Really makes you think

really makes you think

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Black people think this is exclusively something they do. Every fucking parent does this.

"If you get pulled over act polite and comply with the officer, answer yes or no, be kind and kee your hand on the wheel unless told otherwise"

Especially once I got my Drivers license.

Black people think it's racist that they need to parent. Isn't it just wonderful?

SO YOU FINNA SAYIN *smacks lips*

>if a police officer stops you, do what he says

Too bad no one seems to understand this basic bit of common sense

>It's not right to comply to lawful commands

wew lad

I think of everything in that image, what pisses me off the most is the fact they pretend hoodrat thugs have dedicated fathers and mothers concerned about them

Their fathers are probably in another state and their mothers couldn't care less

What the fuck I hate police officers now.

Unrealistic, black people dont have fathers.

if the parents have to explain their children they should do as police officers say and then add 'No, this isn't right.' then they shouldn't be raising children in the first place.

shitty people and whoever made this should not be considered fit to roam the public alone.

My first thought

niggers are the same as police confirmed

>Doing as the police says isn't right


>that black pepe in the top left

>this isn't right
Nigga that's what you're supposed to do if you encounter a cop LMAO

So sad and true :'(

All the fine young black men killed in police shootings have been upstanding teenagers with no criminal record to speak of, acting innocently and naively in self-defense, only to be mercilessly gunned down by evil racist pigs!

This has to be explained?

I thought it was common sense.

>Son.....I don't quite know how to explain's almost too painful to're going to have to obey the law and those who enforce the law...
>I am so sorry for the world you are living in

I love the shitty attempts at subtly trying to make the family appear more educated and civilized.

>The news playing in the family room
>The framed pictures of both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barrack Obama
>The fact that in both of these paintings the subject is making a "Really makes you hmmm" face with their hand on their chin to prove how thoughtful they are

I just realized my parents told me this. I thought it was just good parenting.

>No, this isn't right, but we don't have the luxury of being KANGZ.

It's like the kind of rural American schmaltz-art they'd usually mock for being too white; just like law-abiding attitudes, come to think of it.

Why do these niggers have two couches two feet away from each other and facing each other?

>You have to obey the law
>You have to respect the police and not chimp out when they stop
>This is something only blacks have to do
>It's wrong that we have too take responsibility for our actions just like everyone else, and it's not right.

To encourage interaction with the people sitting in front of you. If you have guests, you'll be paying more attention to each other if you're facing one another as opposed to both facing the TV. Or that's what I think at least.

made me cry, they really need to return to their homeland to excape fascist oppression

>If a cop arrests you don't chimp out
Seems reasonable to me

oy vey! my shekels!

I was about to talk shit about the image having a framed portrait of Obeezy and Martin Luther King Jr, but I remembered my dad always had framed pictures of Vicente Fernández in the living room.



>this is not self evident

>black father present
>well-to-do black parents
>black parents caring about their kids livelihood
>nice furnitire/appliances
>black people watching the news

This picture and caption was clearly made by a delusional white person who's only concept of black people is Ths Cosby Show.

They think taking care of your kid is a social construct being forced onto them by the white patriarchy.

>black people unironically believe that police draw their weapons on them for no reason and not because the niggers escalate the situations through their own actions to the point where the cop needs to draw their weapons

>black people unironically think that them having to tell their children to respect, obey and listen to cops is somehow the cops fault and not the fault of niggers for always ignoring, disobeying and fighting the police

Fucking niggers man, nothing is ever their fault is it? I'm white, I never had to be told to act around police officers because I'm not a savage. I never had to be told how to act around police officers because people of my race are uncivilized animals who have no idea how to respond to authority and therefore my parents will assume I will act the same.

>having framed pictures of someone who isn't a relative or friend



no, not all.

really made me feel

Wtf is this it isn't right? Do they think white parents don't also tell their kids to obey police?

There are no good police officers

Either they are murderers, or they help cover up, or they get thrown out if the department.

>google the filename

This shit cannot be more fucking retarded.

Niggers have to tell their kids to not run away from the police? No fucking wonder.



>That picture
things that never happened
the niggers killed were shot because they acted like savages in front of a cop

im against pigs too, but if these retarded chimps just dropped to the ground and do as they were told nothing would have happened other than they being arrested for a crime they commit or the cops looking like idiots for getting an innocent person

if this aint serving i will chop off my dick

>don't act like a nigger around the cops
>implying there is anything wrong with this advice

>No, son. Thees eesn't the birds and the beees talk. Thees is about chu coming to work with us. While we know chu're just a child, to us chu're a worker. A worker who we don't have to pay. So, if a customer get sick from our food, don't give him a refund. If chu can, try to give him more food. Even if he yells at chu or pulls his gun out and chu get scared, don't refund. Just wave your hands in the air and babble in spanish. No thees isn't right but we don't have the luxury of being right. We want that money at home.


