Ancestors enslaved and tortured by white people

>ancestors enslaved and tortured by white people
>fight continuously for our freedom, finally get it
>suffer for years under Jim Crow
>Jim Crow repealed, Blacks finally ostensibly accepted as equal
>still disproportionately targeted by police
>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
>white people accuse us of whining, tell us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, will never grasp their own privilege

Day of reckoning when?

Other urls found in this thread:

>accepted as equal


What are some examples of institutionalized racism? Affirmative action?

>native people are privileged in their own country

oy vey white people


the fact that institutions have standards that they can't live up to.

Dia de la Soga Pronto Negrito

Bait, but it's blacks keeping each other down at this point. I feel bad for them, but only they can make positive change


Just leave, nigger.

i agree with you OP. fuck Sup Forums sometimes. no wonder you niggas are subclass citizens when it's white people who dragged them into the country and encouraged people to look down on them.

How about the day of reckoning against the ancestors of the African blacks who sold them into slavery?

How about the day of reconining for all the little gangster shits destroying their own neighborhoods, for every absent father ruining their children's' lives, for every perpetrator of black-on-black violence?

Oh, right, that doesn't even register.

Whites ended slavery. You should thank us everyday desu senpai

Also this.

>live in America
>not africa
>still bitch
Day of rope when?

Terrible bait

There is no institutional racism in Africa. Go there

>Hey guys being a white male is hard too. Sjw's call us mean names sometimes.

Why do whites on Sup Forums want to be oppressed so bad? Go watch NASCAR or something

lol, like showing up to a job on time, or actually doing said job.


>Vietnamese people leave war torn country in 1962
>Settle in areas where everyone hates them
>Work hard and sacrifice to get ahead
>Earn respect from neighbors instead of complaining and begging for dem programs
>Second generation start graduating from college
>Become doctors and business executives
>Did in one generation what blacks cannot due even with affirmative action, lowered standards, and hiring quotas.
>The black race really is the most pathetic race
>Can only be productive if enslaved

You, as an individual, were never a slave, nor did you live under Jim Crow.

Police brutality is a myth.
Systematic racism is a myth.

Niggers enslaved other niggers
Reminder to sage shitty bait threads

It was ended because of the fear that we would all rise up like Nat Turner and take over this country.

Like everything white people do our freedom was purely out of self interest.

Too easy.familia

>an entire race can't live up to a certain standard that other races can

are they inferior?

If it's so bad, why not leave?

Quality post right here.

*smacks lips*
*lights menthol newport*
*rapes little white girl*

>disproportianally targeted by Police

you commit more crimes then the whole Country combined but still twice as much Whites have been killed by Police this year.

I never owned any slaves, and you never picked any cotton.

If I point a gun at a cop, or threaten cops, I get shot just the same as you.

Asians benefit from having a positive perception amongst whites. Also Asian immigrants are disproportionately the smarter ones. My black ancestors were taken indiscriminately. It's an unfair comparison.

Blacks have never been given a fair shake.


I'm sorry dindu, if that means something to you.

At least after Hillary is elected white america will be gone in 8 years. In 2050 you and mexicans will be majority. Yea, country will likely suck and you will be accountable for fall of USA, but you will be diverse and politically correct.

BTW give me some numbers on police shootings desu.

Read Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow

She shows how the War on Drugs can be seen a resurrection of Jim Crow

that is not the case

nah dude, no one ever hated asians in the US. Racism can only happen to brown people.

>implying the natives of america are white


>still disproportionately targeted by police
Stop committing a disproportionate amount of crime then nigger

>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
I didn't realize hiring quotas, affirmative action, or getting into med school on weaker credentials was a part of the problem until just now. Blacks should be held to the same standards as everyone else

>ancestors enslaved by other Africans and sold to white people
>sat waiting for freedom that was eventually won by white people
>formed autonomous economies under Jim Crow
>Jim Crow repealed, immediately default to welfare and single motherhood
>6.5% of the population, half the murders
>use conspiracy theories to compensate for inadequacy
>blacks fail to grasp the magnanimity of whites, as any other group would have exterminated such a problem population as the blacks

The Vietnam war was still going on by 1962. If you can explain your post then please do.

False from before the civil rights movement being used to justify racial profiling in the 80s. That coupled with CIA crack flooding into inner city neighborhoods.
Now actually dindu nuffin Tyrone is more likely to get caught smoking weed than Blake is in the suburbs. Then these statistics roll over, compound, and are used to justify more racial profiling in the future.

