks for most rates. I never did a ship deployment though I got stuck with the Marines instead.
Basically anything tech or paperwork related will be comfy as hell. Avoid anything mechanical, seabees, corpsman, nuke related, master at arms or fire controlman. I liked being a corpsman and working in hospitals and clinics, but being attached to the marines fucking suuuucked.
our constitution does not grant a full time standing army. the navy is the only legitimate branch.
>which wouldn't be unwarranted considering how much fucking Ocean we're surrounded by.
That bit went full retard so I got carried away.
graduating next semester, hopefully will be in intelligence see you around
>joining a branch and MOS where you are guaranteed to never see any action of any kind besides watching dudes fuck in the shower
I'm always amazed by people who join the military in a capacity other than combat arms, or at least one of the retardedly well-paying jobs if you have siblings or kids back home to feed.
>dyke bicycle
>tattoo sleeve
no. not even with a rubber
How does it feel, japs?
>this is from the first year only
>War comes.
>US graciously loans Canada a carrier battle group.
>US calls for back-up
>Trudeau says, "Sorry, it's in use elsewhere."
>Converted the battle group into floating refugee center in Halifax
>Syrian mistakes Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactor for a loo
>Reactor overloads, explodes.
>Halifax is destroyed, along with all copies of "North of 60"
>World morns loss of all copies of "North of 60."
I've always wanted to serve on a sub.
>wears chair force baby blue
>calls naval tradition gay
how many dinner rolls can you fit in your exploded anus airman?
>commissioned officer
Congrats, you're set for life.
from article 1 section 8 of the us constitution
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
Cute. Care to explain how that's an unreasonable thing to say? We literally have the most fucking ocean coastline in the world.
my thoughts exactly
You really REALLY don't.
t. Bubblehead
> :)
Air Force has PJs m8. PJs are pretty badass m8, but except for them, sure.
I've droned people.
You can see the whites with full color video. I almost feel bad when they try to run in the last two seconds when they hear the munition.
Sub people don't come out the same way. There's something that happens, some humanity that is lost, by staying in the sub too long. You'll know when you meet them.
PJs are fucking rescue divers that can't swim.
but that extra thousand dollars a month is really nice
Is the gay Navy meme an American thing? How did the US Navy acquire a reputation for homosexuality?
Good luck m8. You air force, army, Navy, doing OCS or ROTC or what?
We got the mobile airfield where it could give you support, sandkicker. There's a reason you will never know what it's like to operate in an area without friendly air superiority and you should be grateful.
It's not worth it. The better food isn't worth it either.
t. Bubblehead
Rescue Divers are more operator than everything else on the list. And the Air Force parajumpers and combat controllers have some of the highest washout rates in SF.
>LSU(because stupid faggot)
>chemistry major(because stupid faggot)
>joining intelligence to give info to seem like a big man
yeah im pretty austistic
its always been a joke pare, the filipino mapya owns parts of the USN. Kakaunti lang bading d2
Other than cramped quarters and recycled farts, what sucks about it?
Bros, defenders of freedom, patriots and whatnot.
They gave us TOR but its the feds that try to put us in jail for using it.
You're in no position to judge, Ivan.
see >youtube.com
Their hazing rituals would make fraternities blush.
Looks like the front fell off.
15% body fat.
I can not discern, there is somebody crying?
> Trusting wikipedia on this
I like the us army in general they really know how to blow stuff up also they have working vehicles, and planes, and boats, unlike cuckmany
My submariner bro said after being stationed on one his eyes literally couldn't focus on anything further away than about 10 feet for several months.
I dunno dude, it has all the appeal of a normal ship but you can't even go outside.
You obviously know jack shit about PJs. I give the AF as much shit as anyone else, with the exception of PJs.
>implying the Navy isn't responsible for onion routing
Not to be a buzzkill, but it's nigh impossible to get Intel via NROTC. Because your unrestricted line, your pretty much stuck going aviation, SWO, Nuke, or SEALS/EOD. You can go SWO and then lat transfer, but Intel straight from NROTC is super rare. They took MAYBE 1 person last year. A comp sci major who was fluent in Russian, Chinese, and English.
Mother of god.... I was just at Grafenwoehr a few weeks ago.
Fuck 'em all, fuck 'em all
The long and the short and the tall.
Fuck all the admirals who give us the flak;
They don't give a shit if we ever come back.
So we're saying goodbye to them all,
As over the gangplank we crawl.
There'll be no promotion this side of the ocean,
So cheer up, my lads, fuck 'em all.
Squids are pretty cool except for the whole gay for dicks thing.
My brother served on a sub. Said it was great and the only thing he didn't like was that he didn't get to see his family for months at a time. He loved seeing the world and liked his work.
kind of homo
As i understand the US Navy is the second largest airforce in the world?
One carrier has more aircraft than most air forces.
Contracted with the Air Force to commission as an officer after college.
Going to a military-focused college, so I get shit on by Army, Navy, and Marine friends.
It's not like I wanted to do badass operator shit anyway ;_;