How can anyone who is pro Trump defend this? How can we consider a man who would willingly give up control over those things to his VP fit to be President?
For shame. Trump is dead to me. He's a complete and total fraud.
How can anyone who is pro Trump defend this? How can we consider a man who would willingly give up control over those things to his VP fit to be President?
For shame. Trump is dead to me. He's a complete and total fraud.
That's the last straw. Now I'm #basicforkasich
Kasich turned down a pretty good offer, shame he'd rather stay irrelevant in an irrelevant state
Trump forgot to offer him unlimited buffet access
Crucial mistake
Sometimes you dangle something in front of someone's face because you know they'll refuse. It's a good way of confirming a choke artist.
Fuck this guy. Who does he think he is?
Two failed presidential campaigns already and he wants to run again in 2020.
It makes me respect the fuck out of Kasich. He could have had it all but he refused to compromise on his principles.
Meanwhile Trump is selling the powers of the presidency. Scum. Utter scum.
Kasichs mindset:
"If I ally with Trump this late, not only do I get negative media attention, but if he doesn't win; my career is effectively over"
Not being associated with that piece of dry turd Trump will certainly benefit him in the future. Kasich, playing the long game.
>RNC offers Trump 200mil to make Gingrich his VP
>declines on account of his principles
>r/pol goes "Based Trump!"
>Kasich declines offer on account of his principles
>r/pol goes "Fucking irrelevant cuck! Fuck this guy!"
wtf I hate trump now
Kasich is running 3rd party so I think he was trying to stop that.
Kasich looks like a boss and Trump looks desperate, tbqh familia
Also Kasich seems smart enough to know that Trump reneges on most of his "agreements" anyways
~Kasich didn't decline based on principles:
Why would anyone believe this?
Trump is going to lose because he didn'tchoose Kasich as his VP.
He literally said he'd be the worst vp in history during the primaries.
I don't even know why he was considered if that (((report))) is true.
The offer was in MAY.
Kasich is an anti-white, war-mongering cuck. A principled one but still a cuck, he should move to the Democrat party and watch the smoldering remains of the GOP from a safe distance.
Life long Trump voter here I'm now #MentallyHill
Thank god this didn't happen. Kucksich would literally be the worst vp imaginable
Except maybe carly
that sounds shady to me. why would trump do this?? just another lying reporter most likely.
>"maybe we shouldn't let the poor die in the street" - kasich
>"we demand that the poor suffer for their crimes against the nation" - primary voters
>anonymous sources say
Democratic party? Not a chance in hell.
Kasich is anti-planned parenthood, anti-union, pro-low taxes, and generally lines up RIGHT of the official republican platform on most issues.
Wow I totally believe Kasich, definately not a sore loser or anything
>no source in the article
they didn't even say where they got the information, just made up shit.
Kasich knew Trump hadn't a chance so turned down the time vampire that is playing a game with a losing hand.
No, this guy is just delusional. A man that can only win his own state and that has disgusting eating-habits. He even proclaimed how he was going to win the nomination at the convention. Now he's mad and doesn't even turn up at the convention.
And a "rayciss" too:
>But according to the Kasich adviser (who spoke only under the condition that he not be named), Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?
The NYTimes doesn't lie about sources.
It's bullshit and the NYT didn't even ask Don Jr. or anyone else in the campaign if it was true. Dishonest media at it again.
Wtf I hate trump now
We always knew Trump was going to act as a CEO. He provides the face and the overarching vision and selects the best people to make the vision a reality. He just has to make sure his people are loyal and don't cuck his shit up.
Ya alpha male Trump was going to give up all his power to an okie doke aww shucks VP. Shills gonna shill.
/r/requesting dayswithoutjewishtricks.jpg
i can't defend that. that's pretty fucked, kasich's foreign policy is basically neocon
That's the last straw. Gonna be voting Merkel now!
>But according to the Kasich adviser (who spoke only under the condition that he not be named)
>(who spoke only under the condition that he not be named)
ok kid
Is this the same insider that said the VP was Gingrich?
Wooow... fucking niggers and fucking manipulating liberal kike media.
Someone on Kasich's staff knows about Ginrich?
What is your reading comprehension level, 0?
>the new York times reported
This is just a lie. He chose the most retarded lie possible. This is just plain retarded.
So how much is Hillary paying you to post this?
