>destroys a planet engaged in active war against the empire that has a huge portion of rebel leadership there because assaulting it would take too long >wins in battle and kills numerous armed civilians who are revolting against a government that the majority of the galaxy voted into power >pure evil
>rebels blow up two space stations with hundreds of thousands of civilian contractors and workers on them >routinely sends poisoned food and chemical-laced supplies to sabotage imperials, resulting in widespread death and suffering >engages in bombings and shootings of property and imperial loyalists/soldiers to rile up the population >victories lead to the deaths of many soldiers just trying to serve their government or get paid, including loving fathers, husbands, sons in their quest to restore a corrupt monarchy under a power-hungry senator >pure heroic good guys
Reminder that the Empire did literally nothing wrong.
Benjamin Brooks
Yuuzhan Vong
Grayson Ortiz
>under the empire the Vong invasion would've been stopped with light casualties within weeks >under the NR the Vong invasion lasted several years and resulted in trillions of deaths
Ayden Cruz
>a planet engaged in active war against the empire that has a huge portion of rebel leadership there I remember no such thing
Matthew Cook
The EpIV novelization covers it.
Colton Martin
>destroys a planet engaged in active war against the empire that has a huge portion >rebels blow up two space stations with hundreds of thousands of civilian contractors and workers on them All of who are working on a legitimate military target. No one complains about WWII bombing campaigns that targeted industrial areas, it was those that were purely targeted at civilians as a form of terror that is controversial. A civilian can be involved in the war effort too, just because you are a civilian doesn't mean you can't be a legitimate target. The rebel attack on the death start is justified, they are forced to and it serves an immediate military goal. The Death Star blowing up Alderaan was an act of terror specifically designed to incite terror and achieved and served no military function.
>revolting against a government that the majority of the galaxy voted into power This never happened. Palpatine illegally extended his emergency powers to create an empire without any sort of vote.
Lincoln King
>Palpatine illegally extended his emergency powers to create an empire without any sort of vote The Senate voted to make him Emperor
Hudson Watson
Nathaniel Edwards
Not in the movie. In the movie he just says he is making it an empire. They voted him emergency powers for a specific emergency, that is not voting in an emperor.
Jordan Parker
In the novelization it's explicitly stated that he's voted for. It's also made very clear in the film that the Senate supports him, it's not a coup.