#PrayForSyria is trending on Twitter

>#PrayForSyria is trending on Twitter
>People are using it as a political platform to bitch about how we only care about French people dying

Give me some ammo to use on Twitter Sup Forums

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>Giving a shit
thats ur problem


If you aren't #PrayingForBlackLives you are part of the problem and racist.

Paki flag?

Why would I care about a country in which my existence is punishable by death?

>muslim countries don't even put their flags at half mast when their people make another terror attack

We barely give a shit about French anymore
84 people died, 10 of which are children and there 50 children currently in the hospital, many of whom lost one or both of their parents.
The Nice attacks were front page news for less than 3 days.
Once these attacks start occurring regularly, people won't care about about them anymore than when attacks occur in the middle east.

Pretty sure they wouldn't care about France/Germany attacks. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised their average Muslim citizen would be praising it.


>Give me some ammo to use on Twitter

Cmon dude. Its a shame we destroyed their countrys and we dont give a shit about them.
A real christian cares about the others but same of you behave like niggers

>what is caring about more than one thing at a time
fuck off OP


That old analogy holds true:
>If I wake up and find shit in the toilet, it's annoying but not too much
>However if i find shit on the kitchen table, this is cause for concern
You can tell exactly why no-one cares about constantly war torn, shit countries by how we're rapidly becoming desensitized to the attacks in France. It's expected so it's not shocking or even worth reporting, it'd be like running a headline article saying "Man dies after being hit by car! Shocking new story" every single time someone's hit by a car


Talk about how ridiculous black lives matter is in comparison to conflict in syria.

We don't care about cucked nations. We have bigger things to care about like Trump being our God emperor.

Why supply arms to rebels anyway, what's the motive?

They have a point. When those police were gunned down in America, it made headline news even here. The next day, 3 police were killed in Kazakhstan or somewhere by a Muslim, there was no mention of it anywhere.

Everything you say will only serve to feed em, if you act like they dont exist they'll have a breakdown and disappear

But you don't get in man, they arm MODERATE rebels ! They're different, when ISIS beheads from left to right, MODERATE(tm) rebels behead from right to left !

Because we aren't connected to these places.
Fuck off with this globalist bullshit.

Its just dickwaving. We feel the need to be involved with everything so we pick up a couple syrians, train them in jordan for a month then drop them back in syria just to get bombed by russians. The entire thing is pointless.


3rd world countries dont matter im more concerned with terrorists shitting things up in the first world

Ye right, you guys are SO naive and stupid haha, there is no thinking whatsoever behind it it's just clumsiness xD

I was expectig pic related people... What are you, slow?

I think we should start #PrayForShoas just so we'd get rid of all these idiots

NATO should stop backing Erdogan and Saudi's, we should collectively stop finding Jihadists, we essentially started and fanned the flames of all of this, westerners are literally so stupid most cannot even find Syria on a map.

White people, as the only adults on the planet, are responsible for crying whenever any children get hurt.

What's the problem?
Everyone love us

You're kidding right? The CIA is one of the biggest fuck up organizations in history.

I care the same as I would for a village of gypsies being nuked.

To me, the BBC reporting the BLM shooting is the same "globalist bulllshit" as Kazakhstan. Either report both or neither, one should not have more attention than the other, especially when neither have anything to do with the UK.

french user, i..

Because we care more about countries that are close to us and are friendly than countries that are far and are hostile to us?

a qt :3

Its not a fuck up if its intentional

since when does any one care about attacks in France anymore?

You people watch too many movies.

Go assad go.
Trump will win b/c hillary armed your foes

>caring about french people dying


This is why we need Trump. Under him this would've never happened. We'd be killing jihadis instead of arming them, and we wouldn't stick our dicks in countries where it doesn't belong.

user we care about French people dying to Muslims and niggers

The thing that loses us hope is that French people don't seem to care when they die to it

You are way to naive



And then you know the whole MKultra, training of serial killers (mainly through phoenix program), drug smuggling, invention of crack, countless coups against democratically elected officals, countless assassinations

then again you probably know all of this but you just like to discredit people amirite?

It is impossible to try and justify supporting Assad. The best the US has tried to do is find some good groups in hopes that the can take out the more radical element of the rebels. That won't happen anytime soon, but the US has had tremendous success in supporting the SDF (which has YPG and rebel elements in it), they offer a bit of hope that at least a part of Syria won't turn into a complete shithole. They have significant Arab numbers with them as well and they've been getting along pretty well.

I think that maybe in the future — after the SDF with the help of the US connects the entire northern region — the US will try and hunt down al-Qaeda elements. It could be easy since their vetted groups on the ground know where al-Nusra and other are, all it would take is a few drone strikes on high ranking meetings and they'd be in disarray.


Even french government does not give a shit anymore too.
It became routine.

I care about you France :C

You should say something like:
"Don't worry in a short while — thanks to muslim migrants — the French and Belgians will be at the same level as the Middle East"

lol weak fgt

What is this a park manager for ants

>People are using it as a political platform to bitch about how we only care about French people dying
well we actually do, caring about people getting skills in syria is like caring about starving children in africa, no one fucking cares, its impossible to care, this is so far away and these people are way too different and disconnected from the western world for people to care, its psychologically impossible. the only time youre able to care is when you see a commercial about these starving or bombed people and you feel sad for a day maybe and then you go right back to your consumer behavior because "its really sad but i will just repress this thought because i dont want to change my lifestyle"

isnt this just a case of racism of low expectations. its like saying these people are so fucking dumb and weak that they cant make their own decision and take back their own county. its like when you play a game and die once and your friend instantly rips the controller out of your hands saying let me show you how this works.

