When will America apologize?
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>a fucking tube of toothpaste
Never. The Japs should be happy. Millions would have died as we fought our way to Tokyo.
We will apologize when we are sorry.
Which will be never.
To apologize for the bombs would mean choosing foreigners over 1 million american soldiers. It would be career suicide for a policitian, so never.
If we ever feel sorry about it, probably not even then though.
When the japs admit they raped Manchuria
So never
Japs attack us first and start the war. U mad when we fight back and end it? Okay bro.
Fuck you, hope youre next.
When will Japan apologize for human experimentation, the Korean colonization, Nanking, and for Pearl Harbor
Literally never. In fact apologizing for doing something that ended the war sooner would actually be offensive to both of us.
USA did literally nothing wrong. Japs should apologize for those laboratories and other savage crimes.
Bro what is that?
Looks like some bomb weed
When will weaboos stop defending the japs?
rape of nanking ALONE was enough reason to dump the bombs. not to count many other horrific things the slants did in the name of conquest
When you can clone my dead grandpa
He was only 25...
>mfw you attack the strongest military force in history
kek japs deny the rape of nanking in which they went door to door raping and butchering children and women at around 300,000 victims.
A quick death is nothing compared to that
One instance recalled a jap slitting the woman's throat, skull fucking her as she's dying, all of this in front of her kids and husband before setting them on fire
Why couldn't we just drop it on Mecca instead?
Sorry we don't use them more often. Better?
Should do it again today
I'm not defending Chinese, I'm simply pointing out that if one civilization does some horrific shit, they're hypocrites for calling out another civilization who does something less horrific
When we design the first nuke designed to be stuffed up your ass, yurp.
Sorry, that the US bit your knuckles when Japan punched the US in the face.
dat is een grote bom
never, fuck the japs i would nuke that country to dust if I could
Will the japanese apologize for all the crazy stuff they did to the chinese? American pows? Unit 731?
>america makes a nuke
>calls it "fat man"
I love this country
We will apologize when every American gets to impregnate a job school girl.
And when they will need to supply us with all of their robots.
And they need to give us half if their islands
Then we will say..."maybe a little much"
That is what they get.
Don't want your people vaporized or suffering slow deaths from radiation? Don't fuck with your superiors
> That goes to all of you
Then who recalled the act?
Sounds like holohoax trash.
They gassed us and threw us in ovens! I was there!
Japan should compensate us for the time and money we spent buolding those things
Luckily there was so many people in the oven they couldn't close the door so they pulled one out, me...
Alright, I'll say it: We're sorry we didn't invent the bomb sooner to prevent the level of firebombing that we did that took more Japanese lives than the atomic bombs ever did.
Check em
two wasn't enough, apparently
What for?
what a silly request
as if their formal apology makes a differernce to anything
Apologize?? We're still waiting for the gratitude.
will the CIA apologize for all the crazy shit they have done and keep doing to the entire world?
doubt it
Voor jou.
When Japan apologizes for anime. At least our destruction was quick, contained, and caused cancer to the surround.
Theirs is prolonged, global, and cancerous in it's very nature.
Saved more lives then it took.
No apologies, even the Japanese knew it was fucking justified. So stop with this apologies bullshit.
Not until all big guys are brought to justice, and if that happens we'll consider it.
Why should we apologize for winning?
When the Japs apologize to China for Nanking.
Nuking the japshits was the best thing America has done for the world
Dear Japan,
We are sorry that we dropped two nukes onto your cities instead of launching a land invasion and killing millions.
Love, America
to be honest they could have used a far better kiloton count but apologising is a bit over the top
>apologize for being technologically and militarily superior
>they literally just compress nitrogen so much it blows up
There is nothing to apologize for.
When they apologize for whar and dorphin
I never see japs complaining about nukes, just cucks and jelly non-whites.
What's up with that?
The military is still handing out Purple Hearts that were made in anticipation of the invasion.
The other one was named "Little Boy."
Fuck off
>1 post by this ID
My grandpa was shot down over Burma and was left blind and deaf from the crash. He spent two years in a bamboo cage being fed maggotty rice and dirty water. Surprisingly he didn't hate the Japanese when he came home. They still deserved that shit though.
>don't drop bomb
>millions of Japanese and Americans will be killed or severely wounded in the fighting
>drop bomb
>a few hundred thousand Japanese get killed or wounded, no Americans whatsoever
Golly, I wonder which option is better?
Obama tipped toed. He couldn't apologize without everybody getting pissed at him. My guess is once the boomers die, everything will be a o k
Sorry, got carried away from all the freedom. You glorious bastards. I'm gonna adopt a bald eagle and raise like my own. Teach it how to drive a Jeep and shit.
For what? They did literally nothing wrong.
Every time I read this I get goosebumps.
That's not why the bomb was dropped. The US government knew that Japan was about to surrender. They needed to demo the bomb so that the world - particularly the Russians - would know what they had.
>Every time I read this I get goosebumps.
>Implying Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag
People who are upset about the Atomic Bombs are ignorant as fuck.
Even if you believe that the U.S. let it happen, it was still a deliberate Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. So yes, they should apologize for that if we're going to apologize for doing something that was best for both sides.
In a thousand years when our descendants look back on this last century, they will MARVEL that any nation could possibly care so much for another that they would sacrifice what we have for the Japanese.
Those little bastards should put a bald eagle on their fucking flag for all we've done for them, they're going to take over the Pacific and we are going to help them do it, and SO HELP ME GOD there will be a second Nanking if those fucking chinks stand in our way.
Which is why it took another week and another bomb before they surrendered, right?
Go buy some more tinfoil, your hat is leaking.
How can you know he doesnt hate the japs? Hes blind and deaf
gooks were lucky
I've read that they were actually fine with the bombing few decades after. If burgers invade Japan i would be a total carnage because they will not surrender. And that is a fact.
Burgers should say something about it but not apologize.
>le just war XD, GOOD GUIS WIN
it's much more complicated than that
but I guess that's the limit of burger education sytem
The Japanese should be able to appreciate more than anyone the scientific need for real data collection on the effectiveness of nuclear weapons in a populated area and that in spite of all the meme magic it was nothing personal.
>leaf post
This is also true. A bit rednecky but true.
>You reap what you sow
That is sounds omniscience when you look all US involvements in current world affairs... I just hope that shitskins will never get their filthy hands on nuclear weapons.
>Burgers on heroin withdrawal litterally btfo by underaged girls
B-but muh most powerful soldiers in the world
When they apologize for their shitty cartoons.
Being upset over dropping the bombs is the ultimate litmus test to weed out miserable faggots.
>The US government knew that Japan was about to surrender.
Pffft, yeah- conditionally. No can do.
I dont think shitskins would KNOW how to operate nuclear weapons on top of knowing all the horrendus after effects of them anyway. They would probably just sell it to the russians or the middle east for a quick buck.
Isn't that the same way you lost too
Sorry for not dropping more.
>One instance recalled a jap slitting the woman's throat, skull fucking her as she's dying, all of this in front of her kids and husband before setting them on fire
>Believing this garbage
>In a thousand years when our descendants look back on this last century, they will MARVEL that any nation could possibly care so much for another that they would sacrifice what we have for the Japanese.
No they won't, they will understand it via a single sentence explanation about wanting to preventing communism.
Actually, we were very grateful and merciful. Ever heard of Operation Downfall? 500,000 purple hearts, which are still being used today, were made just for that single operation. Imagine the casualties for the Japs.
They dont have to. They alrady paid and rebuilt those cities instead of having any of their leaders charged with "war crimes"
top kek