It's understandable to profile people living in the cities, but it's actually kind of fucked up to profile people who are minding their own business in the suburbs. You should profile poor people, not black people. If you know the black guy lives in the house down the street, raises his kids, and is in general a good guy leave him alone. Because when the suburb black kids see their parents being profiled for what is clearly no good reason, that's when they go all BLM on shit.

You people are just not smart enough. I know it sounds unfair, but nature is unfair.

Average black person can jump higher, run faster and has literally double the penis size of that of asian, but you take good with bad. They are just smarter desu.

>Targeting degeneracy is racist because black people can't help but be degnerates

I actually feel bad for blacks too, but I'm not naive enough to think that inner city kids want to listen in school, I know too many people teaching at such schools to know otherwise.

I also know that throwing money at uneducated crackheads isn't going to benefit them. The ones who can help themselves will help themselves. And I'm actually completely willing to give those ones a break and a helping hand sometimes. But I'm not going to help blacks who throw opportunity away any more than I'm going to help tweaker white trash who throw their money away.

Path to a job is to learn to speak and learn to write proper English or whatever main language the country has.
Continue with proper clothing, decent shaving and respect for the authorities.

no, read up on the abolitionists

We do all that and still get no respect.

Just look at this board.

>still disproportionately targeted by police
Blacks commit more crimes than any race, sop you're gonna get arrested more.
There's always going to be an inferior race, low IQs, prone to criminal behavior, bad with money etc
it's just the way of the world and right now it's your race

The only reckoning will be the blacks own undoing when left to their own devices.

All that and you still can't take a hint.

Go back to Africa.

The Japanese got reparations for internment camps, why can't blacks get reparations for years of slavery?

reading comprehension, bud. The operative word there being, "ostensibly"

>They were worried 4% of the population would take over the country
You're adorable.

They came in after civil rights and never had the chance to develop a culture which was built upon past interactions with 1800s whites. So they never lost sight of the American dream because they never got shat on.
They rolled in off the boats at the right time.

I just don't give a shit about your problems. I don't care if they're real or not. I don't fucking care.

>ancestors enslaved and tortured by EVERYONE because they didnt evolve as a people
>whites have a civil war that decides your freedom, because white abolitionists think you are equal
>jim crow because you were seen as a second class citizen
>jim crow repealed
>you commit more crime than all other races even though you make up less of the population than them
>worship gangsters and feed off welfare, making your situation worse for yourself, but refuse to change and become civilized
>whites had enough, but constantly told its our race's fault your race can't work together and get shit done

The native Americans are white. Before white people came to America and founded the United States of America, there was no nation, it was a blank slate filled with savages.

Whites are native Americans because they built the United States of America. The amerindians are native to the clay but not the country.

They already received reparations when half the country went to war to liberate them. Fuck off


>>still disproportionately targeted by police
>>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
Lies, sorry.

Do farmers beat and torture their cattle?

Not biting this age old shit.


>ancestors enslaved and tortured by white people

Not really, your ancestors enslaved you and we simply bought you.

>fight continuously for our freedom, finally get it

You did not really fight continuously.

>still disproportionately targeted by police
Not really

>still suffer under structurally racist institutions

This is the bullshit that makes people stop caring all together, it is a flat out feelings based lie.

>white people accuse us of whining, tell us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, will never grasp their own privilege

FUCK YOU NIGGER, how is that for privilege?

>>still disproportionately targeted by police
Lack of citation noted.

>>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
Lack of citation or even specific institutions noted

ButOK, let's say that this is true.

What fo you propose to fdo about it? You cannot change the way other people act -- the change you can make is inside you. You can chose to be a professional victim, or you you can say, "Well, fuck, I got dealt a shitty hand, but I'm going to bust my ass and succeed in spite of it all and show them mufugs they can't keep me down."

>The black leadership anxiously awaits your decision.

>Jim crow repealed

Yeah and I'm sure all those employers and restaurants immediately started letting blacks in no problem

They are. Whites are native to the institutions, language, culture, political heritage, etc going back to before the founding of the country.

Asians benefit from not having an average of 80 IQ too.

>get enslaved and tortured
>one day they free you
>decide to stay in the country with the people who enslaved and tortured you
>complain about it

Could we get a #titsoutforghostbusters going? I am not really interested in seeing dicks.

Blacks think they are so badass that 1 of them counts for like 10 weak white boys.

You care enough to post in this topic.


>positive perception

They earned a positive perception through hard work. America fucking hated all forms of chinks until they proved themselves worthy.

Niggers can't do anything well but play basketball and dance.

