Can someone please explain #GamerGate to me? Long version preferable but tl;dr appreciated

Can someone please explain #GamerGate to me? Long version preferable but tl;dr appreciated

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dogs barking at each other
the end

Doesn't America have orthodontists ?

Ugly bitches who can't get laid play video games. Fine, I have no problem with that.

But they're not happy - they have to try and force their absurd feminist fantasies into video games, video games that are almost UNIVERSALLY played by MEN.

Gamergate was a backlash against feminist bullshit. Unfortunately, it didn't succeed - if anything it has encouraged feminism.

Who knows what the solution is, but thankfully male-centric games are still made, and presumably studios won't stop making them, because they'd lose out on all those shekels.


having straight teeth doesn't matter when you're exterminating the liberal pest

Ugly bitches blowing nerds for undeserved game reviews.


It spawned that self-promoting cunt Meelo. Well done gaymers.

The long version:

> Zoe Quinn decides her games are more important than anyone else's, takes to social media to shill them
> Encounters bitter ex-boyfriend and mocks him
> Bitter ex posts proof that she slept with at least five game journalists to get better reviews of her game
> shit meets fan as it can only do on Twitter

you aren't allowed to talk about it on this website, ask on 8 gag

attention whore sucks dick for positive game reviews
investigation by angry nerds reveals game reviewers all have incestuous relationships with each other and push ideologies and agendas together in the media
attacking the journalists for this reveals that the mainstream media is just as incestuous and corrupt as the gaming media is

and they're all fucking funded by (((globalists)))

>be a hambeast
>dye hair
>get degree in Gender Studies
Hmm... how can I make this pay a professional wage?
>discover indie gaming scene is stuffed full of sex-starved beta orbiters
>make a shit game stuffed full of leftist ideology instead of interesting and/or fun content
>fuck beta orbiters into giving you 10/10 5 Star reviews, pussy whip them into writing side stories promoting mad leftist ideology
>get caught, shit hits the fan, Gamer Gate
>start new career as professional cyberbullying victim, make speeches at the UN

> Bitter ex posts proof that she slept with at least five game journalists to get better reviews of her game

You say this but Wikipedia says the accusations of her relationships in return for reviews were false:

>After a former boyfriend of Quinn wrote a lengthy disparaging blog post about her, others falsely accused her of entering a relationship with a journalist in exchange for positive coverage

Do you have proof? I'm not entirely clued up on what happened

All you need to know from a reliable source.

Gamergate was the first time a group actually won against the feminists.

>one post by this ID.

Americans really don't have sens refinement

Some girls pulled the misogyny card on games for no reason and shit stirred to get a bunch of money and idiots reacted by giving them more attention.
Now its just jobless idiots fighting with attention whoring idiots even though games have been fucking shit for years

Long version:

over 14000 words since this is obviously one of the most important events of our time...

Ok so this chick gets called out for being a whore. But how does this relate to feminists? Did it start with the media crying about sexism?

top kek

>cucked guy blogs about how his girlfriend has been cheating on him with game journos for favourable reviews
>Sup Forums investigates, finds out shit loads of conflicts of interest
>multiple places start discussing the issue, but suddenly all discussion is silenced in unison by the site owners and moderators
>a shit storm blows up as there appears to be wide spread collusion
>multiple game journalism sites start publishing anti gamer articles and calling people misogynists all at the same time
>digging reveals "game journo pros", a secret group where journalists collude to push a progressive narrative
>gamer gate discussion gets banned on Sup Forums
>migration to 8 chan, gamergate gets organised, starts going after websites by mass emailing their advertisers

Most game studios won't turn to feminist games because they are more than aware that feminists don't play video games and that they would lose a lot of money from doing so because they would also lose their main customers.

As long as they don't have any stupid regulation, things will stay the same and we won't have "Adventure of Tumblrina: Finding your genderoqueer shitter in Patriarchy land".

Jesus christ find that guy a dentist

Something about make gamers making fun of female gamers on top of certain games containing sexist undertones with female characters.