>Syrians to not start a civil war
I'm sure it was only Syrians with no help from Saudi Arabia and his dick rider America.

French had 2 atacks

first with 100 deaths second one with 180

only 60 people died in whatever shithole they were fucking goats on

That not even HALF of the number of frenchs that died

to protect israel

implying my kikebook feed isn't filled with #prayfor every single time

Why do they think this is some conspiracy? Of course nobody in the 1st world cares about t*rkroaches and pakis except maybe bleeding heart FAGS

>neighbours mom dies
>cry like its my own mom

In an interview Assad kept blaming Qatar for financing the revolution but did not really mention Saudis


In Nice there is people from diverse nationalities who died. American, belge, russian, etc. In syria, there is only syrian.

If it makes you feel any better I like you more than Quebec


I wouldn't doubt it, many think that the Qatari government and private citizens finance ISIS as well.

Either way, America's jew hands are all over this bullshit Civil War.

getting killed*

No you guys are terrible afraid of a world where Eurasia is united and you have no control over it.
Which is exactly what will happen. Just a matter of time.

We live in europe so we care about europe. It's natural to care more for those you share something with culturally and historically. Also things that happen in europe are more related to our personal safety.

That being said i think its very difficult to defend america's foreign policy a lot of the time. I see little diffrence between drones killing innocents and all these muslim terrorists that do the same in europe. I guess one is more intetional than the other but that doesnt really excuse it in my eyes

The world cares about the French because the French have given the world plenty. What has Syria ever done for the world?

The Middle East has been a warzone since their independance. Western Europe isn't since 1945.
How hard is that to undersand.

Why can't people see the distinction between tragedies in 3rd world countries and 1st world countries?

3rd world states are violent places in perpetual civil war, 1st world states are supposed to be examples of how civilization can become peaceful and have a high standard of living.

It's like liberals want everyone to collectively get on their knees and pray for Africa and the middle east to be not shit. That's the only solution they have.

> Point out that you wouldn't want to go "policing the world" because these same people would bitch about it or even support terrorism against France if France were to get involved.
> With that Turkish flag too. Tell them they brought those kind of actions on themselves by being an islamist shit hole involved with terrorists.
> Muslims in general because Muslims in the west sat by and watched these organizations form right in front of them, thinking only the evil Europeans/Americans would be affected.... So fuck them.

Those bleeding heart fags are the majority of the population in western countries


>shit in the bathroom = no one cares
>shit in the kitchen = everyone upset

This is fucking ridiculous.
Yes it's sad, some innocent people died.
They're already slaughtering each other. If they were so scared of death they would flee.

Produced Steve Jobs and Jerry Seinfeld.

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

since when did the French control Brazil and Portugal?

they might have btfo us but they didn't conquer us

>only syrian
and most of them died by russian cluster bombs. if syrian lives matter, tell russia because they've killed 10's of thousand.

do it legaly or dont do it at all

Seriously, this

Chimps have been chimping about no one paying attention to them for the last week or so. I don't know what hashtag they use though because I'm not a faggot that uses twitter.

If you say #PrayForSyria then you're distracting the medias attention from all the black people who were killed by the bus
And then if they question just say the one drop rule goes both ways you klaner

It's not control, it's "had war with".

If praying did anything I would. I do wish these people would stop killing each other because then the ones not fighting all leave and take their shitty islamist beliefs to europe and the rest of the world.

BLM is happening in a independent country much like ares is coming, it is much more related to the british specialy if you changed it to muslimlivesmatter

I'm praying for moar sunk boats and dead syrian rapefugees

(media black out)

Don't act like you roaches are any better. You're letting uneducated sand niggers commandeer your government

>gets owned by his own minorities and lefties in his country
at least our leader can control his snakes lol

But i don't care about syrian, i care about my people aka white people

>me some ammo to use on Twitter Sup Forums

How about "it doesn't matter which county you hashtag or pray for because neither of those things do anyone any good"?

This "my thoughts and prayers are with X" shit is just another way to self congratulate and stealthily siphon attention from an event that has literally nothing to do with you.


then you should be organizing with other white people through the church right now.

Yes, we are also struggling with our own group of retarded people who shouldn't breed being allowed to have too much of a voice

>we destroyed their countrys

Who's we, Pierre? You got a frog in your pocket? My country probably had way more to do with it than yours and I don't feel at all responsible.

>two nations gather around to mourn tragedies

>two other nations giving each other a hug over the blood they spilled while the cameras weren't watching

Pretty accurate picture desu

nothing personal senpai
i am just not going to shed a tear for strangers collectively committing mass sudoku
only because they value what others think about them over the physical and psychical well being of their friends and relatives
even in Würzburg i mostly feel sorry for the two chinese tourists getting chopped than the locals
friends don't let friends do PC

if ataturk was to be here he'd say "wow what the fuck happened to the price of alcohol" jk he'd purge all of these people

How the fuck can you be on Sup Forums yet be so fucking bluepilled?

The reason this started trending is because of a US airstrike actually.

How come you guys are always involved in the civilians casualties ?

Do you just don't give a shit ?

well they're right. I DO only care about French and Belgian people drying. When the fuck has Syria and Turkey ever done shit for the rest of the world? It's not even news when they kill each other, it's literally just another fucking day for them.