We'll kill you if you try.
You're already equal.
Quit acting like the world owes you anything.
Niggers haven't given the world a damn thing of value.

did you lazy njggers even say thank you to the white man who brought you to the new world?

You know shaka zulu impaled his enemies in the rectum with a pole and stuck them up like lollipops suffering a slow and painful death.
Sort of like what happend to jesus but with more gape.

Even if they did, they missed out on an entire childhood of rifle training and would get gunned down easily.

It's almost as if social change takes time, user. What a concept.

We have given plenty of reparations by killing ourselves for you and changing laws etc..

Money has been given numerous times and still is in the form of welfare etc...

Just because you did not get a check does not mean there are no reparations.

>white people accuse us of whining, tell us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, will never grasp their own privilege

These all masks the true nature of what we're saying which is: we don't want to live with you.

Beat me to it. Blacks are still disproportionately outnumbered, there is an illusion that blacks and whites are in this country 50/50 because they're insanely overrepresented in everything, and blacks tend to clump together in ghettos, so when they go out into the world, they see a pretty even split.

Unfortunately for them, the world is bigger than a groid can apparently conceive. A nigger is roughly 1/10th of the population, 13%. I pray they get the fight they want, so they can realize just how actually outgunned they are.

The schadenfreude would be amazing, considering the gang tactics that they love to employ, they're destroyed by essentially, a bigger gang. And then after that, ignominious white people will pick them back up, brush them off, and keep propping them up.

This. Black people who are like 30-50 now were still experiencing legitimate racism in the south growing up. It's true that racism is pretty much dead now, but only the absolute youngest generation of blacks actually has had a chance to experience it.
The others pretty much just hate white people.

>ancestors enslaved and tortured by white people
More blacks were castrated and enslaved by Arabs btw :^)
>fight continuously for our freedom, finally get it
Pretty sure fucktone of wites died in your civil war USA, not some niggas.
>suffer for years under Jim Crow
>Jim Crow repealed, Blacks finally ostensibly accepted as equal
lol ok
>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
still committing disproportionate amount of crimes for such a minority*
>white people accuse us of whining, tell us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, will never grasp their own privilege
You are literally whining right now nigger. Don't remember single Russian bitching about Serfdom, because they don't feed us didndonuffins for voting democrat and living of welfare.

But muh rap "music" and shaking of ass.

Lol with your super negro powers?

This. Being successful, getting educated, working hard -- all are attacked as "acting white."

Crabs in a bucket, man...

>Black people who are like 30

Bull fucking shit, no mother fucker born in the late 70s or early 80s had to deal with legitimate racism.

>More blacks were castrated

We should have followed their model.

I mean we tried to be humane about it and look at where it has got us.


Black males commit more than 1/3 of all rapes despite being only 7% of the total population of the U.S.

Blacks in general also commit more than 45% of all homicides despite being only 13% of the population of the U.S. In big cities and metropolitan areas like New York City, these percentages are even worse.

Niggers are more likely to commit violent crimes against other races and against each other, and are more likely to kill cops, than any other racial group.

Stop playing the victim card, fucking nigger.

There are plenty of gooks and 'spics who deal with worse poverty than your kind and who, nonetheless, manage to live morally (i.e., without killing other people or brutally harming other life-forms, which niggers do for sport in places like Chicago).

>It was ended because of the fear that we would all rise up like Nat Turner

If that was the case, the South would have led the push to end slavery, they were the ones living next door to all the potential Nat Turners.

The blacks were actually doing alot better when they were enslaved than they are doing nowdays.

Just saying, proove me wrong.

>tfw black

You American niggers are pathetic, I honestly hope you all kill each other and/or get wiped out by the police.

Why not paying them one way ticket to country of their choice in Africa?

No nigger who suffered slavery in antebellum America is still alive today. End of story.

The oddest thing about the minority view on a race war to me has always been their inability to tell pale skins apart - inevitably they will attack some form of slav, probably eastern or balkan - and they'll suddenly be faced with a culture that thrives on hatred and ethnic cleansing.

Its like poking the you hand down a hole thinking its a gopher hole only to piss off a badger or wolverine.

>>still disproportionately targeted by police
>>still suffer under structurally racist institutions
You're right. You guys are given too much in the way of benefits because of the colour of your skin. And yet somehow you still manage to fuck it all up by continuing to go out and raping and killing people. Fucking dumbass niggers. You should all be neutered.

Would you rather you stay in Africa, blowing into the assholes of cows?

Blacks just can't do it, they need to leave white societies

>fight continuously for our freedom, finally get it

is that what you think the Civil War was?