Is he the next "JUST..."?

Is he the next "JUST..."?

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Literally who

Reminder that Tosh.0 has been airing for nearly a decade. Feel old yet Sup Forums?

Why is he the next JUST?

Dude is 41

hes a german faggo so prolly

His wikipedia image made me laugh. He's doing that on purpose.

what's he doing that's so funny

Full body stance, typical white dude.

Based guy, doesn't do interviews, doesn't do talk shows. Just fucking does whatever he wants and his stand up shows sell a shit ton of tickets.

And for a good reason, his stand up show that came out last year was fucking hilarious.

He's already unJUSTed himself

No wonder americans are so fat, delicious shit like this is only 99 cents?? Sounds like a good deal to me

Tosh is one of those guys you'd expect Sup Forums to absolutely loathe, but they actually don't mind at all.

How come?
sounds like /our guy/ to me :^)

It's cheap because the ingredients are mass produced poison for your body.

I realize that, but it's probably pretty tasty.

doesn't deserve Sup Forums's sympathy


>Somebody was so upset they made this

I feel like I should hate him because hes an insufferable faggot but I cant stay mad at him when he triggers oversensitive moralfags

user wanted to know why he isn't hated here.

This is why.

What did he do?

I remember when the rape joke thing happened and it seemed like most people were on his side. Which is weird because that was only like five years ago and now I feel like if somebody made the same joke they'd never work again.

nah there was a huge backlash against him, he got a lot of support from other stand up comedians and decent people but he got in trouble for sure

I really appreciate how friendly he is with the werid guests on his shows. Like he busts their balls a little, but he does it in a way where he treats them like an old friend. Done with a lot more class than the Youtube reaction fags like h3h3, and actually pretty funny since Tosh is an experienced comedian and not some dickhead who only knows how to repeat memes. I think his show really captures the spirit of the wild west days of the internet. It celebrates the weirdos and not the social media, marketable model types of online personalities.

In 2002 a gallon of gas was also 99 cents

Yeah but nothing happened. It would have been a big deal if his show got cancelled or something, but all that happened is a few crazies wrote some shitpieces on him that nobody even cared about.

His interviews with the weirdos are pretty amazing. Very hard to pull off.

I used to like him but the dude promotes rape culture which isn't really cool at all..

He's kinda hit and miss to me, but pretty solid over all.

He isn't over hyped because he is smart enough to limit his media presence almost entirely. I would be interested to hear what he has to say on JRE or Opie but its a smart strategy.

I didn't realize it but he's like a 44 year old German dude.

Rape culture isn't real

tip that fedora harder you fucking faggot

>t. nu-male
Back to tumblr nigger

lmao epic, shouldn't you be making more runescape tutorials you fucking virgin?

What are you even doing user?

He's baiting, just stop responding.

Aren't you two clever? Thank god you Sup Forumsfags stick together, 2 halves of a brain make 1 I guess. Lol.

Daniel Tosh definitely has the ability to pull something funny out the air from time to time, I can also see why people wouldn't like him though.

I think he's really good at delivery and for being funny that's almost everything.

No. You're bait. No one has this much autism.

Oh wow we got a real Sherlock Holmes here don't we!

I liked the part where you projected your own flaws(autism) onto me, that was really smart and funny! :)

Hubby used to like his show before we got together, but I don't let him watch it

Not even worth a (you) honestly, mate. I've got better things to do.

>Daniel Tosh looks old
Jesus Christ how old am I!?

>Done with a lot more class than the Youtube reaction fags like h3h3
What do you mean? I mean, I'm not much of an h3h3 fan but outside of a slight hint of condescension I don't see anything wrong with the videos where he interviews the people like Tai Lopez.

like posting in Sup Forums threads? lol

Seems based, I like how he handled that feminist heckler who was yelling that rape was never funny.

>"Wouldn't it be funny if she got raped right now?"

Is there a video of this?

rape is always funny though

It was a wild time...

I fear getting doxxed but I was actually asked to be on his show tosh.o