Where the fuck is the thread edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Do you think she looks tired?
>I forgot to link the last thread again
So in The Fan Show, Capaldi says that by the end of the season, his hair will be so big that it threatens the universe.
Moffat's last finale, leaked.
Based Marcelo Camargo.
Holy shit that was bad, and I thought ep 1 sucked. Plus next ep is looking to be significantly worse than either of those. Guess I'll wait for next season.
Skimmed the catalog and I'm surprised I didn't see any random threads by boardies crying over Bill's line in the trailer.
t. sarah dollard
You know what?
I liked Doctor Who when Doctor was less alien and more human-y. Peter is just VERY alien. You can feel how is actually a Time Lord.
We have.
>this place belongs to US now, and if you've got a problem with that we'll kill you like we killed your family
>this is a happy ending according to the BBC in 2017
I preferred Smith to Tennant purely because Smith acted more alien. If I'm watching a sci fi show about an alien I don't want to be stuck watching some mildly eccentric bloke dealing with bullshit human drama, we have enough of that shit on tv.
What dystopian horror film is this picture from?
I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with Doctor Who?
The 10 o'clock news probably.
My country makes me depressed sometimes.
They're robots you bleeding vagina.
Also, it's not like this is the late 70s/early 80s and the Doctor is traveling with another Time Lord or a collection of alien orphans, so if we can't identify with him we're just frozen out of the story.
Did you not watched tonight's episode? Whole episode was about how an alien race took over and made the planet theirs, whilst killing the humans, and if the Humans didn't accept this and pay the Jizya they too would be killed.
>dude I'm going to leave you with machines that can potentially kill you lmao don't worry though youll be fine, probably
The ending ruined the episode, I knew it was too good to be true.
London 2017
Maybe you should watch it again.
There's no alien race, there's robots. Built by humans. Who didn't take over a human planet and make it theirs, they were sent there, by the humans, to prepare the fields and then become the city.
At least we have next week's ''The racist white male is the villain not the giant monster'' episode to look forward to :))
Weird, I feel the exact same way. That's one of the reasons I wasn't a big fan of Tennant.
There are thousands of shows about humans, what would be the point of making a show about an alien if he was just going to act like another human
Rotherstan I guess
>it's another victorian era episode
I loved this episode's "you have 2 food cubes because the future is sexist, there's clearly no possible alternative explanation!" already. Can't wait for next week!
b-but it's regency! it's really d-different!
I know, right? Another one?! God the last one was only er...er...3 years ago?
Come on, lad. That was clearly just a joke.
Yay! Series 10 is so awesome!
I love how they're being more progressive.
Hopefully this means we might get a black or female doctor after capaldi! Maybe even both!!
The first thing that should happen is whoever built and programmed the robots gets put the fuck on trial for gross negligence.
Yeah, the lifeforms who the Humans shipped in to increase the economy turned on them, killed their families, and now if the humans resist them they too shall be killed. Bravo BBC.
>Regency England
Yeah, but you only know that because you actually listened to the next line, instead of getting so triggered you had to go online and bitch about it like the anons you're replying to. It's not fair to expect people like them to actually watch the show before commenting on it. If they don't find things to triggered about, they have nothing else in their lives.
Sorry to bother you people, but where could somebody with no access to TV watch the new episode without p2p? I live at university so I can't pirate.
Well, we eventually found out that the murderous Festival of Ghana haunted house robots from The Chase led to a trial, in a novel 30 years after it aired. Maybe they'll fill in that gap for us again. :)
It would've been better if they were aliens, but now it's the millionth muh Robo Rights shit in sci-fi now. For the last freaking time, robots are not people, the whole point of them is supposed to be that they're NOT PEOPLE. Say what you like about Zygon ISIS but at least they weren't fucking robots. Like we really needed this episode now, as if the metal bitch from Agents of HYDRA wasn't enough.
>put "humour" that isn't funny in a non comedy show
>people complain
>woah haha ur just a triggered POLack xDxD
Livestream yourself killing yourself.
>look up which it book
>it's Interference
Good old Larry.
