Massive African chimpout in Ireland!!

Nigerians provoked Irish and Polish students into fighting them.

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How did blacks get into Ireland?

Theyre our slaves. Lol

Those are Irish.

luck of the dindu

im dying

the original irish were black, then st.patrick (irish hitler) came along and wiped out a peaceful people.

why do they always have this haircut



Chimps vs Orangutans

Dublin is fucking full of Africans and Slavs. It was quite depressing when I visited.

Rural Ireland is still amazing though.

so which one is the potato nigger

Dublin is filthy. Anywhere outside the Pale is glorious, especially in comparison.

We're kinda lucky that way with most shitskin immigrants staying in Dublin

>Nigerians provoked


anyway all I see at the end there is potato salad

That was a polish lad leafey. Irish can actually fight Niggers.

Limerick is pretty bad in some areas. But yeah, dublin is like a completely different country.

This is a cause for a day of rage. Go around sucker punching africans.

What are Irish and Poles doing in Nigeria?

So they can erase values from their host country.

fist fighting is like breathing to the irish, those africans are going to have to try something different.

It's called 'The Pale?'

Someone tell the Jarl about these niggers.

>tfw dubliner

Aren't they scared about hiting them witth their bear hands? I would. I mean, you will probably get the AIDS if there is blood involved. I would only hit them with a stick or a bottle, never with my hands

How many haircuts can they make? bald and afro

all outlanders must report to windhelm for immediate deportation

Kek made it happen
I saw it being memed on a kek thread, I hope someone screened it

Ur a gay

it's a mystery

Why are the Irish always getting the shit kicked out them?

please leave my country alone

Dublin is a world city, you'll get niggers and all sorts there as with all world cities.

ayy lmao, so what does the real IRA think about all these sub-humans invading their land?? or are they still butthurt over Northern Ireland.

Fuck England

Is it racist that I read that in an Irish accent?

That shit was vibrant as fuck.

Because potato.

Lol. Fuck off cuck.

yes. now gibs me reparations

If KEK wills it nigerians will be banished from éire

Socially fight in packs, socially fall through the cracks. Fuck niggers.

Holy shit there are so many niggers that it could be the US

Malmo is a prime example Sven. I live in Ireland my city has a few niggers and no more. I know what it's like.

Although in your case, the demographic is a lot more extreme.


Since when did Irishmen need provocation to fight?

Ireland had a population of 4,581,269 at the 2011 census.
USA has 34,587,835 Irish-Americans -
11.1% of the US population.

Well if there's ever too many you could always take a few micks from here

All faggots do such haircut.

> Bureau de Change
> Ireland

Go take the weeds from the potato fields, træll

>signs clearly in french

Here ya go, m8

Fuck me, even in Ireland whites are being outnumbered.

This is ridiculous. The so called IRA should be ashamed of themselves for letting this happen.

The day the proddies and taigs come together and cleanse the filth will be a blessed day.

I'm afraid it is, boyos

>can't even tell if you're joking

Is this in Blanchardstown?

Pic related.

is this a fight over toilet cleaning jobs?

This is some good bait

Chimping over a sack

Feckin nignogs

is this fucking balbriggan

Would you rather hang a Taig or a nigger, Sup Forums?

>Gruesome fight for independence from U.K.
>Allow yourself to be cucked by the E.U.
>Import foreigners and dilute the Celtic nature and substance of Ireland

Wew Eire

The average gross income for Ireland is 5k higher than that of Turkey

So you let the french jews control your bank

> Yadda yadda, i know, jews run this shit


Blacks don't clean toilets. Only Slavs do.

Blacks stand outside them selling soaps.

How do you tell them apart?

I dunno man

Malmö has 300k citizens and is not a "world city". It wouldn't even be afloat without massive taxes in the rest of the country.

so blacks and the culture in general are simply incompatible with countries with white people. is that what it is?

Cos he got in one little fight and mom got scared and said 'you're moving with with your auntie in county kildare'

The other day I saw some 14 or 15 year old niglet alone with an aryan girl. Those fucking blackies are spreading outside of their containment zone

there have been people, much stronger than niggers,
that when they showed one sign of weakness have been annihilated

people that did one misstep, and now they are history or live in poverty

yet the biggest fuckups and subhumans of all
the negroe,
through his enabler the eternal anglo and the eternal jew, have gotten themselves into a place of relative safety and wealth

everything civilization and science ever created, nigger profit from, without ever having done one contribution

it would be funny if it wasnt so fucking rage inducing

these niggers, enjoy the worlds best health care,
they enjoy the benefits of modern technology,

nothing that was created by them

why do for example american treat fucking natives so bad, who despite being fuckups are miles above niggers,
and niggers get to enjoy everything from food stamps to having the ability to get european women,

we all now its a bad trade because no one wants nigger women, so its a net loss for european and american men,

if you turned this around, and this was in a nigger country, and the white kids were the niggers in the picture.,...

not possible

think about this
this would not be possible in any nigger country

Why do you Irish let this happen? This fills me with rage. The day our schools become majority black is the day local councillors start dropping like flies.


Might be a good business idea to set up organised underground fights between blacks and Slavs in Dublin now that I think of it.

And you didn't put him and her in a coma?

You are part of the problem.

how can they get into the UK

its not easy to get a visa or staying permit

how can millions of niggers just move to the UK?

you guys are so pissed of about european polish people, who can come because of EU visa laws

but how wer niggers able to join

The fuck are you talking about? We get along well with Poles and other Europeans here.

good then,
i read that some brits are pissed off because of the amount of polish immigrants

but answer my other question

Those kids didn't come there though.. So let's not blame them, but the globalist fuckers who are the real destroyers of cultures and people.

>how can millions of niggers just move to the UK?

Too fucking many.

Good. Fuck them. Who won? Poles? If not they are banned from coming back to Poland.


but when you leave the EU
for example for a german, it wouldnt be easy to immigrate without a reason (job or education)

so how are these nigger able to come to the uk in the millions?

Because Britain is not rules by Brits. You should know this.

Looks like we lost this one tbphafwyfam

U wot m8

How is life in constant rain?

like attracts like

Now post the one where some skinnyfat dude from one of the shittiest parts of California made McPotato tap out like a bitch after getting his shit rocked

it is ireland. i remember that street when I visited a month ago

looks like the nigs stomped on that one kid and they all ran away

You know maybe it's true, maybe whites are turning into massive fucking faggots. I thought the Irish was a white haven, Catholic and full of tough lads. All I see is thousands of nigs BTFO'ing the local population.

Sinn Fein, BRITS OUT, BLACKS IN was literally their slogan

Fucking disgusting. Restore national identity and pride when? As a matter of fact, how about this worldwide?

I can’t figure out why there are so many Dindu’s / snackbars in Dublin. We also have a steadily growing Brazilian population.

We never colonized other countries (and we certainly weren’t capable), we never took slaves, we were enslaved ourselves. We don’t even have our independence 100 years, yet we have somehow embraced the collective white guilt of western historical blunders, therefore making us liable to the same immigration flow as UK / France / Germany. When I grew up (mid-90’s), if there was a black man / woman in town, it was a peculiar sight, nowadays you can‘t go anywhere without being surrounded by ungrateful entitled dindu’s.

How can a small Island on the edge of Europe be so cucked?