Anyone got that south african government chimping governmant videos?
Anyone got that south african government chimping governmant videos?
Which one?
That question encapsulates the current state of SA perfectly. I heard the rand's 14 to 1 now ? eeesh
Soo many... fuck I hate this bunch
hong hong hong hong
Yeah we are on our way to Zim v2.0, maybe even worse.
Anyway, honourable member, how are things in zomBOBwe?
Ahnahrahball Mehmbahs.
>hong hong hong
Hobonural membah!!!!
I wonder if that's really sign language or just niggas throwing gang signs.
Yoo see, sum of us dont know English propalee, and then uh we can only cum and say "hong hong hong" like that membah. Yes, hong honghong hong. Thets the onlee thing she nose
lol where did you find this??
video depicts the reconstruction era of governance in the southern US following our civil war.
The legs are those of our attorney general
Anti-Government protests are growing, Bob's set to deploy the army if things continue. He's in a right mess this time, there's no way out for him.
Woah dude. I had no idea this stuff existed
Also, I fucking hate that flag
how do you stay alive?
>hong hong hong hong
How can anyone pretend for ONE FUCKING SECOND that black people are equal?
This is literally like watching people with down syndrom do a play or something.
Honerable memba, the teletubby iz euqol. I wood ask yoo to withdror yo comment!
I wanna know what happens to the telescopes after all the whites are killed?
Lol thanks bro. Murica's always got our backs haha
I'm sure the niggers will think of something.
Guns, mostly.
Ja I saw a headline where he said that the discontent was because of white South Africans. I never had a clue of how powerful I actually am!
What are the gun laws like there?
I've seen Zimbabwean flags a lot on /Pol the last couple of days. Is that just you, or have a ton of people over there recently got access to the internet?
These people rule this country. lol
Is this honorable member a jew? It's like you can see the yarmulke imprint on his head, I've noticed this on other jews.
it's the one anti-israel shill who lurks on here while his countrymen are protesting
I know. FML.
If I'm not mistaken you are correct.
That's rich coming from a criminal whose people literally couldn't invest the wheel
A country in wich the people who are part of the government behaves like that shouldn't be considered civillized
>I never had a clue of how powerful I actually am
>What are the gun laws like there?
I was joking, they're super strict. Government doesn't issue self defense licenses to Whites anymore.
Nah m8, I've been lurking here for a while.
> his countrymen
lol, good one, Mr long-nose
>Dumb boers
Imagine if you turned the tables and said "dumb blacks". The average citizen would be vilified for that, yet a Minister of Sports can say "dumb Boers" and get away with it
Dude, I agree fully.
No coincidence there. He doesn't want the Rhodies to do to him what he did to them!
Bro if I said "dumb blacks" on twitter I'd be labelled PennySparrow v2.0 and the Human right commission would coming knocking chop chop!
Moral of the story: The "Rainbow Nation" is black
Hahaha ya, no matter how few we are we'll always be better than them and they know it. someday this country will be free again.
Kinda unrelated but I met a former South African special forces from before Apartheid. Dude has seen shit and killed a ton of black people
This one gets me every time.
They will ask for our expertise how to properly dismantle a metallic structure
Ja I reckon its on the way man. Plus there are a good couple of Rhodies here in Safrica. So Bob's cronies shouldn't get too comfy if you ask me.
Ja dude, our army used to be frikken badass. Its gone to shit now though.
The irony in the way they call eachother "honorabol memba"
Swedish Resistance Movement informing the people of the genocide of whites in SA.
Oh the dude is like 50 and still ripped, after a couple glasses of wine we started about his service. Dude was a war hero.
What are the Swedish public saying?
We are the perfect candidates to be refugees in your country tbqh. Aren't they looking for Africans?
That's Africa eh, this ride never ends, we hit rock bottom in 2008 but we're still going down like we're in a mine-shaft.
My whole family's on edge now, If civil war breaks out here we'll might be forced to flee to Europe as Refugees.
w-would a qt blonde Swedish girl take pity on me do you r-rate?
Did he mention where he served? South West Africa maybe?
Sorry to hear about the situation bro, but don't go to Europe. Come to Safrica man! We may be going down the same route but strength in numbers and stuff you know...
if these animals get too out of control, white south africans, I'll put a family up here in Florida until you can get on your feet.
In general people don't know anything. In the video they're arguing with that commie butch saying she have been to SA and to one of the biggest ghettos but there where no whites there so obviously they can't be oppressed.
I wouldn't mind afrikaners instead of zoomalis and arabs.
Recces or 32 batt?
Thanks bro. That's really cool of you. Which state would you say would be best for South Afrifags (I don't plan on leaving, even if shit hits the fan, but I have given it some thought)
Thanks man, appreciate it. As a kid I always wanted to live in South Africa, I remember visiting with my uncle, something about It just felt right, like this is how things were supposed to be in Zimbabwe. But that was in 2000
Now that I'm old enough I might just head on down. I want to explore
My saffa mates are moving here next year. Going down the toilet failed state by 2025 or faster
Plenty of sa and rhodies here in aus
I have to head out now, Cheers m8.
What a dumb bitch. "I didn't see nuthin so its not real".
We literally have a couple of hundred white squatter camps in SA. And apart from that, being poor isn't the only form that oppression can take
You know Rhodesia was almost the fifth province of South Africa? They voted against it in 1920.
But ja you must come through man. Anyway, good chatting. Good luck with the situation there.
Yeah pretty much hey. I've even got family on that side. They're always trying to convince me to move too
My father wanted to emigrate to Australia around 1994/95 but my mother insisted that we stay in SA. He regrets that decision everyday
>The strongest fear that whites had about blacks having political influence was miscegenation
Whites and their penis envy lol.
He was vague on a lot of the locations unfortunately. He loves South Africa but recently moved to Canada, he said it's gotten too bad
Let me guess, your mom voted "yes" in the referendum?
I'm guessing some western states like Montana or Utah, Maybe Wyoming. From what I've read you folk seem to be connected to land and a rugged type. Q; Is your freedom of movement restricted in any way there?
What about Texas? Or Colorado?
And no restrictions on freedom of movement. That being said, there are plenty of no-go zones.
Both good choices. I'm particularly fond of Texas.
I still have a gold Krugerrand I inherited from my dad.
Yeah Texas sounds like the kind of place I could get live in.
That's cool! What's on it?
Also, did you ever see the lethal weapon movie where the "evil racist South Africans" were trying to smuggle the Kruger Rands? I had a good laugh at that