Is The President Show going to make comedy central great again?
Is The President Show going to make comedy central great again?
This guy's Trump is pretty good. And it is going to trigger the Alt-Right SJWs, so I see it as a positive. I probably won't watch it, but I'm glad it exists.
>matryoshka dolls
>Alt-Right SJWs
Are those the same as Nazi communists?
REEEEEEEEEE don't make fun of my God-Emperor!
No, they're the conservatives that cry themselves into a tither over every little thing in entertainment that they deem offensive to their Alt-Right sensibilities.
I voted for Trump, but I'm hoping this is good, I don't mind satire if it's well done, and mostly people have just taken cheap shots at Trump this whole time. This guy seems to understand Trump's mannerisms and thought process, which gives me hope that it'll be well done and contain smart satire.
hes not funny
I liked it better when it was called That's My Bush
>Beauty and the Beast is racist because they made that sexy featherduster black.