Do you genuinely believe you are more intelligent than Obama?

Do you genuinely believe you are more intelligent than Obama?

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I can form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, so quite possibly.


Maybe I am not as superstitious as the cabal he takes orders from. He's probably a very well educated goy though

I'm sure he has a great personality

but listen if if if if
fiffy okey doke!

No one is as intelligent as Obama thinks he is.

>non-lawyers can be smart.

No. President Barack Hussein Obama has done more for America than just about anyone else in history. The only exceptions are Washington, Jefferson, FDR, JFK and Clinton.

I'm probably less intelligent, but have more common sense.

oh and Lincoln.

Yes, IQ 148 so I'm more intelligent than every nigger that ever lived.


No, I don't think anyone here can claim that.

But I'm sure a few of us could claim we would have better judgement in his position

says the leaf, remove texas' individual growth and obama has posted losses in every catagory. he hides it well by citing shit stats and avoiding detail

You fell for that right wing retard chart didn't you?

You seriously think every state other than Texas has lost jobs since Obama took office?

People as fucking retarded as you should be euthanized. I'm serious.

he isnt smart, the man is a racist narcissistic sycophant. his atheism fuels the disdain of the west and its way of life. he actually believes that whites actively prevent black progress, and capitalism is theft

Yes, easily. That's why I don't spend millions of dollars keeping my grades hidden from the public, and did not attend pass/no pass classes in liberal arts.

No. I think he has good intentions, but flawed ideals that he lacks the ability to realize. He was never fit to be president, even if I did agree with his politics.

I htought the problem was salary has been stagnant for most americans for the past 20years

Yes, I can speak to people without going "" like some autist.

considering i live in texas, ive seen my state flooded with jobs from California. the only saving grace of the obama economy was the fuel industry he tried so hard to quash

Lol the 2010s are the all time record growth decade for wages.

Right wing retards are just fucking losers who can't get jobs.

U.S. Wage Growth is on Pace to Break Records this Decade
The 2010s are on pace to be the best decade for wage growth on record.

a sycophant to whom? kek

Cool anecdote bro. That must be why California is the 6th largest economy in the world you retarded faggot.

California Economy Grows To 6th Largest In The World

And how is that economic growth related to Obama? All this proves is that he was better than George Bush not that he's intelligent or a good president.

You can't really be much of a disaster when bigger disasters have already happened.

No, he seems like an incredibly intelligent person. I wouldn't necessarily think his opinions were more valid, except in terms of the information he was access to, because he's a Leftist and that obscures your ability to look at things clearly.

Intelligent people can have different idealogy. Just because someone can split an atom doesn't mean they understand how to lead a society. I'm sure he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing

yet its flat broke and the state has no money because everyone who makes big money keeps it elsewhere. give up leaf your information is wrong

>do you believe that you are smarter than someone who has been coddled by quotas and entitlement programs their entire life?
Yes. Yes I do.

Probably not but at least I'm not evil.

I've never had wreckless gay sex multiple times.

The inability to assess risk during short term gratification is a sign of low IQ.

He literally has an iq of 90.


He's a nigger and I am Aryan.
Next stupid question

he's hand picked nigger/jew mongrel, with a deep voice, of course they're going to choose the personality characteristics and intelligence required to keep him under control

I have no doubt in my mind that they 'created' at least 8 mongrels, all at the same time, and picked the best one to elevate to puppet status

Lol. Largest budget surpluses on record.

California's budget surplus soars to new heights;

You right wing retards really are fucking autists.

what's going on in this pic?

In any quantifiable objective measure probably not. Probably not most of the people posting here either but we have something he never will. We can speak honestly and share our own thoughts, not the thoughts of the corrupt political class collective.

In a 1 on 1 debate with the above average Sup Forumslack Obama would probably be humiliated because he doesn't really believe any of what he preaches. None of the higher politicians do.

here you go

Hard to tell. He hardly ever speaks a word that his handlers didn't write first.
Obama without teleprompters seems to be pretty dense. But that could have been nerves.

My dog is smarter than Obama.

My dog knows that you don't shit in your own house.

