Favorite Parks and Rec character? Pic related.
You just got Jammed!
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I love Jamm. Everything about him is seedy and gross, including his name and the fact that it's spelled with an extra M (I don't know why that makes it worse, it just does).
>Gettin' jammed up!
I started rewatching this a couple of days back and I forgot how good it was. Leslie Knope is very funny too, I thought she would just be annoying but I was wrong, she had some funny moments.
Don't know who my favourite character is though, they're all very funny. Although I like Chris Traeger's ridiculous personality.
i watched pickle and morty and thought that was the most reddit show on the planet. then i watched parks. dear lord is this really what america finds funny?
Did they fit Jon Glaser with a wig for that look?
His natural hair is the Jewiest Jewfro.
I'm Perd Hapley of channel 6 news. The newest story is that it's not a story, it is in fact a sentence, that /you/ are reading in /my/ voice.
>when she puts the words "kick" and "ass" on 2 hardhats and Rashida quickly picks kick so Amy is walking around with a hardhat that has the word ass on it
i like p&e because it's a show about someone that works hard and gets results from it
i can't think of many modern shows like that, they're always drenched in self deprecation these days
You can be a synical cunt and be edgy on Sup Forums all you want, but Parcs and Rec is one of the few shows that allow me laugh out loud by myself and feel some actual joy in my shitty 1 bedroom appartement when I'm not working my shitty job. Not everything has to be edgy and depressing asshole