We need another war

So here's the plan.

We invade Iraq,. Syria, and Libya, reclaim our stolen equipment from ISIS, and loot and destroy their entire army.

After that we move on to Europe. We take back England, Germany, France, and possibly Sweden if we're feeling froggy. Then we give it back to the Europeans except for designated lands which will be given to the veterans.

Our economy will be better than ever, nu male cucks will learn how be men, and our warrior class that currently don't know what to do with themselves and end up in prison or killing themselves will finally have the chance to fulfill their destiny.

Let's do it.

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>We need another war.

>that delusion

just watch this webm.

>We invade England.
Then after your done you give England to Wales right?

wtf I hate america now

So England becomes farm land for sheep for you to fuck?

Wales isnt a country

Let's go to war Boys.... who is ready to kill some Muslims

You going to enlist in this war or just comment on it here?

I'm in on Sweden, fuck them

Howabout we order the CIA to kill off ISIS by conducting a large number of precision airstrikes, and arranging for mercinary fighters to hit them at home when they're eating.

When the CIA says "but sir, ISIS is our operation... yknow to destabilize the middle east".

You tell them "Do it anyway"

invading europe would actually be a smart idea

even if it fails it would make the men there more masculine if they decide to resist

Yeah war is bad, but you know what's worse? Being a nation of cucks that watches and does nothing as an army of sand people steal our tanks and conquer or fatherland.

There's going to be war whether we are involved or not the only difference we can make is we can either be the victor or the victim.

I'll be the supreme General and lead the fight it's my vision.

>Wales isn't a country.
did you mean Belgium?

Send the nigs in prison to war, armed only with a 1 day ration of KFC, grape drank, and watermelon

Air drop their food supply deep in enemy territory at night only, niggers have natural camo in the dark

Then when we exhaust them, we send in the cavalry

Ok go, keep me posted

Here's a better plan:

We invade Israel and dismantle their government which exerts undue influence over our own government to the detriment of the American people
Then we render the land inhospitable through the use of radioactive materials so that neither Jew nor muzzie, nor anyone else will be likely to fight over it and we become that much further away from an apocalyptic WWIII scenario.

I'd happily agree with that.
But only under Trump.

PROBLEM: What if you get nuked by some other country? I know its a low possibility because war crimes and shit but... I wouldn't recommend fucking with Russia.

>amerimurderers frothing at the bit to kill someone

Muslims are scum anyway.
Look at this jihadist nigger posting footage of Jew-Controlled Mudslimes

Not a bad idea. We could only use them on the eastern front though. I don't want any raping during the the European invasion.

Good plan. That'd actually give us a reason to finally ally with Ivan & we could finally gas all the mutt-nations from the world like ameriniggers & beaners from latin america

You just saved hundreds of what little un-blacked women there are in Europe

Russia might have a problem with it but they can't do shit because of MAD. Before we do anything I'll just bolster our missile shield in Poland and maybe put some nuclear subs in the Baltic Sea if that's even possible.


I'm trying to save you cuck. You should be grateful.

Is that supposed to intimidate me? Do you even have an army bro?

Damn skippy motherfucker



And by the way when I say we need another war I dont mean we need to continue in the footsteps of Iraq and Afghanistan. That shit is over. Those were pointless minor military engagements that got us nothing. When I say we need another war talking about something like ww2 or the civil war where Americans have the chance to prove themselves and be great, and become rich while doing it.

I could back a war in Libya, but not in Syria or Iraq. I for one love the Lion, and think that Bashar is as legitimate, if not, more so for the Syrian people than Angela Merkel is for the Germans.

Another benefit is to place a american ally into power within Libya, to secure a strategic foothold into northern africa.


Please come back once you've exceeded the age of 14.

I like it

wtf its like romania but even gayer

We would be allied with the lion dummy.

I'm probably way older and smarter than you. Don't worry you'll be liberated soon you just have to hang in there.

Yeah. A conscript army and hell of a lot better trained (which doesn't take much) than your mutt circus. Some of your "marines" were training here a few winters ago & those cucks were complaining that it was too cold, as usual.

Leave it to the minor to take initiative Pierre.

You just made the list.

not again, the roach got himself a proxy because internet is now censored

>Conscript army
>well trained
Lol. Anyways, here's a group of guys a part of a unit that would make anybody in your mongolian shithole army piss themselves.

Kind of funny when you realize JSOC alone could probably shit on most armies.

Enough of american wars, you guys screw up everywhere you go.

We need a war to end your secular jewish puppet state.

