Why does Sup Forums hate Milo all of a sudden? He's pretty based. Is it because muh black dick jokes? He's spot on on most things he says.
Why does Sup Forums hate Milo all of a sudden? He's pretty based. Is it because muh black dick jokes...
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Honestly should south americans even be allowed to post on Sup Forums?
He's an attention whoring fag and it seems as though he always takes contrarian view just to be different even if he doesn't necessarily support that view.
I hate him because he's gay.
And because he's an arrogant, narcissistic twat.
I do think it's pretty good that he's spreading the redpill message around universities in America though. That's pretty good. I just wish he wasn't a fucking homo, or a flamboyant cunt
Probably because everything he does and says is just a launching pad for his own media career and he doesn't actually subscribe to most of what he argues. He's a complete degenerate, the worst kind of attention whore.
I never liked Milo and everyone who does, with no exceptions, is a cock fetishist.
Why do you care if hes gay? I ask this as a Nationalist, not a liberal. Why does it bother you so much that youd rather see our nations fall to shitskins than to have a gay man spread our message around?
user has a point
Because he is like those alt-right faggots who act and feel superior for their beliefs. Ergo, very arrogant, and very flamboyant
>a complete degenerate as a major representative of the movement is a good idea
because he's an insufferable kike faggot
Because Sup Forums is being flooded with shills right now.
i don't see the problem in someone outing lefties
he's useful because he's a faggot and the SJWs have trouble taking on his arguments
i won't go all out like some of the twitter sickfucks and buy his merch or retweet everything he says
i laughed so fucking hard watching all him post all the leslie jones stuff though
sad he was banned
debate me i guess
Because these are shills, and it's a movement of shills created to cause disfunction within our small group.
These are the same retards that think the jews are controlling Alex Jones is a government or jew controlled controlled opposition.
and this
Yes, but only Chileans.
gotta decide whether the normalization of homosexuality is worth the advocacy to normies on other issues
i think yes because ancient greeks and romans so who cares
he is definitely influential and i think pol do well not to reject him
He's an attention whore and a faggot
Who the fuck cares
He can get a message to people you and i could never do
He seeks fame
Unlike Ben Shapiro who is a professional badass
Hitler had Rohm...
Goring wasn't gay but he was pretty degenerate with women and alcohol and general gluttony.
I don't hate him but his gayness is tiresome. But that might be his point, to be over the top (lol), I mean, obviously it is. Whatever and yeah where was I, yeah fuck you
>checks flag
>Why does Sup Forums hate Milo all of a sudden?
Sup Forums is inherently contrarian across all boards, give it a few months and they'll like him again.
I really wish Ben wouldn't have put all his egg in one basket with Cruz and that woman that cried wolf. I really like him despite all the shit he's done regarding Trump
I tolerate him
Because he can be a real cunt
Just because he says nice things about Trump doesn't mean we have to constantly suck his fag dixk
>Uncle Shapiro
*Into the oven it goes*
we all criticize occupy wall st because lmao organization with no goals and no leaders
milo is subversive and while he doesnt represent any of us 100% he expands the overton window
He's our useful degenerate. Him being a fag makes him a de facto POC and thus he is immune to 99% of criticism from sjws.
He's a tool we have to use because the left has weaponized the concept of white/straight/male privilege.
The more you hate us we will succeed
He has always been bargain bin hitchens to me.
Bollux. Sup Forums loves Milo.
Milo is a very logical and articulate advocate for reality and evidence-based beliefs. His homo-sassiness is either a fun bonus or a slight irritant - depending on your personality.
Sup Forums has always hated that racemix promoting, Israel loving, attention seeking manwhore. The only people who like him are those who migrated here from r/thedonald.
I give a full argument for why Milo is wrong in this thread
He is hurting the right with his faggotry.
First we had jewshills now we got stormshills, they try to take over pol
and who are you?
Milo is a diety to me
>posts on a Christian board
>wonder why we don't like gays
I don't know man, most of Sup Forums seems delusional about reality. They don't understand it's a GOOD THING to have different types of people pushing our political beliefs. Sup Forums ACTUALLY BELIEVES if we go back to a party of nothing but white straight dudes we'll have a chance at affecting mainstream culture, it just isn't true. When white straight guys push conservative beliefs it's just seen as archaic. The more fags and blacks and trannies we have pushing our views the better. I'm fine with a few fags like Milo walking around if it can affect our society for the better.
