Other urls found in this thread:

But misandry is not correct?

>i want to have sex with you
>i hate you

Will Muslims and dindus be investigated?

Learn to read Pedro

>No source
>arts and culture


>the girls who get hit on are not the girls who cry about misogyny.

No law or anything will change shit.

Nope, only white fucking males.

>Be britbong
>Get arrested

Yes they are. If the guy hitting on them is unattractive, they will cry harassment.

Source link you idiot.

I forgot the official pic of this thread.

That's what I am thinking as well. Another tool to keep white people from populating.

Only in Shottingham, and that place is a fucking shithole anyway.

This. They are just setting up government regulations that allow them to exploit betas more effectively.

Pakis are immune, correct?

Only really affects men still dumb enough to try anything with the hateful shrews.

Darwinism in effect.

Plenty of fish in the sea, why swim with piranhas? The only good thing about immigration is that we get some decent women coming in.

No that will be classified as emergency misogyny.

Lord help me no...

But white males aren't the ones catcalling. Did these people even watch the video that the story has a screenshot of? Literally every person doing the catcalling was a nigger or a dark Hispanic.

This is what happens when all the good people move to the colonies.

>nigger or a dark
They are tanned british people, you fucking white male

reported for comparing women to fish

expect the bobbies soon you misogynist creepo

>good people

That's a kiwi, not an emu.

Who honestly even Catcalls/whistles?
I've personally never seen a woman been hit on in the street.


Nice try, Pajeet.


b b b but my favourite porn is mysogyny. They outlawed a whole fetish!

Can somebody please tell me how catcalling is soggy knees? Wanting to fuck someone isn't hating women.

This guy gets it

I don't get what's so bad about it
Sure, it's a restriction on people's freedoms and blah, blah, blah
The UK is already a state where they don't value the same freedoms as in, say, the US, so the people already are ok with it

And harassing people on the street isn't really a prime exercise of speech

are you kidding they can murder a man over there and not go to prison

They're not using your definition of catcalling or any sane definition. If you talk to a woman and she doesnt like you its a hate crime.

why are YOU not doing it?

I always honk at a woman with a nice ass.
In the street I see a hot girl, I turn around to look at her ass and say "nice".

wtf I hate the UK now

>Women suffrage
>Ban alcohol
>Ban prostitution
>Ban drugs
>Increase the AOC
>Ban good art
>Transform imperialistic wars into "just wars" and then create WW1 and 2
>Expand the goberment to the max
>Open the borders to undeveloped nations
>Create degrees out of thin air
>Make college a human right so it becomes high school part 2
>Ban animal experiments
>Ban genetic research
>Feminize the kids in school
>Ban robots
>Create hate speech
>Ban free speech
What's the next?

I've dated many immigrants in London. Some are ok but I'd take a Brit over them anyday. Brit girls are actually pretty decent usually.

I don't overtly do anything, I'll turn my head go "nice" or what not, if they see I don't give a shit.
It's all about what people perceive as harassment.
Unless some dude grabs someone it's really no problem.

> wolf whistling

Good god
fucking brits mang



>videos show most harassers are non-white
>pic related is BBC article image

Watch out for those white guys.


Yeah as long as they aren't chavs on middle class arty farty types they are all pretty sound. On the surface they seem normie-tier but most are up for bants.

>Say "Good morning" to a woman on the street
>Rot in jail, scum

Hollaback actually had to declare "stare rape" is real, to explain it.

Literally 95% of all catcallers are niggers.

>Talking to women
>Being near women

Why would you that to yourself.

My cousins a cop in Leicester, was talking shit about this so much last week since she says they don't have enough officers for the real problems, let alone to waste time on wolf whistling.

try doing it as attractive white male
girls always smile back

Only from upper class ant even than they coalburn as crazy, just tad more quiet.

the brits and the americans were always worse in matters of leftism and liberalism than the rest of europe - and the world.

When you whistle at a hot chick m8
Not so much to get attention as to show approval

I don't catcall, I introduce myself and chat them up to find out if they're interested/interesting. I wouldn't want some sank who responds to catcalls.

Mostly niggers.

There's a really rough section of my city where a lot of poor niggers loiter. I'm a guy with long hair, and they aren't shy about commenting on my hair when I walk past (never anything sexual, they'll just shout out whatever they think of it instinctively).

I can only imagine what they must say to hot girls, especially since most girls dress for attention nowadays.

It will reach Monty Python level when women decide that they're also being harassed if a guy they like doesn't harass them.

"All right then, all white lads are off to the dock. You didn't read the minds, so now you'll do the time. Off now, the lot of you. Yes, the baby too."

hm i wonder if Theresa May has anything to with this.


what the fuck has this to do with anything?


>buy spoon
>requires drivers license

Okay Dad you're starting to scare me, please cut the bullshit out now. Don't make me do a mercy killing.

You could have googled that shit in the amount of time it took you to make that post.

I went down south this weekend to a club with the event called Brooklyn Zoo,
chilling with M8's relatively early dancing and then literally swarmed by niggers grabbing and head locking the girls around us.
They didn't seem too terrified, but being from the north it's fucking alien dude. the fact that they were allowed in was a disgrace.

>what happened to my country?

Ban white males

It's pretty obvious they are currently going after gun ownership.

Wow, I hope we get these conceited cunt laws on the books here. Sometimes I whistle for my dog, without thinking that I may upset a narcissist.

The people who harass women in the street, as ever, are niggers are muslims. Shitskins in our country make it impossible to have nice things like liberty and a functioning welfare state that helps genuinely vulnerable people.

This is going to be one of those laws not even the police will be arsed enforcing isn't it?

I live in Manchester and piccadilly gardens is full of gangs of niggers selling drugs and robbing people, especially at night. They're the thing I hate about this city the most.

Guess i'm lucky, Warrington is clear of niggers, plently of Polacs , but they're fine, and rarely see the Pakis

Dis right ere

why is there no "share with Sup Forums" button

does this mean i can't hit myself over a hammer and turn my eyeballs into slot-machine style hearts when i see a pretty girl?

>A father hidden under a car shot his wife and daughter dead yesterday after he ambushed them outside a leisure centre.
Lance Hart, 57, blasted his wife Claire, 50, and their 19-year-old daughter Charlotte with a shotgun before turning the weapon on himself.
The killing happened just days after Mrs Hart told her husband their 26-year marriage was over and she was leaving him.

stay mad

Oh for fucking sakes, I'm moments away from launching a nuke for every square inch of this autistic world

3D is now a crime

But guns are illegal, how did he get the gun