No you aren't. You're just some NEET having power fantasies in your mom's basement. Sadly though, that's what happens often in limp-wristed cucklands with no military service. No wonder that modern interracial cuckolding originates from you guys.

Yeah really even if I was 14 what does that say about Frenchy here? A 14 year old is willing to save his country for him but he isn't. I guess not much has changed since ww2.

That's a false narrative, America has been involved with supplying rebel factions with TOW missiles and has recently killed civilians. Our involvement has been more of a hindrance to Al-Assad than beneficial.

America has ties with Salafist, and Turkey and Saudi are against Al-assad.

What we need is a civil unrest on USA soil.

>We invade
Fuck off kike

And yet you're layering this senseless plan that hinges only on a "ew I hate being stuck at home, let's to go war!" rethoric.

Even your so-called tactics bear no logic other than hammering it in that you hate ISIS, and you throw in illogical places and names where ISIS is rumored to be, rather than striking the head of the beast (Saudi Arabia, and Turkey lately).

I'm all for an insurrection that repels the cuckoldry but the US heaving that responsibility onto themselves would be nothing close of idiotic. You'd be putting your very own country on the brink of civil war with that. Fucking superb.

Also men don't return more masculine from wars. They return traumatized and even more hesitant to exact violence. That you know not that makes me suspect that you're a Black Ops 3 toting 16 year old.

But fine call me a eurocuck if you so please. Boy do I love memes!


I know that would all change once I took over. When we invade we would be going after ISIS and working together with Assad. After the job is done and we leave the country will be handed back over to him.

>implying secularism is bad


>We take back England, Germany, France,

Two of those are nuclear powers. You don't have the stones.

This. Every time america gets militarily involved somewhere, the world becomes a more fucked up place than it was before.

Don't you have a surrendering to do?

You only said one thing that i care about.
>men don't return more masculine from wars. They return traumatized and even more hesitant to exact violence

This is the only thing i care about in your post.

Of course I'd die for my country, but I don't either entertain dumb delusions that have me reasoning that war is as simply as labeling a country on a map, saying "we invade here xD", and *poof*, it is invaded by God's good grace.

What I'm mocking is that you're picturing some utopia wherein the U.S. can invade Lybia, Syria and Iraq, and shrug off their losses, when the 2003 war had them bogged for a decade, and that your army will then waltz into Europe.


Is that why your shitty ass "professional" muhreens need to grovel here to learn how to fight. We're being listed as pretty high in standards but that's just because our army isn't filled with society's most retarded like yours is. Add in high morale & there, a lot better than some amerimutt with power fantasies.

>says Serbia, the country over whose protection we started a world war

Yeah, you're welcome.

It's a shame that I relate to this board's philosophy, but never its trigger-happy 14 year old populace.

is his from syria?
are these american soldiers?
what are they doing in syria, i know some were fighting with the kurds, but this?

t. Faggot who never fought in a war or has done combat duty.

Our niggers need to be segregated or put back in Africa. Don't even chance them on our Eurobros.

>(Saudi Arabia, and Turkey lately).

We need Saudi Arabia and Turkey for two very important reasons. It doesn't matter that they fund ISIS. Everything they have given them will be reclaimed by us so they're more than willing to keep funding them.

>Also men don't return more masculine from wars. They return traumatized and even more hesitant to exact violence.

Because your idea of a war is surrendering as fast as possible. I wouldn't feel masculine after surrendering either. Maybe that's true for the French but not for Americans. The civil war gave the chance for Americans to prove their worth and could countless heroes emerged.



Even though i support you, nice mistake.

Trigger-happy is what is stupid with the guy planning this, i'd still participate in the war solely for the reason that i want to.

Let them come here frenchbro, they cannon win a bunch of chink in vietnam with all the shit but they want to take all Europe. Come on fucktards what are u waiting for cucks?

Of course I know that. They'll be used exclusively against sand people.



What the fuck are you talking about doe?

You'd surrender immediately.

>Because your idea of a war is surrendering as fast as possible.
Why am I even bothering.

We didn't have the right leadership or goals in those wars. This is a war of conquest to reclaim what was from us.

a serb trying to mock french
after getting buttfucked by all of nato and some albanians

Dont think so Artyom. If ur shitty and poor country want also, its fine for me, get the cock of ur americuck and come here, u re going to return to you country with the assbottom like the japan flag biacht.

>stolen equipment from ISIS
you mean the things you gave them

>Buttfucked by Albanians

Because it's always for the wrong reasons. Spreading democracy or saving the Jews. I dont care about democracy and jews. All I want is our stuff, our fatherland, and the blood of the sand people.