"Someone on Kasich's staff" is a now a reliable source?
Kasich presumably declined because he would still have to work within Trump's framework, i.e. a nationalist one.
I can see why Trump wanted him, since he would deliver Ohio on a plate, but I think it's for the best that it didn't work out.
I'm looking forward to Trump's presidency.
After his first 4 years and having become the second coming of Reagen, everyone who has ever opposed him at some point would be so discredited and looked down upon that will never be able to face public light or hold any political position ever again.
>runs on a campaign of positiveness
>gets offered VP plus more
>hates Trump with a passion
>turns it down out of spite
This helps Trump more than it hurts him if anything.
Kasich turned him down so that he could become the new host of Man v. Food
That was fast.
>things that never happened
>we shouldn't let the poor die in the street
pretty sure trump said that, and all the cuckservatives screamed Trump was an ebil socialist.
So he did ask Jeb to be his VP? Jeb of course denied, because slow and steady wins the race.
Trump said that not Kasich you idiot
> thehill
> hill
They don't even try to hide their bias
He doesn't want to attach himself to a ticket that will obviously lose by the largest margin in recent history,
Kinda seems like this faggot Croatian Kasich wants to try and bomb Trump's chances of taking Ohio, meaning an important battleground state will ultimately go to Clinton.
Kinda fucked, this scumbag would rather Clinton win and permanently concrete Obama's terrible legacy than to concede defeat and support an adversary of his during the primary. Kinda shows you have corrupt and in bed both political parties are doesn't it?
Trump being the most hated and feared candidate ever is tied with a campaign outspending him 50:1 you stupid poo
I respect him for following his principals but I still don't like that he refused the offer because that gave us Pence and will shit on him for that.
>respect kasich
hey fucking kill yourself today.
Sounds like Kasich is an emotional little bitch
This source is utter bullshit you imbecile. Cucksich is making this up to help Hillary. Traitor to this country.
Found the liberal Democrat
i would vote for hillary over kasich. at least she has a backbone. kasich is the weakest piece of shit to ever run for anything.
I don't recall Hillary offering him a VP spot
Wouldn't be the first time that Trump lied to make himself look better. This guy is scum and you're all snaggle toothed rubes.
Based Kasich. Look I love the Sup Forums memes about Trump's campaign (or at least used to before redditors flooded trumpgens with their """"""OC"""""""), but he's really fucked himself over by now to the point he just won't win. Plus shillary is being pushed into the presidency by the FBI and the media. Kasich knew it was a lost cause and stayed with what he believes in. Good for him
I thought Trump and Kasich struck a deal? Was weird how he suddenly dropped out.
>haha Trump is just lying! I totally believe this NYTimes article of someone who spoke anonymously with a claim!
He ran out of money.
Don't you have some Israeli rockets to run from?
Of course Soros is in his pocket.
He was always in it for Hillary.
That is why he was fighting to stay in. He knew he wouldn't win, but he wanted to split up the Trump vote
No reason for him to continue running if he couldn't continue his campaign through Flavor Town.
>How can anyone who is pro Trump defend this?
5D chess
Not my problem if he doesn't want to part with his precious money and spend it on campaign ads. Maybe he doesn't even have the money. These publicity stunts do keep him in the media, but name recognition now is 100%. The only thing these stunts do now is make borderline Trump supporters (who are only voting against Hillary) doubt themselves.
>trump didn't offer him unlimited food
Kasich is just in it for the gainz
You forgot to say
Thanks for the input CTR
This is true--and how is this not the top news story in the country right now?
Brilliant argument Shweinenspiegel
because Melannia copied some lines from Michelle
What cucks keep voting him in?
It's hard to trust a man who is responsible for the mass genocide of fruit with his knife hands.
Oh, come on.
At least he didn't stuff a whole pork chop in his mouth.
Good, I would have offed myself if I had to take 4 years of "shucks! Golly gee!" -posting
Gosh, so dramatic, jeez
He's only taking a little bite in that photo.
>refused to compromise on his principles.
His principles of being a loser?
Tell me this, Sup Forums: have you been memeing for Trump so long that you've come down with Stockholm syndrome, or are you ACTUALLY this cucked for him? It's already hard to watch, and it's only going to get more embarrassing as we approach November.
Drumpf can go fuck himself.
>by me
>ho ho it's not a lie if I sent underlings to ask instead