That's the usual routine. 2nd episode of most seasons is in the future, while the subsequent one is in the past.
What happens? Only heard 'so this is victoria england? There's a lot more BLACKED than tha crackas show in the films'.
>the whole point of them is supposed to be that they're NOT PEOPLE
The whole point of robots in fiction—going back to the story that invented the word "robot"—is screwing up and making them people and then having to deal with the consequences in one way or another.
Nobody's ever really found another kind of story to tell about robots, except for using them as bad guys in place of humans in kiddie cartoons so it's OK to kill them with katanas.
>"humour" that isn't funny in a non comedy show
why would that be cause for complaint?
If it's not funny, then surely it's perfect for a non comedy.
In the last 3 Series we've had 4 episodes set in London in the 1800's, it would be nice to see them go somewhere else.
>b-b-b-but I'm not triggered, I'm just screaming in caps and acting like an idiot for perfectly rational reasons!
We don't actually have any confirmation of what happens, /who/'s white male contingent has just cooked up some persecution fantasies well in advance of this children's programme airing.
>being this triggered about a lame joke
Well, they can't go to Victorian England anymore now that Clara is Queen there.
If I watch a comedy I expect some good jokes and some that I don't find funny, if I watch doctor who I don't expect to have to endure it.
There's only like 20 years between the two eras
Why is damn near every episode set in one of four places?
- Generic alien world.
- Generic space station/ship.
- Victorian England
- Modern day England
why not?
it's not like the Doctor will recognize her
Budget/Lack of imagination from writers
>lefty/pol/ THIS triggered
Can't you go back to ?
No it wasn't. It was very explicitly not a joke.
I thought the whole 'indigenous life form' angle seemed a bit undercooked since they were just really fucking dumb computers. In fact the episode basically screamed "I had no fucking idea how to end this one, I'll just slap something awkward and random down and that'll have to do even though it doesn't meaningfully exist in dialogue with what's come before".
Yeah, but nobody ever sets anything in 1837. Victorian-era stories are always about Victorian adventurers written by Edwardian pulp writers, not about the actual Victorian era. Except when they're about Dickens, but either way, it's the 1890s.
>it's not like the Doctor will recognize her
Good point.
And really, Philip ought to be more of a problem, and he's spending a lot of time in the 2010s…
This isn't your containment board. Why don't you go back there?
Why, you're the one that's triggered.
because mo' fat, less ideas.
We've had numerous episodes in the last few years that don't fit any of these categories.
>I don't want any levity in my family oriented prime-time television show
Please feed me more of your delicious tears.
Yeah we get far too much England, but those first two are a bit vague.
Depending on your definition of "generic" that could mean almost any off-Earth story
You know the only actual funny thing? You don't even find these quips funny, you just support them being out in because politically you agree with them.
No you're right, I don't think those are funny
I'm not defending the content of the "jokes", only their presence.
I just think it's weird of you to not expect any jokes in a show like Doctor Who, whether or not they're funny or you agree with them politically
Did someone say Red Kangs?
>these robots murdered your families and will literally destroy you without hesitation if they think it's a good idea
>but you'r every bad humans for not wanting to be friends with them and it serves you right for building tools to accomplish complex tasks ¦:^)
I actually was really liking this episode up until about the point where the boy appeared
I think at this point it would be weird to stop doing so much England. It would look like the current Doctor is avoiding it for some reason. (Although that actually could be an interesting plot to try out…)
Also, Moffat has given us a lot more variety in the time periods than RTD, and than many eras of the classic series, but it would be nice to see more parts of the UK than just London, a Home Counties village, and Welsh countryside.
It certainly serves them right for fucking it up so badly desu.
You're stretching so hard to try and expose the moral failings of this episode, painting the robots as murderous psychopaths when they were literally just trying to follow a programmed imperative.
Humans can destroy each other without hesitation. if the robots aren't treated like slaves they wouldn't be likely to kill. And also their software could be updated if that's possible.
>if the robots aren't treated like slaves they wouldn't be likely to kill
They weren't sentient, they killed because whoever programmed them fucked up not because they were having some revolution against being used as slave labour.