>Why does Sup Forums hate Milo
because he is a faggot
Because he' s an attention faggot.
true conservative, unlike you stormfag
He's a jew attempting some sort of perverse reverse psychology
>true conservative
don't you have a church to be praying in?
Because he is a stealth liberal. There's no such thing as "alt-right". You're either conservative or not. Simple as that. His only redeeming quality is that he hates Islam.
Milo being a fag just means that SJWs are turning against fags.
We already saw that in Orlando, where they defended a Muslim mass murderes against innocent gays, many of them black or hispanic.
>They don't understand it's a GOOD THING to have different types of people pushing our political beliefs.
Yes they do.
> (You)
>>true conservative
>don't you have a church to be praying in?
why arent you people going to debate what is more jewish
"suncream or airconditioning"
"inkpen or pencil"
after al the things i've red this week here, I have concluded that you are all bunch of schizofrenic sick idiots
>Why does Sup Forums hate Milo all of a sudden?
>Milo wrote about banning trolls in 2012
So perhaps what’s needed now is a bolder form of censure after all, because the internet is not a universal human right.
If people cannot be trusted to treat one another with respect, dignity and consideration, perhaps they deserve to have their online freedoms curtailed.
>be Milo
>"Your internet freedom should be taken away if you're a meanie."
For sure, the best we could ever hope for is a smattering of unpopular show trials. But if the internet, ubiquitous as it now is, proves too dangerous in the hands of the psychologically fragile, perhaps access to it ought to be restricted.
We ban drunks from driving because they’re a danger to others. Isn’t it time we did the same to trolls?
>Milo for banning trolls
>troll online
>gets banned
hes ok
Sup Forums doesn't hate Milo.
There are just more shills around than usual
>more shills around than usual
I just got shut down by one, and if I keep it up I'll get shut down by one again.
True Conservative here. Faggots are degenerate. I don't like National Socialists here. Fascists are just big government socialists. They can go fuck off.
fuck off jidf kike
fuck off back to the hole u crawled out of
go suck you skinhead brothers stormshill
What I forgot to mention was that what I mean by being shut down by one is that he made it perfectly clear that's what he was doing.
Because god hates fags, faggot
>h-having a d-diffferent ideology litterally makes you hitler
funny that you put words in my mouth, like SJW does, you people shill expert mode, that Milo Guy is gay alright but you stormshills are fags as fuck
>nigger dick sucking kite faggot controlled opposition
LMAO at your life
At the end of the day, they're getting paid to do it.
>implying you arent a sjw hillary plant
stop pretending faggot
kek will strike you down soon for your faggotry
No not trannys. I'm okay with them redpilling amongst their own kind but the minute a tranny becomes a somewhat prominent face for the right wing is the moment the movement implodes. Gays are fine, they're mentally disturbed but only to a degree. Most are not delusional like trannies.
Our conservative values have limits, user.
He's just spouting Sup Forums memes. Any retard could do the same.
You have to be 16 years old or less to consider him a God.
t. Milo
This time a million. They are posting the same shit every ten minutes, and then same fagging all their own threads cause no one actually wants to talk in their shit threads. Gas the shills
>getting paid to shill stormviews
wonder who is behind this post
You dont even know what you're saying, keep shilling schizo, I hope you feel like you have done something today
I covered this last time, shill.
Jews love anti-semites, if it weren't for the stormfaggots they wouldn't be able to push the eternal victim narrative.
Turning point for me, the moment when I realized where I stood on said flamer, was a video he has with some other fruit. I don't remember the topics or details, but it was like watching two retarded, poorly adjusted teenage girls squirming in front of the camera. I had to take a shower after watching as much as I did. He's got his entertaining moments, on tv talk segments for example where he shows a modicum of restraint. But overall, would you really want to get behind him?
>Why does Sup Forums hate Milo all of a sudden?
Someone told them to - notice the same people posting the same shit in those threads. It's Shill Shillington and friends.
