Has France had enough? They just wiped out a hundred civilians in Syria. And it's far from an accident

Has France had enough? They just wiped out a hundred civilians in Syria. And it's far from an accident.


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why based? they probably attacked pro assad areas. How is that based?

It wasn't pro Assad areas. It was an anti Assad area about to be sent to Europe.

That's an F-15 you abysmal fagget


Not... enough... nukes... dropped.


>60 kills

Not good enough, still needs to avenge the Bataclan deads.

Frogfaggets can not into war.

AFP had a report yesterday blaming that bombing on the US. Its only source was a "think tank" which is a single guy in LA who just created a website one day.

well they helped you vodka niggers in ww1 but you guys turned into Bolshevik niggers


Top kek

>giving military lessons tho those who asswiped them in about every direct confrontation

The surrender joke is valid when we speak about french wars since 1940. Now go back to the gulag, as suggests.

>Kebab colonists in your cities slaughtering your citizens
>Bombs the kebabs on another continent in retaliation

French jets should be bombing Marseilles and the suburbs of Paris. What a bunch of cucks.


You know why france smells of piss and there is no good wine prior to 1812? It`s because Orthodox Cossack blessed your fields with their urine.
Have a sip, sommelier.

Please let this just piss off Muslims even more

What's funny, the Nice attack killed about 20 or more Muslims


Le Pain will never be elected. If there would be no Nice, cucks will be calm and she`d probably have a chance. Now cucks are on the rise, looking out for bad opinions about mudslime. So there is no chance for any decent politic to win in frogland.

Also > 2016 > no separation of powers

Does France have nukes?

This 'rise of cucks' is a desperate attempt to maintain control over a narrative that is quickly getting out of hand.

Do you really think Nice, or Montpelier, or whatever, was the end of the Islamist attacks, Poccия-бpaтaн?

Only 300

> Do you really think Nice, or Montpelier, or whatever, was the end of the Islamist attacks
Other attacks will only be another reason for cucks to be alarmed in internet.

You just do not understand the left. They are full of their narrative during attacks. Now frogs bomb 100 civilians, because burgers intentionally gave them false intelligence data. And imagine the impact of this on the left.

GJ, guys. Trust an anglo = get your shit cucked.
