Is Sup Forums pro or contra Erdogan?

Are we against Erdogan because he is an islamist or because he is a dictator like Putin?

Because I thought we like Putin?

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Erdogan is a turkroach, Ahmed, the answer is obvious.

So if Putin were a turkroach, we would hate him?

Personally I am neutral on the subject.

What I dislike in Erdogan is that he seems to be in bed with the Islamists and the moderate beheaders in Syria.
That is geopolitically not cool, for me. Of course on the other hand he seem to try to come closer with Russia so he may be dropping his support to the rebels in Syria.

Personally I don`t really care about democracy much so in certain cases a good dictator might be better than the electionfetishists. Of course I donĀ“t really know what Turkey`s long therm strategy is, especially now considering they are backtracking their aggression in the region.

Was he self couping or he got cia`d. Honestly I think we won`t properly know for a while. One thing is certain he will use it to clean up the country for himself and his business partners.

Of course. It doesn't matter how tough, decisive or strong you are of a leader, if you are the enemy.

Ok ahmed

He'd be based if Turkey was any other faith but Islamism is a cancer that cannot be allowed to prosper or spread.


If Erdogan were to get rid of Islam, I would be all for him.

hurr durr

Nothing wrong with dictators lad.

We hate him because he is an islamist and therefore our enemy.

I hate both.

Turkroach who will be the next Sultan of Turkey.

This. Its not Hard to understand.

Not to mention he holds a gun to the head of Western Europe in form of that 2 million refugees he has in his country.

That is a big warning sign that he may be a bit hostile to the future of Europe... Of course everybody plays their strengths when it comes to politics.




He is also a pro-Islamist. Fuck Ergodan

I'm waiting for his announcement, when it's scheduled?

probably in like 2 hours

Erdogan is a turkish jihadist who started a fake coup to gain popularity

Putin is a based slav brother who fights western degeneracy

I bet that all Turkey will be watching tv or a screen in city squares

contra putin

Tsar Putin and sultan Erdogan are based and red pilled.

EU, BLM, SJW, liberals... are our enemies.

Putin to meet Erdogan in August

Now Sup Forums can see Russia's true colors we have been warning about. They will ally soon.
Retaking of Constantinople is just a meme, why did you fall for it?

Sup Forums already turned gay because of Milo
will it turn muslim because of Putin/Erdogan?

Erdogan is in bed with the Islamic State. He's an enemy of the West. There's nothing else to discuss.

We are always with you Dear Latvia-Bro. We will end this planet before Putine touches you.