I get your reasoning but its probably the other way around

remember the nigger journalist and officer clarke

clarke did his duty as a soldier, said the obvious thing over and over, didn't lose his cool, but the journalist nigger had strategies ready

the very first thing he said was 'our message is peace, whats YOUR message,' implying that if you don't instantly agree with him, you're in favor of conflict

its very challenging to beat a prepared opponent, especially when you're talking to emotionally programmed listeners, who instantly react on instinct to a wide variety of trigger words

Nobody is more intelligent....nobody

Community organizer.

Is that a real job description? Anywhere?

probably in canada

This. He probably does have a considerable degree of innate intelligence, but it is squandered as is the case with most marxist indoctrinated pseudo-intellectuals.

More or less, but I won't pretend that I've done a single thing worth claiming high intellect over. The problem with Blammo is his ego. He just will not listen to dissent, admit error, or stoop down to doing the real politics of a presidency. You're always wrong. You're always completely wrong and he has all the right answers if you would just step back and let him Change America.

It is for Alinskyites.

No, and that's the problem. The man is so cunning and devious that I can't fully comprehend it.

Classic Sup Forums retardation

Maybe not, but at the very least I'm not a globalist stooge. Obongo can go fuck himself.

What does Marx believe that Obama doesn't?

Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money.

I knew and fully understood the difference between liability and full coverage insurance before I received a licence at 16.

Obama and his average intelligence seriously scared the fuck out of me at first, but the government pretty much operates the same regardless of who occupies the White House.
So meh.

Honestly, I can't tell. I'm smart, but he has access to information that I can't even really fathom. Either he is acting on information not available to the general public most of the time (entirely possible) which leads to seemingly idiotic decisions, or he is deliberately guiding the country down a path he prefers because he's dumb enough to think it's the right one.

Personally, I think he's smarter than some, but not most.

the insect sucks all the organs out of the other one until it's just a empty shell. It's a pic from my phone. I have the whole thing on video when the bug lands on it, paralyzes it and just sucks it dry. Pretty cool

It's obvious that your average Sup Forumstard is at a minimum 25 IQ points lower than Obama. However, that intelligence is wasted because Obama lacks any real morals and is in the pockets of George Soros and Goldman Sachs.

nature is scary

I have a visual/spatial IQ of 150 so it's pretty unlikely that President Nigger is more intelligent. Not impossible, just really really unlikely.

Hard to say, because it's hard to tell if he's trying to ruin the country on purpose or just a colossal fuckup.

Is this why your lurk Sup Forums faggot?

>Claims his more intelligent than obama
>Surfs Sup Forums

>which leads to seemingly idiotic decisions, or he is deliberately guiding the country down a path he prefers because he's dumb enough to think it's the right one.
>Hard to say, because it's hard to tell if he's trying to ruin the country on purpose or just a colossal fuckup.
He has other (((masters))) telling him what to do


Eh, maybe. If he's so intelligent, though, I don't know why he doesn't understand that he shouldn't speak out about shootings of Blacks before the investigation is complete, and why he can't urge Americans to wait for the results of these investigations before deciding whether or not to be outraged.

"If I had a son..."

Oops, turned out after piecing all the facts together that Trayvon probably went back to whoop Zimmerman's ass. I mean holy fucking shit, did King Nigger not realize his words almost denied this man a fair trial? FUCK!

I would call you names but maybe you don't have Cicadas where you live. They are actually beetle-like bugs who perch themselves on a tree or a fence. Overnight they shed out of their shells and have wings so they can sit high in trees and make obnoxious noise all night

>that nigger
>being able to handle the discrete maths I eat for breakfast


oh so it just evolved from Metapod to Butterfree? you got me man

Marxism is so deeply entrenched in modern academia, and has been for the better part of the last 50 years at least, that kids come out of college/university avid marxists and not even know it. You are likely one such deluded cuckold.

He knows that niggers don't have the time preference to wait for a complete investigation and will likely chimp after no charges are brought or the acquittal inevitably comes anyway. He has to strike while the blood is hot if he wants to push his "muh federal police," meme some more.

>avid Marxists and not even know it

Reminds me of something Obama said shortly after taking office.

He mentioned only recently finding out that not everyone liked FDR.

