Donald Trump vs. Ron Paul

Let's settle this. Which of the two is your favorite?

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4 years ago looking at the same two candidates i would've said paul.
we need national security now more than ever though, we need a wall.

Less fun but

Ron Paul. Anti-NSA, Neutral on Israel/Palestine, and libertarian, unlike Trump.

whoops I'm dyslexic


I've been a hardcore Ron Paul fan for too long. But his stubbornness is really bad about him. He is extremely puritan and refuses to think out of the box. He still is pro open borders even though with all that Islamist threats and immigrant crisis, because muh libertarianism... Trump is a realist and a pragmatist. He has many libertarian values as well. I would consider him a modern libertarian.

I'm voting Trump. But in my heart of heart's I wish Paul was our nominee.



The original gangster
The true son of liberty


The future you choose.

Happenings will never be the same

Donald Trump.

The only reason I used to support Libertarians was because I hate Leftists while Christcuck Republicans were so weak and pathetic it was impossible to support them.

Donald Trump is the candidate that Ive been truly waiting for all this time. He has finally brought the real issues plaguing this country to the spotlight. Libertarians served their role during their time, but are no longer needed or wanted.

neither their

This man should've been our president the last 4 years. This is why I'm voting for the Don this election.
The media spinsters and it's lapdogs need to pay for their betrayal to this country.

The Good Doctor, of course. There's no doubt.

Id trust paul more but Trump would be entertaining.


As much as I liked Ron, still sticking with Trump.

i vote trump

Wish he was our 45th president. Always had supported him, but now i'm supporting trump.

Tiebreaker vote for the happening man!

Praise kek for based Ron to save the human race and take over the GOP

After the collapse, Ron Paul will be on our new currency.

Gonna have to go Paul on this one.

Gotta vote


Replying for God-Emperor Trump (PBUH)


Paul is based. Too bad his son is a little faggot.

Fuck Ron Paul. I wrote him in for the 2012 election, but he's a fucking pussy who won't fight. He's JUST like Sanders.

I supported paul in the last election, since then I have realized his policy of isolationism is a pipe dream, and frankly dangerous.

based Ron was cheated out of the presidency

Trump makes Ron Paul look like a under achiever.

Easy choice

Libertarianism >>>>>>>>> Nationalism

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Paul is Cato to Trump's Caesar.

By far.

Trump, because memes matter.


I like winners.

Bernie Sanders made me really start to hate Ron Paul.


Always ron

Love em both. But gotta go with my boy Ron.


Build wall

Ron Paul should stick to writing books and shilling the gold standard.

Trump. Paul was alright but I'm a nationalist not a libertarian

Ron Paul, he should have been VP

Can't stump the Trump

Build wall, Ron didn't expose La Raza like Trump did. We are being invaded, they have to go back.

Right now we need Trump, we need a Ron Paul soon after.

Bernie Sanders

Ron Paul = Protoman
Donald Trump = Megaman

can I vote too sempai?

The end is neigh


Ron forever


the one that isnt a loser


>I'm a nationalist not a libertarian
These are not mutually exclusive.

Need wall
Once we are less than 45% white the country becomes a meme and is a complete failure.

It's happening god dammit

Voting Trump.

Ron Paul = John the Baptist
Trump = Jesus

Doom Paul is the hero we deserve but G*d-Emperor is the hero we need.


Why? Most paul supporters went Trump

Trump because he's actually going to win.

Vote for Paul.






As a nationalist-libertarian I am conflicted.



For sure

Expecting lots of neofags to pick trump




Trump - 30 votes
Paul - 30 votes

Can't believe how close this is.


Without Ron Paul, you could never be a nationalist.

The choice is clear.

At least Trump doesn't pander to the 20 something crowd like Berncuck and DUDE WEED LMAO

Paul didn't endorse Romney after he lost. Paul also called the neocons out on their bullshit. Sanders wouldn't attack Hillary and he had multiple opportunities. Ron Paul is nothing like Bernie. Paul isn't a sellout.


It will happen

Why even reply to that child. Saying Ron Paul doesn't fight? He was in the military ffs

replying again


Voting for Trump this election, but I still stand by Ron's positions on many of the corrupt and far reaching aspects of our government that he is much more strict on than any candidate, even Trump.

The day a true Libertarian like Ron is elected is the day this country will become truly free. It's not to lessen the impact Trump will have, I believe he will be among the greatest Presidents we have ever had, but someone as true to this country as Ron has been is someone at some point we will desperately need. (if Trump doesn't cut the government's overreaching power)

Ron Paul.
It's funny how the only non-cronycapitalist politicians are old farts who saw and understood 60s-70s protest movements.

Paul > Trump by a margiin that is at least as big as the observable universe

only nu-pol aka reddit 2.0 prefers Trump

ballot casted