Uncle Phil in Fresh Prince had at least one painting of Malcom X on the wall too

That seems out of character since I recall that Uncle Phil was very against the whole "Fight against the Man' type of thing.

What the fuck is this picture trying to imply? Everything the parents are telling the kid to do are things that should be common fucking sense and showing respect. HOME BOY YOU GON GET DOMED IF YA DONT BE DANCIN TO THE WHITE MANS TUNE OF NOT ACTIN A FOOL YA HUR?

If your kids are white or asian, you don't even need to tell them to respect the police. They'll know to do it instinctively since they're not niggers.

Seriously, why do they try to trick people into thinking that black dads are a common thing?

When you have a great voice like that, it's no wonder people would hang your picture on their wall.

No there was the episode where Will and Carlton went to jail because the cops thought they stole a car and later he told Uncle Phil the cops were just doing their job, but Uncle Phil said he used to think that too before it kept happening again and again, at the end it really makes Will think

>In 2011, 72% of Black babies were born to unwed mothers.

Cam cops randomly stop you on suspicion? This is a genuine question.

I'm a spic and it's happened twice this year when coming home back from work.

Stupid cunts Im euro mix and my father made sure I knew how to behave around cops. I didnt understand why he was serious at the time cause I was a stupid kid but I wasnt allowed to drive until I knew to keep my hands in view of an officer when I was pulled over.

Want to know whats wrong with the black community? Figure out why they think doing the same thing as white people makes them special and a victim.

>son, comply to police
>yes, this is wrong, but they will shoot you otherwise
No shit nigga. Next thing they will be telling, is that he shouldn't rape people because evil whites will incarcerate him.


Respeck. My grandparents have a photo of John Paul II from 1978 on their wall. And one of their neighbors has a framed photo of "that nice Kennedy boy" (JFK).

>listen to and respect police officers
Do niggers really have to be taught this?

>Michael D'Antuono

This fuckin guy........


>Cam cops randomly stop you on suspicion?

Not quite randomly, but they can very easily come up with excuses for stopping you. Happens to me too since I work nights and walk there.

This man is the fucking KING of 'rly makes u think'

Thought this was comical, but I heard a guy on the radio recently who made me realize its correct. "We do teach our kids to obey the police, because they have to, because they'll shoot us otherwise, but she shouldn't have to, this isn't right" really is what they teach them, and is what they believe.

They think that white people are taught the opposite or something, and mouth off to and tell the police to fuck off all the time, because they don't have to worry about being shot.

There's something indoctrinating their communities these days telling them there's disproportionate black murders from the police, they'll shoot you for no reason, and you really shouldn't respect and should hate these people.

Another classic



Makes me think how that lack bitch tracked down this kids dad just to have this shitty talk.

Surprise he's a literal cuck


Every black owned restaurant I've been to in the past eight years has had a framed picture of Obama on the wall


In the country where guns are common not obeying police results in being shot. It's common sense. Now, all of this "not being shot" bullshit may just be a preface to repelling the 2nd amendment.

Sound advice for anyone really.
Nah just kidding. Police in my country don't have to use guns. They just hit you with a big stick or shock you with a taser.

Top lal



I'm amazed there's no crying Jesus in there

That's because Jesus is an asshole

>Error: Corrupt or unplayable video706 KB WEBM

wtf i hate whites now...

I'm black and I literally never feared for my life. Mainly because I live in a white neighborhood.

There are fuck ups for sure, but its way less common than you think by the police. We even have a show that follows Cops who go on call each day, although I don't know if its still airing at all. Even when people run from them constantly they don't just go for the gun quickly. They mainly only pull out the gun when its life or death, or if the guy starts attacking.

The media plays it up, people take the narrative and run with it, and movements are created. Even if it police shootings were way less common than they've ever been, the media can play it up pretty well.

you're probably not a stupid fuck either

wtf i hate skittles now

That's smart


I am though desu. I almost got arrested once, but I didn't think he was going to kill me or anything.

Well maybe if black culture wasn't so thuggish and full of criminals who glorify violence, this wouldn't be a problem.

Why? They're literally just enhanced genetics.

To be fair the boy has pretty decent lips.

You know what I actually prefer automatic rifle leprechaun jesus.


'don't resist arrest'

'no, this isn't right'

what's not right about it?

stale pasta