Nigger you can't even make a difference between Russia and Serbia.
We would destroy you with the fact that we have balls.

Some was given by President nigger but most was stolen from the Iraqi Army. It doesn't matter we'll take it all.

With the amount of military equipment we plunder from ISIS the war will already be paid for.

Please, for the love of God, do notify me if ever this is a bait thread. I'm starting to grow genuinely anxious over your intelligence, and whether it amounts to enough for you to operate under normal terms in your day-to-day life.

How exactly would your "war of conquest" not be acquainted with the same issues as the 2003 war? I'd have hoped that I wouldn't have to spell the barest truths of modern society, but fine, I'll bite. You see wars of conquest cannot exist in this day and age.

The indigenous people of lands anyone means to conquer these days have become too sensibilized to the idea of their own nationality. You cannot rob it from them anymore. Vietnam failed for both us and you because we were challenged by an enemy that sought to protect its cultural identity. It was the same with Iraq. This isn't the Middle Ages anymore where there'd be vast land changes and many conquests, since peasants couldn't care less that they were changing from lord to lord.

But nowadays, people do prize their culture and nationality. You can't barge into a country anymore, and claim right of conquest. You'll always, mark my words, be met with resistance these days. Look at Tibet: invaded 20 years ago, and the Chinese government still can't pacify the region.

You'd have the same issues with your war of conquest on Iraq and the like.

>The civil war gave the chance for Americans to prove their worth and could countless heroes emerged.
Right...... Which is why America cowered on its continent for the coming thirty years and would avoid any further war at all cost? Face it, war traumatizes.

Truth. I'd support this war but this delusional general thinks that war doesn't Traumatize.

Doesnt matter Artyom, you arent important for us to know ur toiletpaper flag, the world even dont know where ur shitty country is in the map. Now, be a good pleasant and kneel urselt in front of me

>How exactly would your "war of conquest" not be acquainted with the same issues as the 2003 war?

Because we're not going in as a police force spreading democracy. We're going in to kill everyone and take everything. That's a much easier goal than trying to set up a stable government.

All the examples you're giving are political wars that try to remove government and set up a new one. Assad will be in charge of Syria and I don't care what happens in Iraq or Libya afterwards. If any problems pop up we'll destroy them again.

>We're going in to kill everyone and take everything. That's a much easier goal than trying to set up a stable government.
Oh my God. Are you even hearing yourself?

>the world even dont know where ur shitty country is in the map.

That proves the world is stupid. Enough with the retarded internet grammar.

ON the map, DOESN'T know...

We didn't have any problem doing it the first time. The invasion of Iraq went smoothly. It's when we stay around and act as peace keepers that problems arise.



Not that I don't hate Muslims. Actually, I host a seething rage against them for being violent, selfish, uncultured, ungrateful, and focussing vermin.

So all things I could also incriminate you with right now. You're becoming just like them.

Look, here I go being called a cuck again, but you'd be a murder if your plan did come to fruition.

Yeah if you surrender like a French pussy. Don't you get that we won't be using French military tactics of surrender?

You think your soldiers, and I'm understanding that these should be conscripts we're considering here, would merely fall in line with your orders to massacre the entire Iraqi people?

Have a merry old time with the ensuing mutinies bud.

Are you, like, retarded? Nazi's defended until the last man, they didn't surrender (mostly), and they got PTSD.


>Yeah if you surrender like a French pussy.
Let me, you underachieved in High School history classes?

Stealth rare

While we're enemies, you and me, Frenchy, you told him off correctly.


How are we enemies?

There might be the NATO debacle to alienate us, but didn't the Serbian forces and the french expeditionary forces take a liking to each other in WW1?

I mean, we might not be the best of friends. But we're not enemies are we?

Well most of your countrymen hate me... i thought you were one of them.

Oh wow, what happened? Have you found your balls?

Oh yes, because these are totally Serb corpses

Not really.

As long as you don't profess the idiotic surrender monkey meme. It's somewhat annoying.

Serbia has a good kebab removing tradition. We can relate to that with the battle of Poitiers.

>We invade Iraq,. Syria, and Libya, reclaim our stolen equipment from ISIS, and loot and destroy their entire army.

We really just need to declare war on the Syrian government as lead Bashar al-Assad.

His totalitarian political party is still technically a legal entity which includes ISIS. His troops even help Daesh on the battlefield.

>After that we move on to Europe. We take back England, Germany, France, and possibly Sweden if we're feeling froggy.

This plan does not take advantage of geography.

PTSD is just something pussys make up. Our soldiers will have it much easier than the Germans. I'm not asking them to come with me to invade Russia in the winter.