So Sup Forums how do we tackle the obesity epidemic? Can the degeneracy be reversed? Feels like Wall-E will be an understatement about humanity at this point
So Sup Forums how do we tackle the obesity epidemic? Can the degeneracy be reversed...
Obviously not pokemon go
Bring back Aerobics USA
Stop drinking cider, going to the chippy and eating kebabs. The kg's will just melt away.
This might be a bit awkwardly worded because it was originally a conversation I had on /fit/, but it should convey the message.
We should view obesity as we view smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction. All are degenerate choices someone makes that harm their own health and make them dead weight on society, pun not intended with regards to the obese. I think that when someone looks at an obese child, they should look at that child with the same horror as if they had just seen a child smoking, or drinking alcohol, and the parents should be punished for encouraging degeneracy in the same way.
>How should we punish parents?
Punish them in the same way you would punish parents who allow their children to drink or smoke. One firm warning, followed by regular meetings to ensure the child will lose weight. If the parents do not comply, the child becomes a ward of the court.
>How long would it take for this to make a change?
Not too long. It wouldn't change overnight, of course, but the fact so many parents would be learning about living a healthy lifestyle to help their children would encourage some of them to lose weight. In a few decades, being fat would be a shameful thing, like being an alcoholic, but, unlike an alcoholic, you cannot hide being fat.
Not a bad fuckin idea m8
Concentration camps.
Fuck off
I'm not announcing my sage
fat camps already exist. The problem is they aren't mandatory.
I'm not talking about the kind you can leave
obese adults are basically a lost cause, they have to learn for themselves that they are nothing but human pigs gorging themselves
we need to revamp physical education and nutrition into one class where we teach kids at a very early age the basics of eating your macronutrients + resistance, interval, and cardio training
Ban fast food, chips, soda, and any other shitty jewish food.
Ban women from working so they sit at home and COOK A FUCKING MEAL instead of taking their shitty kids to Mcdonalds.
>Overweight People Tax
>Corn Subsidies Tax
>NYC BloomBergs Sugary Drink Policy
>K-12 PE Standards should be on par with USMC Training Standards.
Ban personal automotives.
>more difficult for them to acquire massive amounts of food, especially soda, limited to one backpack or one milk crate of food per shopping trip
>have to exercise if they want to go anywhere
>if they want fast food they have to bike there
>every extra pound they have will make it more difficult for them
>no more 30,000 americans being murdered by car drivers every year
>air is cleaner
>fuel is cheaper for goods transport, medical transport, and air travel
>public transport will get more funding, may actually have decent rail and train system
>thinks this
Have you ever met a "stay at home mom"? They don't fucking cook, not more than box mac n cheese or something frozen they shove in the oven. I literally knew one, rented a room in their house for the summer. No job, just kid duty all day every day. Planted the kid in front of the TV. Every meal they ate was takeout or delivery, every single meal every single day. Not once did I see her cook anything.
>Corn Subsidies Tax
Why not just get rid of the subsidies?
Fucking this. I started walking instead of taking a bus or being driven everywhere a few years ago and have up to now lost well over 10 stone (140 pounds/63 kg) and I'm now just under 11 stone.
People act like it's so hard to lose huge amounts of weight, JUST WALK.
>eat lean meats
>eat salads
>nuts and fruits for snacks
>do cardio 3-4 times a week
>weightlifting 3 times a week
wow how not to be a fatass i can't believe it was so difficult
Its a very hard problem, we came from a time of no automation and little food, to the reverse.
Very little physical effort exists in the average person's life, physical shit is now an OPTION, something people only interested in fitness do. There's nothing which you must do in your daily life which is physically demanding anymore.
We've also upped technology in food manufacturing and distribution, we have many thousands of calories in very small packages, extreme food calorie-rich abundance everywhere, food which is somewhat unnatural and tricks our body chemistry to tell us we're not full yet, etc.
Prohibition doesn't work.
People want to eat shit food more than they want to be in shape.
You have to make people want to be in shape more than they want shit food.
The way you do that is by manipulating the culture to make it completely socially unacceptable to be a fatass.
Unfortunately we're heading in the opposite direction.
Also you mirin?
but try telling that to fatties
you think they don't know this shit is how to stay healthy?
they need to be forced
74% of men are overweight and 1/3 adults are obese in murica
its fucking sickening
how about you make healthy food more available, aka cheaper
and not everyone knows how to fucking cook, fuck
>wake up at 5:40
>leave for work 40 minutes later
>work til 16:00
>come home at around 18:00
oh boy, I can't wait to go out for a run after all this
who said you need to go for a run?
Just eat less calories than you consume
Oh you're really busy? Great less time for you to eat
We as a culture need to start praising strength and a fuel-oriented view of food. Exercise should just be a constant part of life with deriving pleasure from food being a purely communal activity relegated to sitting down to dinner with your friends/family etc.
I have absolutely no hope that this will happen
>how about you make healthy food more available, aka cheaper
Its not something that can be magically done by politicians. Good food is now more expensive to produce compared to the tripe people shove down their necks every day, producing good clean food is time consuming compared to shit you can throw in a microwave, that time and effort in not producing McMeatPaste shit costs money.
Only the wealthy can enjoy good quality food and so much less of them are obese compared to the average person. Funny how things change.
I didn't say someone forced me, I want to go for a run, but I sure as hell don't feel like going out at 30+C
man, I haven't eaten lunch this whole week, literally eat a sandwich at 6am in the morning and some rice at 7 pm after coming home.
It isn't fucking healthy
>it isn't healthy
Yeah well neither is being overweight
And I eat two meals a day all the time
You don't have to eat just rice to lose weight
Prep 7 meals on a sunday takes like one hour and the food is in bulk so it's cheaper
Stop making excuses
>Be a useless autist and stop making excuses
Lawl. Nice to see Sup Forums is now full lefty nanny state, btw.
Short term:
>take away welfare from fatplanets, unless they agree on strict weight loss program
>make obese people pay for treatments and operations performed because of their weight (no free shit anymore)
Long term:
>use jew tactics to kill off fat acceptance in society, manipulate people enough for them to be horrified when they see a fat person
There, done.
Oy gevalt, this is the least thought-out plan I've ever read.
>If the parents do not comply, the child becomes a ward of the court.
How you think this would work:
>Parents, being good and just people with the needs of their kids at heart, enforce diet and exercise after a few major news episodes of fat children being taken.
>All is well.
How it will actually happen:
>Parents, being the sort of people that need more motivation than "your child is fat" to care about their child's health, don't give a fuck
>Hundreds of thousands of Ethels, Bonitas, and Le-a's lose their morbidly obese children to the state
>Keep having children because they don't want to lose their sweet, sweet government childcare funding
>Literally millions of fat children put into government care within a few years
>government can't afford healthy food and hands-on exercise guidance for the overloaded system
>every news agency runs daily "look at this poor child cry about how much they starve and torture them!" stories
>every politician involved gets voted out
>vast, sweeping new fat-friendly policies are implemented