What happens if the electoral college exercises its right to ignore the popular vote and put whomever they want in the...

What happens if the electoral college exercises its right to ignore the popular vote and put whomever they want in the office of the presidency?

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That's not "their right", it's their job. State's rights.

>exercises its right to ignore the popular vote
Not all states have that right though



Umm, that doesn't have legal force.

good taste user


>electoral college exercises its right

Members of the electoral college required in most states to cast their lot in with the candidate who won the state popular vote.

So no, electoral members have no rights. They do as they are told or they get fucked by the law.

>exercises its right to ignore the popular vote and put whomever they want in the office

Your constitution allows this?
Nice 'democracy' you've got there.

>tfw you live in Ohio, one of the only states where your vote actually matters.

We roll the dice and see what comes out on the other side.

Might be as little as nothing now and a dead pay next cycle.

My bad then . apologies

it's supposed to be a republic.

We are a republic.

>britcuck talking about democracy

whatever happened to #brexit?

Wrong they can vote for who ever they want.

>tfw you're proud of being known to "swing both ways."

Constitutional Republic.

It's fun during election time man. You won't find political energy like you do in a swing state anywhere else in the country. If you wear a Trump hat you get an equal mix of people highfiving you and asshurt liberals glaring at you. You can start hour long debates at parties by mentioning the current election. It's a lot more fun than 95% of a room agreeing one way with only one or two dissenters.

American civil war part 2 electric boogaloo

Congratulations on getting cucked by your politicians,

Working out the details as we speak. The first thing the EU said was that it should happen quickly. Hence we are taking our sweet time.

It's a protection against mob rule, which I think has only been used once before, but I'd have to read back up on it. Anyway, who actually wants a pure democracy?
It's actually a little more complicated than that. They can vote for whomever they want, but in states with laws like that, they will face consequences; however, that doesn't/can't change the vote that they cast.

>ignore the popular vote
This has been done multiple times, please stay in school. We are a republic, not a democracy.

>tfw connecticut may be a swing state this year

The niggers will probably cuck it up for us and end up going blue anyway

>tfw Oklahomafag and I live in a town where people drive with rebel flags flying from their trucks and a Trump supporter was jumped by a couple niggers at one of our gyms

>all these young people

nice burgerbaiting

You thieving nigger. That's Ohio's anime face.

>Mexican ''''''''''empire'''''''''

We form a new government, as we see fit.

Yeah, far better that California, New York, Illinois, and Texas decide the politics of the whole union and nobody else gets a say. The way the US balances decentralization and centralization is marvelous. Their senate even gives exactly two respresentatives to each state regardless of size to ensure they all have equal say in at least one part of the legislature. This is something the EU has failed to do with actual fucking COUNTRIES.

You could at least make all the states their rightful size in that shitty little pic OP

4 times, three of which were before 1900.

Is sure is summer in here.

Sure is

this scenario is about as likely as your queen dissolving parliament and naming prince philip as prime minister. yeah, technically the constitutional law allows it, but it's not going to happen.

>Congratulations on getting cucked by your politicians
lol and it took you fags how long to declare independence?