The Forever War

is this a Sup Forums approved book?

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Don't the soldiers have gangbangs all the time?

starring James Franco?

yeah, lol.

Somewhat, because the future soldiers are completely mixed race and homo and the main character (a fucking white male) is their resented leader. It's actually just about PTSD and Vietnam though.

Not really. It's the anti-war, Vietnam era Starship Troopers, written by a draftee who was not stoked to be there. Excellent book, but it's not Sup Forums.

Channing Tatum, actually. I'm interested to see how they deal with the gay society themes in the movie.

also this

Man, like 80% of Turtledove's stuff is /tg/-tier shit.

The books are alright.

Yeah that is why it is so fun.

Looks like Milo on a bad day.

Great series. Have you read pic related?

It's not a very good book, and I don't understand why so many people praise it.

I didn't like the characters, the plot, nothing. The book was thoroughly awful the whole way through and I honestly believe all the praise for it is simply because they've seen other people praise it.

>one of the best science fiction war stories ever written
>a fucking leaf says he didn't like it

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

His smile and optimism: gone.

Kek. Humanity trolled the ayys so hard in that series.

That book really made me think desu. Imagine living in the 50s, everyone is traditional and moral, hardly any degeneracy. Then you go to a war for several years and when you come back, people are dying from a fag disease, family and friends are mixing with niggers and doing drugs, running around nude, someone had the godawful idea to give niggers the right to vote, etc. those Vietnam veterans must have gotten fucked up

Sup Forums used to have storytime the graphic novel and it was amazing. I tried buying it online but it's 100 bucks a book.

>Dat ending
>Dem feels

No one ever talks about the Starship Troopers book. It's an amazing read.

>Imagine living in the 50s, everyone is traditional and moral, hardly any degeneracy

I think to Haldeman it was more "imagine living in the 50s, everyone is panicked about an enemy no one understands, the world is rapidly flooding with doomsday weapons that could be dropped at literally any time".

Not everyone sees the 50s as a Norman Rockwell painting.

Either Channing will learn to accept the faggotry, as it would be bigoted not to, or it's ignored completely.

I just couldn't see a modern adaptation portraying homosexuality as even a slightly negative thing.

Sup Forums talks about it all the time. It's just easier to shitpost with .gifs from the movie than to refer to a book with like 15 pages of action.

I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to make it as understated as possible, or even made it prohomo.

Later editions of the book removed two or three lines that Haldeman thought were unnecessarily homophobic, which I think is reasonable. The situation is obvious enough without the main character saying "gee these fucking fags sure weird me out".

It's like in Stranger in a Strange Land, where Heinlein went out of his way to make the main character say that homosexuality is unnatural. This is the most hippie-shit free love polygamist fucking science fiction book ever written, and it still shits on fags for some reason.

That wasn't exclusice to the 50's. The Cold War continued for decades. I'm talking about how the 50's were culturally superior, pretty much the last decade without Marxism

GREAT book, but hard-ish sci-fi is without fail, absolutely depressing.

Wtf was up with the sequel though?

Both were written in serial for scifi magazines, Haldeman was just trying to crank out stories to pay the rent.

Forever Peace is good shit, though. It's my favorite near-future drone warfare book.

Well, as others have pointed out, it's about getting sent to Vietnam and dealing with society back home, which is represented in the book through time dilation. Which is pretty neat.

> I don't understand why so many people praise it.

Wrap your head around the fact that your shitty taste is not, in fact, representative of what qualifies something as good. The fact that your criticism of it is as thoroughly anemic as to fit into a Twatter post says it all, really.

The original comics are kind of old, which might explain why they're so expensive. I've never seen them in stores. The newer ones by Marvano shouldn't be that expensive, though.

I do have to say I respect the fact that Haldeman went to Belgium to get his comics done. Dude also wrote movie scripts. He really got around.

I could see pro-homo in an adaptation. They'll explain how it saved humanity from overpopulation, allowed us to survive against the Taurans, etc.

It must have just been a product of the times, despite all the hippy dippy stuff most people still thought fags were weird.

Please, go into detail about what you felt was good about the book.

> But as they begin their assault, things take a turn for the absurd—the Roxolani attack with matchlock weapons and black powder explosives

Stopped reading right there, I can only handle so much autism at a time.

vastly under appreciated and basically prophetic

Characters, plot, everything. The book was thoroughly awesome the whole way through and I honestly believe all the praise for it.

I've always advocated reading

1- starship troopers
2 - forever war
3 - armor

In that order. They seem very complimentary to me.

The biggest reason is that it's the only good depiction of relativity in science fiction, and that it's woven into the plot. That's what science fiction is about, to take scientific concepts and use them to tell stories about humanity. It captures the feeling of alienation soldiers feel coming home and uses the lens of science fiction to help illustrate it for the reader.

It's literally the genre at its best. If you can't see that it's your own retard fault.

