>I get my haircut at a Turkish barber
>I get my lunch from cheap ethnic food places
>supermarkets now sell delicacies from all around the world because of the immigrants who live here
>have hot girls from all over the world that I can fuck in my city
>have interesting cultural events like Chinese New Year happening
Tell me how multiculturalism is bad again.
>t. parochial liberal
Multiculturalism is also about weeding out the shitty parts of cultures by bringing out the best in them or adopting them from other cultures, not turning a blind eye to their flaws and viewing criticism as bigotry.
>supermarkets now sell delicacies from all around the world because of the immigrants who live here
What backwards ass hick town did you live in where they didn't sell foreign shit at your markets? I can go to my local grocery store in the middle of fucking Arizona and there are 3 isles dedicated to Chinese and Japanese cuisine and products. There are no Chinks and Japs here too; and I don't count my own happa ass.
None of that, aside from the last one, is multiculturalism, or exclusive to a multicultural nation.
Nice one :^)
>have hot girls from all over the world that I can fuck in my city
Selling out western values and the chances that you currently have and will deny to your future children/generation when Islam takes over..all for a haircut and cheap food...
Kill yourself.
Delicacies like bananas, pineapples and other exotic fruit?
You can have those without niggers you know..
Or do you mean african clay cakes?
>have hot girls from all over the world that I can fuck in my city
>I get my haircut at a Turkish barber
Don't do that. By supporting their income you make it harder for them to selfdeport. Also it makes it harder for the lower class to get a job.
>I get my lunch from cheap ethnic food places
So? Couldn't we have that without importing all the shit into our country? We've had tons of Cafes in Germany the 1870s because it was en vogue, but we didn't import roaches or any other Middle Eastern scum here to do it. We did it ourselves.
>supermarkets now sell delicacies from all around the world because of the immigrants who live here
Come on. At least be honest. We had this shit before and have it even in places without immigrants.
>have hot girls from all over the world that I can fuck in my city
Disgusting. Go be a racetraitor somewhere else.
>have interesting cultural events like Chinese New Year happening
Bullshit. We have this indian "throw coloured chalk at each other" now in Germany without it being done by Indians. We - or rather some middle class kids - imported that for fun.
This argument works against your claim.
>Tell me how multiculturalism is bad again.
It dilutes the country and has very severe effects on cohesion and social capital in general.
There is absolutely no need to import these people from all over the world. You mostly get their problems they bring with them. In no sensible way does that add up to the few and far between benefits.
We have in the past always looked how other people in other countries do things and havn't brought them here in shear masses.
It just doesn't pay off in the long term. It replaces the population and fractures and atomizes a society making it harder to levy taxes and it drives down voluntary service participation.
it's bad because of niggers and sand niggers.
otherwise it would be great imo.
honestly, multiculturalism is no problem as long as it doesn't involve migrants from fucking backwards countries.
poldi likes his multiculturalism too
Digits of truth
It's good as long as their culture isn't fundamentally different (or they can adapt) and they don't come in masses. Golden middle as almost always.
>One post by this ID
I we could make illegal the bad parts of culture and properly enforce it, multiculturalism can work. The issue is that people wholeheartedly believe in their culture, and naturally want to separate from different cultures.
your so full of shit ahmed. you dont pull off pretending to be hans very well
"your" city is mostly white people with some chinks and some kebabs. thats hardly women from all around the world and all you will ever see of the kebabs is the second wife who does all the house work and shopping. the good wife is locked up in the house as a sex slave until her anus is to loose and she would have to wear diapers and she is stoned for letting her husband butt fuck her that much thus proving she is a whore
>hot girls from all over the world.
The only hot girls are from northern europe to begin with fucking cuck.
The problem is that this accumulates over time. You might find it entertaining when there's an italian restaurant down the corner and even when another sushi thing opens or there are a few people living near you who speak a foreign language.
But this are some short term amenities and you only see the problems that arise out of these demographic shifts much later. It leads to self segregation and lower trust in your neighbourhood that can never be repaired again. Demography is destiny.
There is no policy that is so lastingly destructive and corrosive to a society than diversity and multiculturalism.
I can fuck hot tourists from all over the world. I can go to supermarkets that still delicacies from all over the world despite there being very few immigrants here.
... My mum can go out at night by herself and not get raped, robbed or murdered. I can go to my airport and not get blown to smithereens.
>Turkish people stab your people
>Somalian men rape your women
>Afghanis detonate bombs in your cities
>Syrians run your people over with trucks
>Moroccans demand sharia law
>Palestinians demand a suspension of freedom of speech
All of the "benefits" that you've listed are cultural appropriation. Your fetishizing of PoC help keep them marginalized and oppressed while making you feel better about yourself by appearing liberal and all-embracing.
You really want to help PoC? Then stop being a "hip"-acrit and kill yourself, cracker.
Only downside of globalization is that what you said won't happen as ethnicities, naitonalism and cultures will be erazed.
Everything that you said is either done by Germans or false.
Muh liberal dick, the post.
Multiculturalism isn't bad, but """"""""multiculturalism"""""""" erases the culture that was already existing in that country and replaces the original population's race. This is especially bad for countries in Europe which already have a deep culture that has existed for years. In America it doesn't matter because our culture is built off multiculturalism, just look at New York. But the reason I still oppose normal multiculturalism, in Europe, is because it still erases part of the existing culture and dilutes their bloodlines. So if you wanna experience multiculturalism just come to America instead of destroying your national identity.