I don't agree with them solely because they were put in because of our current political climate. "It's a lot more black than the films", for example, is a prime example.
It's pandering. Pandering to a certain audience of socially progressive 20 something (wo)manchildren who think if everyone just smoked weed and shoved dildos up their arses that the world would live in harmony.
This used to be a serious science fiction show with serious concepts, genocide, cyber technocracy, now it just plays for cheap laughs from this generation's useful idiots.
I mean if they aren't assigned a single, simple continuous task like slaves they wont get to an extreme point for doing that task.
>This used to be a serious science fiction show
Let's not go too far m8
Or it reflects the writer's own political outlook. Not necessarily better.
I actually couldn't remember for sure if it was Larry or Lance. But yeah, it was fun.
It's kind of sad that none of the current writers, even for BF, seem to care about lampshading it when their new stories overlap in time with "way in the future" early-era stories.
I was happy for the Movellans, but seeing Salamander's name on a newspaper, that would be even geekier for us, and even less noticeable to the plebs and it's probably not going to happen.
>painting the robots as murderous psychopaths when they were literally just trying to follow a programmed imperative.
I don't consider them psychopaths, I consider them sociopaths. Sure, they didn't kill dozens of people because they were angry, or because they wanted to, but they did kill dozens of people simply because it was a solution to a problem, is that really any better? The fact that they were programmed that way doesn't change anything, if anything the fact that it was a simple mistake in the rudimentary programming of mindless robots should have led the Doctor to just return them to their original state and fix the mistake. That's what he does.
>Humans can destroy each other without hesitation.
Technically yes, but in society we take those people and we put them away in either A) specialised institutions where they can hopefully be rehabilitated and where, more importantly, society is safe from them or B) prison. We don't just say "That's how they are, they have no qualms whatsoever killing people because they have no conception of the sanctity of human life, deal with it you bigots". We haven't gone quite that mad yet.
What do you think the Cybermen are, laddo? Hell, what was this episode? At it's heart it's supposed to be dark, raise huge moral questions, make you question what is, or whether there can be a correct answer, if your people were to die out due to not being ruthlessly efficient would you remove your emotions in order to be able to kill your own with impunity to pick off the weak?
This show was never meant to be le quirky contemporary references. You're exploring an alien ship, interesting, you get served a strange blue cube of what's supposedly food, interesting, you remark how le patriarchy is keeping you down, fucking bullshit. Fuck off with it and fuck anyone defending this to virtue signall.
But like for actually though can anybody help me out?
>if the robots aren't treated like slaves
Robot literally means slave.
primewire ag/tv-5134-Doctor-Who/season-10-episode-2
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People did this exact story a thousand times better desu phams
It's a harmless one liner from the most marketable progressive companion the show's seen. We're lucky they have the sense not to dial it up to eleven.
I'm not defending the patriarchy bollocks but you're kidding yourself if you think DW was ever a 'souper serious' TV show outside of the very early Hartnell era. Just because a show talks about serious moral dilemmas doesn't mean the show doesn't do silly shit at the same time.
It's systemic virtue signalling and it has no place in muh alien police box show.
I was wondering what the fuck they meant by this scene, now I understand. Jesus christ.
Aside from the odd "fuck trump and fuck white people" style comment I'm liking Bill more than I thought I would. I guess it's too late now but it would have been great if someone had gotten in touch with Moffat and told him it's actually a lot more effective to have a 'diverse' character and just let them be a well-written and interesting character instead of forcing them to be a mouthpiece for whatever is the current hot topic issue in the radical progressive's world of progress.
Thanks dude, appreciate it
As a Sup Forumsack this series has been better than ever, it makes me think the Jews planned it so that the series with a white cast where shit and the series with a diverse cast was good.
That story isn't even remotely similar to this episode.
>technology gone wrong
>technology became alive
>we must tolerate them and let them be free
Yea, totally different.
Wanderer, are you here. I wrote your request fic.
were there midgets in those robots or small children
Wow, that's just broad and vague enough to describe literally half of all science fiction ever!
>We'll never hear I Am The Doctor again
Name 3 (three) episodes of Doctor Who that follow this type of episode.