>. I just wish he wasn't a fucking homo, or a flamboyant cunt
then he'd be Ben Shapiro, and there's already a Ben Shapiro.
who gives a fuck if he's gay? srs
It's because the majority of Sup Forums are a bunch of faggots with a Loli fetish who believe Jews want to destroy the white race and (((Milo Yianoppoulus)))'s (((mother))) is Jewish.
funniest shit i've ever heard
>implying they do need to jack shit anymore other than bring up their 6 grillion figure
>d-don't hate on kikes you guys or you are a stormfag shill
fuck off jidf
>christian board
>implying they haven't destroyed europe already
>h-hating jews makes them p-pedos
fuck off mehmet
People do realize if he wasn't gay, he wouldn't be allowed to say half the shit he says or get as much of a purchase in the media?
>who gives a fuck if he's gay?
It's not the mere fact that he's gay. It's the almost visceral squeamishness that his particular type of faggotry elicits. What if you had some valley girl kind of youtuber, with a silly girly girl squeak for a voice, who would twist her hair around her finger whilst making points about Assad or cultural appropriation. You might be excused for not being a fan. Not everyone ids comfortable swallowing his brand of fantasticness. Although, as I say, his restrained bits aren't too bad. One senses, however, the hysterical flamer boiling just below the surface.
>Germans bring in a bunch of mudshits into Germany while Jews are massacring mudfucks in the Middle East
Go back to Gaza Ahmed.
>inb4 some rabbi quote that no one ever heard of
we are being raded by reddit
just hide the threads
>Christian board
he's not a liberal, he takes care of himself, he's glorifying cis males and western culture. intolerance of homosexuality is semitic in nature. the ancients regarded homosexual relationships as completely consistent with marriage and family life, and they frowned upon men who formed exclusively homosexual relationships
Because the small minds of pol are finally realizing that most entertainment people only are portraying a public persona which is more for their own economic benefit than to advance a cause that they care about, and they're butthurt over that.
honestly user why do you think these leftist fucking cry babies get so much attention it is because the left has so many people like milo
>being gay
>being a kike
i never really followed milo or anything he did but i did not hate him
he could spit right in the faces of sjws
but now what's happened is that those same sjws are blocking a source of right wing values for the most part
which should be unacceptable
getting rid of the stage from under him like that
look whether u like kikes and fags or not it's important to have right wing sources like these if we ever want to see trump as president we need to be banding together not falling apart even i am able to set aside my hatred for jews
Which sounds more believable, that the majority of Jews themselves are regarded in the same way that ordinary goyim are and you're desperate to weaken two different right wing narratives by drawing lines in the sand and setting them against one another on some irrelevant racial tangent, or that I actually give a shit about Jews?
Mostly just CTR shills just trying to divide the Alt-Right
Hi Milo. How'd you learn how to use a proxy? I thought you got your dicksuckers to do everything for you.
>implying it was not jew open border activists pleading for open borders for europe
and you claim it was not jews?
>g-go back to gaza
implying i ever said i supported merkel or her jew husband
stay blind like a good goy hans posting on 4chinz while your wife is getting fuck by jamal
If any of you own stock in Twitter, sell now. It's about to go under $10 within the next 8 days.
This is not a joke, pull out now.
>You don't agree with me? Must be a shill :/
i hope so,
i hope it goes under way lower so the saudi prince gets cucked
either way there must be some twist to you
are you mexican? getting deported? don't cry pablo
/pol hates degeneracy and although Milo has been useful he is hijacking the alt-right to suit himself and his degeneracy.
>here comes the quotes
>y-your w-wife i-is g-getting f-fucked b-by a-a n-nigger
You ain't fucking my wife bro
>c-calling y-you a-a c-cuck i-is an argument
He's the same type of faggot that posts cuck porn.
>pull out now
great investment advice
did you even have an arguement to begin with
the only thing you tried to argue is that i blame jews for everything and then went on to call me ahmed
i know its ironic mehmet
>germans not cucked
and if you're not a german you are a dirty mudslime
>you ain't fucking my wife bro
clearly someone must be if it ain't me
>j-jews are the good guys please believe me REEEEEEEEE
stay butthurt senpai (senpai means family)