What about Old Man's War? I liked that too.

It's an ok book. It is notable for being one of the few space travel novels which takes time dilation seriously. Much like Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land', it explores experimental hippy sexual and gender neutrality arrangements which have since proven to be untenable in reality, so keep that in mind.

AFAIK Dune is the most Sup Forums scifi novel.

Old Man's War is just so pointless. The other ones are about something, or at least have constant violence like Armor.

The consciousness switching plot thing was neat, but it's low-grade pulp science fiction. Read The Lost Fleet instead.

>All of humanity turns gay in the future

What do you think?

I noticed this with many of the classic Sci fi books people always rave about. Then I realized that apparrantly most sci fi readers are liberal/sjw types and it all started to make sense. I dont have to agree with shit in a book to enjoy a good story, but a lot of the classic nebula and hugo books are trash and just get their status because muh virtue signaling.

>See Ancillary Justice

Scalzi is a fucking cuck

>dose asses

Spess military big into squats I see.

> Lost fleet
Great book. Definetly need to read the series.

>creative consultant on Stargate Universe

Shit makes sense now.

Can you name other stories, that take time dilation seriously?
I like space fiction but I can't stand ignoring that.

The first 2 books of old man's war were great imo.

The Lost Fleet feels like a children's book.

>tfw when his son died, Card went completely off the deep end

The entire middle third of Ender in Exile is just the crew of a spaceship performing The Taming of the Shrew.

I liked a lot of scalzis books but i cant read him anymore because hes such an outspoken liberal cuck ass motherfucker. I wish authors/celeb would just shut the fuck up and do what they are good at.

They're decent reads but Scalzi writes everything like a TV screenplay. I've already seen Babylon 5, I don't want to read the novels.

>Dune is the most Sup Forums scifi novel

>Basically immortal women who rule the universe from behind the scenes
>Space muslims who still exist and are a major faction
>Jews still exist
>Sup Forums

The only part I liked was the description of orbital mechanics and the fighting involved, but that was literally it.

The use of relativity in the plot is passe to anyone who's seen it used a dozen times before, and Ian Banks' description of interstellar and intrastellar combat in The Algebraist was vastly superior.

Otherwise the novel was utterly disjointed, the main character was inconsistent in his beliefs and motivations, the different 'eras' he came back to didn't make any logical sense. Altogether it felt like a mess of a book trying to ride off Starship Troopers' fame as some sort of critical theory counterpoint to it; A lot of praise for a novel that a lot of liberals took to as the anti-starship troopers.

It honestly reads like communist propaganda in book form.

You gave as much of a praise for the novel as I did a criticism that you attacked me for you fucking hypocrite.

Immortal men control all the shipping and finance of the universe, though. The Bene Gesserit are just conniving bitches.

You should read feminist critiques on Dune sometime, it's great.

This make me want to read Dune even less than I wanted to.


>man is from a society that's sliding to the left, hard
>they added women to the military and authorized orgies to indoctrinate them more to leftism
>time dilation occurs
>while he was gone, everyone mixed, overpopulation became a problem
>government and jews go for one world government
>government pushes gay agenda to cut down on overpopulation
>MC cannot deal with this shit, signs up for another tour
>time dilation
>everyone is now a gay mulatto clone
>fuck this ahhhhhhh
>time dilation occurs
>cloning became so insane that humanity achieved akashic record knowledge and shared the same mind
>since they share one mind they discard all bodies and become one being
>the superhumanit being uses telepathy to communicate with the ayylmaos they were fighting and ends the war
>MC is given a new planet with heteros to live as he sees fit

Forever War is a hell of a drug.

It's plenty Sup Forums. None of the crazy lefty shit is portrayed in a good light at all. It's anti war, but only in regards to bureaucratic incompetence.

For a short book it felt like a forever bore. The stars, my destination was much better despite being a little bit derivative of Monte Cristo

>You should read feminist critiques on Dune sometime, it's great.
I'd imagine it gets pretty bad. For once women are portrayed as a force to be reckoned with and feminists critique it, that's interesting.
I was just joking guy, the books are pretty great.

He was part of SG-1 too, so what's the point?

Dude just gave you the Sup Forums bantz summary. The jews don't pop up until book 6 and by that point it feels like just another demented space cult.

Remember in the miniseries, where because they had no budget they just gave the Spacing Guild penis hats and the Gene Gesserit vagina hats?

I can't believe Children of Dune managed to be so good, considering.

The Stars My Destination is... I don't know how to best describe it...

One of the best books I've ever read, but it's also awful in a lot of ways.

I guess the best way to put it is that the book feels sort of forced along a certain path. What happens in the novel doesn't quite flow logically.

A comparison would be the ending of the His Dark Materials trilogy. Yes, it was very emotional and touching, but it was inconsistent and didn't logically follow - the ending felt forced.

Likewise, The Stars My Destination feels a bit forced.


> 2013, classic ...