It's like a BLM against male gamers.

If I had to bet, this guy is from down south in Appalachia. They don't have the money for an orthodontist.

OTOH this guy could probably head shot you at a half mile while drunk.

wikipedia's edited and written by SJW cucks, of course they say the allegations aren't true.

I don't have the proof directly on hand, but she had close relationships with the journalists who gave her positive reviews, and the massive backlash from all the media outlets when people started making a fuss about it was incredibly telling by itself

Like, this went from "literally who gives a fuck" tier, to "what in the flying fuck is going on" when a half dozen major gaming rags started shitting on people for talking about it; this prompted more people to investigate, and was then followed by the entire gaming press doing this "gamers are dead" bullshit, which only got more people digging into it, and sparked a bunch of SJW nonsense.

The whole thing is fucked up and stupid, but it revealed that gaming """"journalists"""" are getting influenced and paid by certain interest groups, and further research into it revealed the mainstream media was just as complicit in it as the gaming media was, and for far longer.

Take a look at the clinton foundation general to get a better idea on the kind of brainwashing bullshit the mainstream media pulls, and who funds it (hint, it's george soros and the tavistock foundation and the entire purpose is to create useful idiots (SJW's) as a subversive and divisive group in the west)

Yep. This.

The most shocking thing about Gamer Gate was the fat blue haired whale that had sex with a ton of men in the "game journalism industry" while cheating on her cuckold boyfriend.

This all could have been avoided if desperate males didn't fuck land whales.

We men are to blame for this, in the end.

Dont worry moot is kill.
You can even say nigger now and pedophilia pics on /b is at an all time low.
Whst a time to be alive

Short version - everybody knows game devs pay magazines and websites for good reviews
>10/10! A++! Greatest Game Ever!!!1!

But people found actual evidence of it and more disturbingly found evidence of feminist developers using sex and blackmail to get good reviews of their really really poorly made games.

Femwhores proceed to lose their shit and start acting like victims.
MGTOWfags proceed to lose their shit and start acting like retards.
Tremendous shitshow ensues.

Only good thing to come of it was enough sponsors left Gawker that it was weak enough for Hogan's lawsuit to basically bankrupt them.

>Fat fuck make a proposition, she gives a good rating so your shitty game will sell "ten" time as much
>The only twist: You need to fuck her
>Dev is a poorfag

What GG was
>fukken corrupt gaming journalism and cunts abusing it
What the cunts abusing journalism said it was
>fuck women in gaming

> social media takes Quinn's side, uses this as a rallying call to mobilize their SJWs to destroy the male-dominated games industry
> gamers notice, rally in defense of their vidya waifus
> SJWs mock nerds for their numerical inferiority, expect to impose their fundamental change practically unopposed
> nerds are now mad enough to actually analyze the situation and build botnets
> first round
> SJWs have their gaming journalists declare anyone who criticizes Zoe a "psychopathic man-child" while nerds fill the support sites of all Zoe's publishers with complaints about her game
> SJW insults ignored by nerds, nerds get Queen Zoe's publishing contracts cancelled, scoring direct hits on both her bank account and incredibly fragile self-esteem
> SJWs BTFO, go into panic mode

What was the name of that one social engineering group that was funding some of the gaming tabloids? Silver link or Divegra or something? I know once that started being found out, that the threads got slid really hard.

Sexist boys got mad that women play videogames too

They got butthurt as fuck

Women got butthurt as fuck

Everyone was butthurt

Women won

Boys are still butthurt

Bitter ex posted names, dates, and even photos collected that Zoe and her new boyfriends had sent to him as taunts.

Can't post them here, because technically it's doxxing.

>Enciclopedia dramatica becoming a beacon of truth
What has the world come to

GameJournoPros was by far the biggest discovery by GG. 150 people in the industry fixing reviews, pushing political agendas, and blacklisting people.

Idk tavistok or rand?

>January 2015 post
>Perhaps they will launch an inter-racial war to keep us busy if #GamerGate fails