Do you believe in hell?
Do you believe in hell?
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Yes, we're living there right now
Well ya we are living in it
I believe in a hell you create yourself..
Guess where I am now...
Yes, we are living in it.
Lol no
I believe in Arizona.
Does that count?
Yes it is a town in michigan
There is but one true religion.
Praise Kek, fellow tad/pol/es
We're living it but I know that those unrepentant will face a far worse suffering
Bell road?
If there is no hell, where do demons come from?
Do you believe that Santa Claus is always watching you and will put coal in your stocking if you misbehave?
it's called planet earth
here's my view, fight me
Semen demons are naturally occurring.
It's called 'safe space'
the buddhist/hindu hells...are real
I had a dream a few weeks ago.
I had woken up and I was lying in my bed, I rolled over to go back to sleep. I felt my bed disappear out from under me. I was excited for a moment I thought I may be having a lucid dream.
Then I started to fall, I turned over to face in the direction I was falling. Below me I suddenly see a volcano and its crater is full of lava. I fall into it and I feel and incredibly uncomfortable feeling.
I want off this ride. I try to wake up. I try to open my eyes and I can barely see my room. I try to move and call out to my girlfriend, I can't. I keep trying, but the feeling is getting worse and more intense. I then finally managed to yell out my gfs name and she shook me awake and I came out of it.
Maybe sleep paralysis? Dunno, but I've been seriously considering going to church tbqh
>if you don't do what we say you'll be uh... tortured.... forever... in the afterlife? yeah
hmm sounds real and not a thing humans made up to control other humans
I've been to Canada, so yes.
Why would Satan torture others? He wanted to be independent of god and was banished for it.
So why would he be cruel to others who not recive gods benelovence?
Alberto, eu...
i believe this too
but Jesus is with God tho
Isn't it better to go to hell?You can actually do god's work there and fight the countless legions of darkness and malevolence.
No. I think everyone goes to heaven.
Christ closed the gates of hell before he rose from the dead. When you die you'll be in heaven, just like everyone else. Stalin, Hitler, Polpot, all of them.
Hell is a completely insane concept.
The true hell is self-imposed; to shut oneself off from god, to live without love in one's heart; that is hell.
It's said that he'll is a complete removal of God . Being as far away as possible and not being able to receive his prescence. But wouldn't being cast to hell be proof enough? If I went to hell I would be praising God every day even if he gave up on me, just knowing that he really exists at that point would be enough to get me through.
this has to be hell
i'm convinced every single one of us fucked up bad and ended up on this rock, where we kill and kill and kill and get manipulated
Of course not
I'm only talking about the fake one though
This comes to mind when I think of hell.
please elaborate
Yes. It's the capital of Israel.
Oh no, wait, that's not Hell Aviv.
No. I'm not stupid, nor a child.
Sure I've heard of Europe.
If it exists, I'm going straight to it.
If it doesn't, whatever.
No, there's nothing worse than my life.
He's being tortured too, he doesn't torture others
What about burning in a lake of fire and being ripped apart by demons?
I believe that reality is quite different than how we perceive it and that hell does exist as do heaven and many other more ambiguous kinds of places, but I don't think they can ever manifest in our world, in the way we see reality. They can only present in vision or as metaphor. I don't believe in a Dante-esque hell
I kind of doubt it, but anecdotal evidence of people dying, going to hell, and coming back to life scares the shit out of me. Pascal's wager eh?
Yes, and we're living in it now.
hell is just the bogyman who will kidnap you in the night because you didn't go to sleep like a good child, but for naive adults instead of naive children.
there's all kind of folklore about the afterlife from many different cultures. the stories can be fun an interesting but they're just stories.
Uhh it's for children too bro
I would prefer hell to not existing. You are tormented, but at least you still exist.
Imagine people who are mentally disturbed.
...they live in the same world you and I do, although there experiences are very much different.
It's the tip on an iceberg you never want to meet.
Be warned I suppose.
Although most people are oblivious.
And mines just a metaphore.
>be a christfag
>be redpilled
Pick one.
>open the newspaper
>look at the election coverage
Yeah, I think we're in Hell. Weird thing is I'm not sure what I did to get here.
>Do you believe in hell?
Aren't we all in hell right now?
Semen demons?
>mfw Earth is Hell
It's also heaven. When you die, you get resurrected (back to Earth) to learn more. If not ready to rise to another level -> towards GOD.