Amazed me that someone could go to college, teach at a college, run for and become elected President without know how that many people hold FDR in contempt.

Yes. I would make a far superior executive administrator.

But people won't vote for me because I'm not a good liar.

anybody who uses "uh" that much is a certified retard.

If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

I sincerely suspect that I am, senpai.


Nope, just as intelligent thats all.

Though if I wanted to ban guns I would have done it in a more effective, yet insidious way. And he couldn't seem to come up with that.

And my whatever-care would have worked better, though I think its working exactly as its intended.

No, but I don't think Obama is really that smart either. His is still a mastermind though at playing his hand and at adapting to Chicago politics. He in himself is not that smart, but the people he surrounds himself with are so really it doesn't matter. This is why he makes mistakes sometimes and his own people like Eric Holder end up resigning. A truly smart person would never be that exposed because they wouldn't need to be. Watch the Facebook movie and notice how Mark works if you don't believe me.

>affirmative action

>Watch the Facebook movie and notice how Mark works if you don't believe me.
He's neurotic. What else are you implying?

>all these edgy teenagers reassuring themselves that they are smarter than the man in the highest executive position on earth
The biggest mistake one can make is underestimating your enemy. You can have your fun calling him a dumb nigger but if you actually believe that then you are a bane to the opposition.

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

>adapting to Chicago politics
are you fucking stupid? blacks will completely shit all over equal opportunity employment and will overstep anyone who isnt black in everything. obama walks in, says he is black, so they shuck and jive, ensuring he gets a space in politics to move towards presidency.

his whole fucking platform was based on race, and it was ALL about white guilt. its how he got elected

its not that he is smart, it is that people are fucking gullible and feel bad for shit they had no hand in. its why people defend israel so quick today even though they arent even jewish. its why people are so quick to accept murderous muslims into their country

Yes. If I were born a blessed halfrican into the political limelight he was handed on a silver platter I'd be the first king of Ameristan by now. This kid is an armature. He doesn't have the sense to know that the time to strike is now. He's still operating on 90s DNC software like baby steps are all that can be taken.

Newsflash Barrack: White America was just ripped asunder by Donald Trump. They're defenseless against any executive orders you undertake in your lame duck term because nobody but nobody wants to fuel the "racist," fire narrative that's already overtaken the nation. If you sat down today and officially gave citizenship and voting rights to anyone who has crossed or will cross the Mexican border and sent as many military transports to pick up and deposit muslim refugees for the same, by sun-down tomorrow you'd be in charge of a voting bloc that would never lose another election. Not just that, but you'd have a loyal iconoclastic imagine that would almost certainly into the next century.

Stop pussy footing around damnit. They're on the ropes. Land the killing blow now before they get a chance to put Trump in office.

Yes, I'm not a nigger.


> Implying I don't defend Israel because they troll Arabs gud.

My IQ is 70. So no.

AMA if you want.

No way. That means you're retarded right?

Well they estimate his IQ at 120-130 and I was tested and got 144 so I guess I am.
However, intelligence means shit, especially on individual level.

I guess so. I do struggle to understand a lot and remember a lot. I'm just coastering through life.

>My IQ is 70

Who told you that your IQ was 70? I'm black/mestizo and my IQ was measured at 82. I never graduated highschool because of algebra. I find it hard to imagine anyone with an IQ lower than mine can type. I have to think extremely hard just to accomplish basic reading and writing.

I'm not a nigger so yes.

>IQ is 70
>can type
>can form sentences

When will you run for President?

I got a brain lesion and it dropped my IQ from 90 to 70 on most stuff. I can't even remember which test I took but it was legit.

I was never smart but head injury can mess you up and keep some parts of you relatively normal.

I'm Irish. So no working with a high bar to begin with.

How far removed from English are you?

I may not be as "educated" but I feel certain that I am more "intelligent" than BHO. BTW, BHO's are bad for your browser. The guy in that show was "Bowser". Show business is fake. I own a business. Oprah's OWN is a failure. Failure is not an option. Therefore, as a United States American...

He will be remembered as one of the smarter and charismatic POTUSes. I honestly think I would like the guy if we ever met, he seems ridiculously down to earth.
Can't say the same for some gibbering retard like Bush.