Should have said Left Hand of Darkness. That said, Card won joined prices for a novel twice. We can safely say they swing both ways.

I haven't seen the miniseries but from what I remember it was pretty great after taking budget, actors, etc. into consideration. It was at the very least a faithful representation.

>haven't seen the miniseries
*in a while

Misanthrope detected



>constant violence like Armor
i think your mind pushed away the whole middle section of the book with the space pirate

Among themselves?

Generally speaking by the way, Hyperion is an absolute must read. Dan Simmons is one of the few totally non-pozzed active writers of really excellent prose. I have read almost all of the best known scifi books + a lot of more obscure stuff and Hyperion stands out as uniquely excellent.

The men are all given vasectomies and the women are required by military law to be promiscuous, as a way to relieve stress and create unit cohesion.

Space isn't like Saigon, there are no hookers. You have to bring your own.

>are required by military law to be promiscuous
Wtf, I love the Army now.

because they are in space for such a long time the soldiers are at a 50/50 male to female ratio and encouraged to share the bed with varying partners every night.
i don't think there is any mention of an interstellar gangbang in the books, but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen occasionaly. your imagination is the limit when reading a book, user.

I'm reading the honor Herrington series. It's more of a space opera than anything but it's pretty negative to liberals. Not for social reasons just their blindness to the necessity of war. The antagonist is a socialist dole government that's expanding its empire because they're going broke and need the economies of those they conquer to feed their dolists and quell their rioting civilization with war patriotism.

it's literally "gays in space" so yeah it's Sup Forums

I know for sure that none of this exists on Starship Troopers book, tho Rico banged the Captain of the ship he served.

But it was very clear that thing was totally off the records and could put both on cort martial.

I honestly can't think of any. A plausible scifi universe that doesn't ignore time dilation would need to modify humans and their societies in such a way as to make them unrelatable to us.

talking about the forever war, hue hue hue

You niggas should read "The Man who Folded Himself"
I finished the book as both embarassed and honry.

My bad.

>Eternal Jews
>Muslim-esque Messiah conquering things and then setting up a horribly stagnant civilisation
>Women scheming and sneaking

Not Sup Forums-tier?

Read it. Was alright.

I liked the style of Blindsight (Watts) a lot.
A Fire Upon the Deep
Rendezvous with Rama

>The other ones are about something, or at least have constant violence like Armor.
>Read The Lost Fleet instead.

Thanks for these. I was running out of stuff to read.

Perhaps, but would card win today? Hell no. Card deserved it for Enders Game but not for Speaker IMHO. AJ was just an example of complete trash winning. I did not mean to call it a classic. Stranger in a Strange Land was shit tier too. And I like Heinlein.

Who here has read Infinite Jest?

well you just spoiled the whole book.

not knowing how it develops was the best part about the book

you fucking leaf

>just took a poo in the loo

Is my shit Sup Forums approved guys?

>Not Sup Forums-tier?
In a dystopian sense.

Mote in God's eye is more similar to those if that's your style. Also excellent.

Everybody on Sup Forums already read this book user.
Its a requirement to use this board to read that book among others.


People today forget what the science fiction scene was like in the late 70s. Speaker for the Dead was the first GOOD depiction of a first contact scenario. Asimov and Clarke and them never dealt with first contacts, and Star Trek sure didn't have their approach down yet.

Speaker seems outdated and lame now because people have been improving on it for almost 40 years.

Just doing my job, reverse first aid kit!

More or less. The Golden Age of sci-fi is still good today is you just turn on your suspension of disbelief.

I dont mind reading old books with computers that still has "valves" instead of circuits.

Fuck, I have the entire "Perry Rhodan" series since the first on my computer.

I think I will finish all of them by the age of 50, if I dont die first.

Dune is completely based

What? Thought /lit/ memes itself hard over this thing.
I liked it quite a bit, but it's been a year and a day since I last opened my copy.

Martin chronicles was 1950 and did first contact pretty well. Not as 'hard' as the social-cultral-interpretations of Speaker but still pretty interesting.

This book is prophetic

>setting up a horribly stagnant civilisation

To save the species tho

He is a good writer, just overrated, especially in /lit/, so i memed a bit.


Also, Solaris (1961), but that almost goes without saying. Such a wild ride that one. I was depressed and hopeful at the same time. Weird feeling. Only a Polish philosopher could pull that off

Is Book of the New sun Sup Forums approved?

Thats fair.

I cant remember what Speaker was up against but it just didnt seem the best to me. Some books do not age well and i try to give them the benefit. I just think the nebulas and hugos are more about virtue signaling than actual good books. Was it always that way? I dont know. Which most awards are just that.

We should start giving out Sup Forums awards...

Why does noone on Sup Forums ever talk about Iain M Banks books ?

I really think it's very Sup Forums in essence with the Culture and all.

and also it is some of the best SF out there, I'd even say the best.