Not really
Heaven and hell is the same "place"
The difference is how you experience it
Who needs to fear go into Hell, when Hell is here on Earth?
If they are, let us be sent there to make it better for those there or have them kek once in a while
Aren't hades and sheol the same thing, just one is the Hebrew word and the other Greek?
My view is that sheol/hades and hell are the same place.
What will it take the Rich Man in Tartarus to get into Heaven?
Has God not already forsaken him?
It is possible that there are heavens and hells. I don't think that there is a decider god like in Christianity. A more likely possibility is that Karma is the system that determines rebirth. The Buddha said the ultimate goal is no more rebirths and an end to consciousness. Perhaps he is right. I still have a hard time coming to terms with this reasoning. Being conscious is the only thing I've ever known and the thought of losing it is sad because my conscious is what allows me to independently choose how I interact with other living things and expierence the world. Maybe if you have good enough karma your conscience will merge with an objective consciousness that exists in all living things. None of this has been proven but reincarnation and karma seems like a reasonable possibility given the cycles in nature
I believe in Jesus Christ.
no, because it's a retarded concept.
>your conscience will merge with an objective consciousness that exists in all living things
I think this happens all the time constantly, perception itself is that, and when you die it is just fully immersed. The particular forms that you were as a human disappear though.
Why would I?
I believe after death, you create your own universe from imagination which is your own version of Heaven.
I believe that god is the light, and your actions can cause you to become further from the light, or closer. Being permanently away from the light, lost in the darkness, is hell.
I also kind of believe in reincarnation. It's not really mentioned in the bible at all though. Closest thing is Jesus's resurrection. I just mostly believe it based on the stories that people have told when they have died for a short while.
noone here does, or they wouldn´t browse Sup Forums
karma just means reaction
actions that promote your ego cause psychological suffering and selfless actions do the opposite
enlightenment or nirvana when you realize you are one with everything (you don't become it you realize you already are it), and that there is actually no ego/"you" and there is no perceiver
there is only the perceived
so your entire model doesn't make sense
Interesting to note, I've done a lot of research about NDE's over different cultures and religion, and almost always, their religious beliefs transfer over to their NDE's, but many things are similar despite the religious differences.
Like a man in Africa will see different gods represented in his religion, performing a chant, again, akin to his beliefs. This man will also be greeted by his loved ones that passed away.
Then the man in North America is greeted by Jesus, and offers nothing but a loving glow of light and compassion, and then also briefly see's and speaks to deceased loved ones.
I truly believe in the afterlife, it's just very perplexing why there are core experiences that stay the same, yet other parts differ wildly.
Do people fish in Germany? If so, do you stay home, or go where the fish live?
buddah died and stayed dead
Well in anycase I'm gonna find out if Trump loses the election.
honestly Sup Forums in general has ruined any faith I had, the things you see on here make you ask "with things like this happening, did god just abandon the world? Are they malevolent or have lost power?"
Humanity in itself could very well be the most fucked up species to exist in the universe, you have to feel pity on any others we meet in the future that don't immediately eradicate this plague and they too will fall to our infinite greed eventually.
Your view is correct. Jesus spoke of it in Luke 6 iirc.
It's not bad, but it's not right.
How many warnings do you need?
I believe in the void, nothing else.
It is, if they can convince people that they have that power given to them by God, say by some nonsense called "apostolic succession" and "keys to heaven".
You and Jesus disagree.
Hell feels like the most intense dejavu continuously reminding you of inevitable despair for eternity and that's the only thing that exists.
you will live in hell very soon then.
Yes, but I don't think it's eternal and it's focus is more on purification than endless torment, more like Purgatory.
He stands condemned already by his unbelief in life. He's not in Tartarus; that's reserved for evil spirits in chains. He's in the Torment side of Hades/Sheol, awaiting trial, then to be cast into Gehenna, the Lake of Fire.
Don't worry , when Trump will be elected he is going to build a wall and make demons pay for it.
Hell is a fool's concept. Any torture conceivable, be it physical, mental, or spiritual in nature will all eventually be fetishized by the recipient until they are invincible.
What kind of God would allow so much evil and suffering into his creation? What kind of God would allow ISIS and Soros to exist?
Where's purgatory?
Yes but I see it as an analogy for a completely degenerate society.