How do you deal with the fact that there are several countries and regions in Latin America that are way better than...

How do you deal with the fact that there are several countries and regions in Latin America that are way better than shitholes in eastern Europe like Moldova and Ukraine? Why are eastern Europeans so subhuman?

>muh gommunism

Brazil was destroyed by socialism too (particularly in the recent years, so the effect is even stronger) yet we're still richer and more developed than Moldova and Ukraine. Is this proof that whites aren't the master race since homogenous eastern European white countries are worse than mestizo/mixed race countries in Latin America?

Other urls found in this thread:

You have entire cities that are warzones user.

East slavs aren't white or European

The "white race" ends at the Ural mountains, dipshit.

Lots of Asians have light skin, that doesn't make them white.

My dog has blonde fur, that doesn't make him Aryan.

Because of niggers. We're still pretty developed compared to them though.

Also, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay have low crime rates.

What? Low?
Crime rates in Argentina
Level of crime 73.09 High
Chile is moderate
Crime rates in Uruguay
Level of crime 60.00 High

Crime rates in Chisinau, Moldova
Level of crime 41.67 Moderate
Crime rates in Kiev, Ukraine
Level of crime 46.88 Moderate

nice try tho

Where is this from I might ask?
>Slovenia 25th
>Checz republic 28th
>Estonia 30th (implying everyone i Eastern Europe is a Slav)
>Slovakia 35th
>Poland 36th
>Lithuania 37th
scroll down as long as you can and you finaly see:
>Brazil 75th
It feels like the least developed Eastern European country is more developed than the most developed Latin American country.

Ok, some more stuff: Brazilians regions by GDP compared to other countries. São Paulo is as rich as Estonia which is one of the best eastern European countries (althought they aren't slavs, it might have something to do with that).

>Ukraine 81
>Moldova 107

Nice try, bong.

Also, most of Brazil is fucking jungle. It's not a real achievement to be better than us overall. South and São Paulo have high HDI's on average (this date is a bit old though).


EE is doing far better than Latin America. Latin America, however were free from both World wars, free from Stalin's mass genocide(s), were not living under soviet regime for half a century. EE and LA were more or less comparable in the 90s, when soviet regime fell down and EE people realized they have no skills, finance or equipment to live in capitalist economic system. They still have a long way to go to reach living standard of western world, and surpassing Latin america was easy-peasy for them.

Literally vodka. They're worse than the Indians with fire water.

Literally vodka. They're worse than Indians with firewater.

please explain

Lol i just spilled my fucking borsh

Many Latin American countries were devastated by leftist politics too, including Brazil and Argentina. Haven't you heard of shit going down in Venezuela just a while ago? Stop using this lame excuse.

>we are better than moldova a county that hasnt have a functional government and ukraine an country stuck in a civil war

good for you brazil

brazil is only good cause of whites.

more south south-american countries have more whites than america.

there is vast difference between Russian tanks rolling into your country, and people voting for people they shouldn't be voting

Because this is what constitutes being "white" in South-America, you shitskin mongoloid.

Ukraine is basically Russia though. It's not like Poland is going to see any little green men

Our media is full of actual white people though. I cannot deny that. Whites are still a minority though. We should still be worse than most of eastern Europe due to the fact we have less whites on average.

The Ukraine suffered heavily under the Soviet Yoke, and is now engulfed in civil war because of the Crimea.

Moldova probably shouldn't exist, it's just another Eastern European shitheap that was left behind when the Soviets fell.

Being better off than an orphaned satellite state and a literal warzone isn't exactly proof of anything.

You ARE worse than most of Eastern Europe, this was confirmed above. You keep bringing up the Ukraine and Moldova because those, and perhaps Belarus, are the ones Brazil is marginally better off than.

>The Ukraine suffered heavily under the Soviet Yoke
(((Ukraine))) didn't exist before ''Soviet yoke'', and during ''Soviet yoke'' they were arguably economic powerhouse
check the records from '89

They aren't even humans desu.

You're forgetting that the Balkans are also part of eastern Europe. And like I said here: most of Brazil is jungle. It's not a real achievement to be better than us overall. The best regions are near the southern cone. South Brazil + São Paulo, Argentina and Chile are the best places to live in Latin America.

>Polish gf
>hot accent
>cooks all the food
>cleans the house
>loyal as fuck
>Sup Forumstier racist
>want to to have many white children to save the gene pool

Why the fuck dont you guys have a Polish gf yet? Seriously, best thing that ever happened to me

>>Why dont you guys have a Polish GF
Im polish

You can have GDP for days, it's still shit compared to Eastern slav countries, who are many times smaller than your nigger ridden jungle. Also, see

That's not a fair comparison. The Bazilian economy is a based on the export of natural resources and Eastern Europe is still recovering from the kike led extermination of their upper and middle classes.

Even if it were true that Brazilians are smarter than Slavs (they are not), Slavs will always be a far more attractive and pleasant people than the mestizo/mulattos monstrosities of Brazil.

Because of Russia sucking all happiness and wealth out of this regions. Imagine a black hole in space, or Argentina.

I mean, your options are limited living in Polska. Cant date shitskins, russians or chinks so arent you left with just slav bitches?

are you GF?

You're making me feel bad for having Ukrainian ancestry. I thought it was what made me white since I have blue eyes because of it. What's wrong with Ukraine?

>Is this proof that whites aren't the master race since homogenous eastern European white countries are worse than mestizo/mixed race countries in Latin America?
Nigger don't get me started.

Nyhahahahahah toasty roastie

>diferença de 100 pontos entre o IDH

Quem foi o animal quem fez esse mapa de merda? É daquela data mais recente que calcula o IDH de um jeito diferente?

Ah, eu acabei de ver que é bem antiga a data. O OP já postou uma mais recente aqui:


Why are you asking me? Your own source proved you wrong. All SA and African countries with the highest murder per capita etc

>Poortugal has a lower HDI than Argentina, South Brazil and Chile despite them never being under communism like east yurop


>What's wrong with Ukraine?
Literally everything. Name an aspect of life and it's a 99% chance it's somehow fucked up in Ukraine.


in soviet times ukraine developed the best, infrastructure, cities, manufacturing. The problem is soviet ideology wasn't any competitive in capitalistic world so it was all stolen. Soviets weren't unsuccesfull during their times, but they had no future so it was lost time.

Because they send their shit skins here. How many white illegals do you see hanging around home depot?

Youth is not traditional anymore.Worse than Poland.