>wanting a gold digger bimbo as your first lady
That's low even for americucks
>wanting a gold digger bimbo as your first lady
That's low even for americucks
Wtf I hate beautiful women now
>be a beautiful blonde girl
>marry a rich powerful man
>gold digging
I'm not announcing my sage
Yeah, she must be with Trump because of his looks and charisma lmao
Kek this just proves Trump is really rich then...
Congrajewlations you played ur self.
She looks like a daschund trying to poop a walnut.
What's the alternative?
Reminder that Brazilians shit on plates and compare them with their friends
Better than a gold digging power hungry shrew for a president.
How would a monkey in the jungle know about Trump's charisma? And Trump may not look like much now, but they've been married for 18 years.
your just jealous
>trump and melania are literally a chad and a stacy
Why do we support them again?
Because we dont judge people by their behaviour or style.
We judge them by skin color :^)
is he dying??
You wouldn't know anything about respect, Sweden. It's pitiful to see you weak. You should kill yourselves so you never have to live with the shame of the realization of how much of a pathetic crash of a nation you are.
>zionist shills
>not a sheboon for our first lady
>somehow bad
"O-Okay, Hillary... I-I-I'll stop talking to Monica just... j-j-just stop hitting me with bibles."
the fact that they've been married for 20 years kind of removes the possibility of her being an actual gold digger
but if you think gold digger simply means wanting men with money and status...
then all women are gold diggers
>implying you wouldn't take Don's 18 inch gold plated, diamond encrusted cock up the ass
We just had a man as first lady.
I don't respect bullies and you are being one right now.
Only if I can keep it and then sell it afterward.
>implying first ladies haven't been hoes since the beginning
What could represent America more than a gold digging bimbo whore? She's perfect for the job
you are such a sensitive soft sissy sweden-chan :3
Exactly, faggot. I just challenged you and you backed away. You're a pussy and don't understand respect. You don't see the respect game because you're stupid so you bend at the hand that hits you.
I wonder how soft her butt was in that pic
And you can still win the respect game and be submissive at the same time, if you knew how to be a proper feminine animal, you swedeshit. Like God damn it Sweden. I love you.
I j-just think that being m-mean never solves anything.
I'm confused. Want to fug my bp?
That's cute . Good for them :)
Trump knows how to make a woman feel like the best woman in the world , and that's important . I think \pol\ could use a few pointers from him
We have a telenovela "actress".
>Nuke us pls
yeah, this is much better. fucking faggots...
Trump actually used to be quite handsome. He is tall, rich as fuck, charismatic and soon to be President of The United State, women can't get any better than that desu.
Implying all women aren't gold diggers.
Implying all women aren't exactly the same regardless of education or ethnicity.
Not the first lady that america wants... but the first lady that america deserves.
you prefer rapist gold digger bill clinton who hires hitmen to be your first lady?
Yes please.
That's literally all a first lady is good for.
so cute and progressive of you, maybe you deserve a big tasty reward now :3
At least she's a lady.
>Caring about women's opinions at all ever
The first lady should be seen and not heard. When is the last time a first lady did something that wasn't an absolute joke?
LOL Brazil you're too cute, enjoy your poverty and zika virus.
Oh and great job with the olympics, should have had it in Mexico.
wtf I hate Michelle now
here's a much more flattering picture
Don't you have bigger things to worry about?
Trump has a ten-inch dick according to multiple sources who've slept with him. YUGE dick, loadsamoney, finna be President? What more could a female want?
Shut the fuck up you goddaamed favela monkey, the first lady is completly irrelevant, they are voting for Trump, no for his whorish wife ffs.
Do you even know who is Dilma's husband? I sure don't, because it is irrelevant.
Fuck off and go to hell, the americans are far better off with Trump than with Hillary.
Honestly, I can see why women would like Trump even besides the money. He wasn't always 70 years old, and he's charismatic and alpha. He probably is really fun to be with
>ginger little boy face is handsome
i'm sure your mommy tells you your handsome too, kiddo.
She made money the old fashioned way. Marrying it
Obongo for rich getting a 300k a year no show job at a hospital because her husband was a hack
Are you jealous cause your mother always told you what an ugly fuck you are?
>one has money so he can't get a decent wife because she must be a bimbo
Faggot detected.
That's ironic coming from a cuck faggot that finds a monkey like this attractive.
> then all women are gold diggers
Its cute that you think they're not.
we already have a tranny, this is still a step up
She's a female, yes.
I don't think she'd quaify as a "lady" in the old sense of the word, though.
That would be fine if she weren't so bloody ugly.
stick with your belief that women care about dick size.
that's locker room shit, not of much concern to women
i-is he ok?
>an actual lady
I'm starting to think all the First Ladies have been Men all along.
you have very little experience with real women if you think they all are
all American women, maybe.
The next one won't be a lady either.
Who cares anymore... America lost its core Christian identity. Americans need to stop using Pokemon Go and Go to church and find Jesus Christ to bring back prosperity and stability to the land.
damn, he's ugly as fag
>defending some faggot you've never met this fervently
as the man himself would say, "sad"
get a job faggots
>ugly fat neet who spends time on a cambodian finger puppet forum understanding women
He'll be fine.
the only one who's "sad" is you, homofaggot fuck.
back to your containment board
Yeah. All women are exactly the same and not a single one of them cares about dick size.
what is a first lady supposed to do except look good
Literally looks like he got pozzed.
i'm married, have a child on the way, and own a house.
does it trigger you that a "libtard" like me is doing things that you will never do in your wildest dreams?
stay mad you underage closet case.
If she looks good it's bad, and vice versa.
>penta-lingual model with advanced degree
>not blowing the fuck out of the vast majority of first ladies
But no she's hot so she must be dumb.
>tfw you will never poz the neg hole
lol look at all these (You) you got
look at all these salty fucks getting mad for getting told the truth
What does "pozzed" even mean?
blood money for the blood god.
here's to hoping your kid winds up with a debilitating disease.
post pics
Thats better than a trans looking gorilla like Michelle obongo
>Melania looks good
Well, trump is alpha AF so
people getting aids or giving people aids and gets off on it
>what is a first lady supposed to do except look good
she's supposed to keep her mouth shut and tend to things like opening childrens' libraries.
barbara bush (jeb and retard's mom) had a sharp wit that she occasionally employed.
other than that, we've had a lot of vapid nobodies, and Hillary. You have to go back to Jackie Kennedy to find someone with any substance.