Facebook news keeps me up to date with the coolest news! :^)

Facebook news keeps me up to date with the coolest news! :^)

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>using facebook

that's your problemo diogenes

What kind of news is this?

It must have been a slow news day

This is why normies are ignorant

Feel-good puff-piece news

A black man, albeit for a short while, takes responsibility for a child. This is huge.

>liking Fox News on Facebook
Don't you realize that now all your Facebook friends know how stupid you are?


That is the look of a man in sheer terror.

>a black man holding a white child
>"Oh my god, like, the symbolism is sooo deep!"

I hate this fucking country. Fucking mouth breathers everywhere.

Cant wait to gtfo.


In his defense he has a fucking job

Wait, why couldn't her husband just hold the other baby?


You can almost see him thinking "if this white bitch don't take this child back I'm gonna woopty boop bop"


>act of kindness goes viral
>man earning a living from commission puts up with shit to get paid

Holy fuck hahaha.

Imagine there was no picture.

think about how fucking stupid this article would be.

goes to show the real point wasn't the article...but rather the picture, no??

now what values are they trying to install? black man takes care of babies? white father is a deserter?

now why would (((someone))) do that?

you know all the "before and after Sup Forums" memes?

goddamit /pol. I was expecting to scroll down to see that he had bludgeoned the mom and kids to death.


Viral? Because that face says anything but "I'm happy to be holding this shit soaked midget cracker".


>Imagine there was no picture.
>think about how fucking stupid this article would be.

What I want to know is why none of them (SJWs and blacks) are outraged because something like this is so incredible? It's like deep down inside they have the same opinions of blacks as we do.

If it were a white woman, zero story.

If it were a white man, meh, maybe a tiny bit of facebook likes "oh that's so sweet!".

But a grim looking dark skinned black man? STOP THE PRESSES WE HAVE A HUMAN ONE HERE.

Side note: I've never had kids and have never held a baby, and at a house I was working at the mom tried to hand me her baby so she could find her keys, and got annoyed when I politely declined. Hell, I didn't want to snap its neck by accident.

>Because that face says anything but "I'm happy to be holding this shit soaked midget cracker".

that's funny too, because in the original image it doesn't look that way because he's focussing on his monitor.

If a skinhead were to save a black couple from a mugger would it make the news?

>Not knowing how local news works

>If a skinhead were to save a black couple from a mugger would it make the news?

not exactly the same thing, but according to "the rise and fall of the third reich", a jewish man helped the injured Goering after the munich putch.

I don't understand.

Is this image satire?


I vaguely remember a similar story, but it was so long ago.

These feel good articles really leave your memory after a while, they aren't salient.




this fucking fat nigger reall thinks he did something awesome!
Look his fat face, how he smiles... disgusting piece of shit


its slight better than that stupid fuck who "solders CPU's"

Was she caring both before this and if so how?
>while completing her paperwork
She took out her phone and took this pic of random guy holding her kid and posted it to facebook.
>really makes you think

That is some maximum smug factor. I think some brave user can improve on this.

>top stories taken from Jezebal and Gawker almost every day

yeah real serious top news.

She has twins but only a single stroller so one was riding and one was in her arms, and that's the one that he held.

the car rental company bought her a double so that she wouldn't have to worry about black men handling her kids anymore.

Reminds me of this


I'm Bill Gates

>black man holds a baby and miracously nothing terrible happens

This is called the racism of low expectations and liberals have been guilty of it for decades now. Black man has a job, takes care of his kids and has never been to jail? Throw this man a parade!

You're absolutely right. It's that "ohh hes such a good goy look at him acting like a human being, see these chimps really are human."

>a serious reply to b8 post

it's hilarious how, when talking about pro football players, if they say "and he has a good head on his shoulders", IT'S ALWAYS A BLACK PLAYER. and nobody takes offense.

>“The hardest part was wiring everything up because if I didn’t do it correctly some of the stuff wouldn’t work,” he explained. “For example, I wired the power light incorrectly and nothing showed up in the case light, so I had to go back into the case and rewire it.”

Sup Forums BTFO

How many of you could trouble-shoot like this kid?

"from scratch" means he got it in parts and just assembled it.

Apparently a nigger following instructions is newsworthy

Assembles computer components together, becomes next Bill Gates lol

>“I did the necessary research and avoided anything that could break or destroy the components, such as static.”

Meanwhile, if you white cave boys tried to do the same thing, your work would be destroyed by static!

>working shitty job
>fat single mother waddles in with two kids
>have no choice but to hold her faggot son so she can do paperwork
>the fucking retard just carries her kids around, doesn't use a proper stroller
>whatever, I'll get fired if she doesn't sign the contract because of this
>the gears start turning in her welfare-funded cola-fueled head
>whips out her iphone 9s+ and starts taking pictures of me without asking
>what the fuck
>posts them on facebook to get millions of likes with no concern for my privacy
>picture of me holding a white baby is now plastered across the internet for all of eternity

From an interview he did.

>"I'm still blown away. It just makes you wonder: What did I do so special? This was something that's part of my instinctual way to do. It's kind of shocking to see the world took it as such a big motion"

Even he knows this was no big deal.


>Look white wymyn! Look what great father material black men are!