This roided up girl just won the state wrestling competition. I have so many objections

This roided up girl just won the state wrestling competition. I have so many objections

You misspelled erections

Terrible thread. Half the fun is watching idiots assume it's a MtF and get all smug over liberalism backfiring.

>amateur sports
who cares

Liberalism is still backfiring over the rosaries she's crushing thanks to her bogus permitted 'roiding.

But bonds will never make the hall of fame. What a world

But either way it is liberalism backfiring. So it's a woman pretending to be a man and taking steroids thus grossly overpowering wymyn-born-wymyn. Rather than a man pretending to be a woman and overpowering wymyn-born-wymyn with his male testosterone built body. Big deal.. Either way it proves the same point, that male hormones make a huge physical difference and anyone who has been exposed to high levels of male hormones should not be allowed to compete against actual non-roided women.

Caster Semenya and Brittney Griner all over again

yeah, all those liberals that love female rasslin...

>Has actively petitioned to be allowed to compete in the men's division and has been repeatedly shot down

What the fuck did they expect to happen?

This should be like that Ultimate Surrender site. Give him a chance to take his penile implant for a test drive.

>the weak should fear the strong

so, uh, does he still have a pussy?


>women should not be allowed to compete with men
>women on roids should not be allowed to compete with women
this is not complicated. either get off roids and fight other women, or accept that not wrestling competitively is the price you have to pay for playing 'let's pretend i'm a man' for life.

That's because you're a homophobic Islamophobic chauvinist transphobic sexist racist kkk-tiki-torch-carrying ableist ageist lookist sizeist colorist antisemisist alloist saneist cis white male.

What price do you pay?

But it also proves that hormones are more important than sex assignment at birth

Or just let the harmless tranny lose to guys, what are you scared of?

She has more testosterone in her than a lot of those guys

You can't let women do things that are reserved for men. That would bring God's wrath down on Gomorrah again.

And it wouldn't help her. She'd still lose

Title IX.

And get sued after she gets sent to snap city?

If the guys are allowed to take the same test doses, sure. If she has testosterone in her system at a significantly greater rate than the men she's competing with that might give her an unfair advantage, in spite of the disadvantages in terms of frame, etc., that not going through puberty as a male may have resulted in. It seems to make more sense to just bar her from competing altogether than to try to make this fair. If she won everyone would say it was just because of the hormones anyway. If you want to live this weird lifestyle maybe accept that competitive sports (especially combat) can not be a part of that.

that happens normally and schools don't get sued unless there is some sort of negligence. There are waivers and consent forms. Have you ever been in the real world?

hehe noice