Today I will remind them

Today I will remind them.

all truly great art causes polarization

>two heroes who are largely known for being against killing

>huh wouldn't it be EPIC if they killed?!

Why is Snyder allowed to direct movies?

true capekino is never appreciated in it's own time

It's really undisputable BvS will be looked back on very favourable, at least compared to MCU

Suicide Squad less so

whatever helps you sleep at night

Remind us of what? How Disney pays off Rotten Tomatoes?

Because he'll usually make back the budget years before the movie is released with ad placement.

Oh look another marvelcuck too stupid to understand BvS

>Entry level bible stuff
>How to spot a pleb

name one (1) actually good Disney Marvel flick that you've watched more than once (1x)

Iron Man x5. Avengers x3, Winter Soldier x2, Gotg x3. Iron Man 3 x2. Civil War x2. just rewatched Strange with a friend who hadn't seen it.


>lying on the internet

you only watched Iron Man twice

I'm probably lowballing Iron Man desu. It was on television a lot, and I keep getting sucked in by RDjr's performance.

go to bed jeff, you don't even own a tv

This. Anything widely popular is usually bland and merely pandering to the lowest common denominator.

>Superman the movie
>57 million tickets
>60% more than Man of Steel
>in only 800 theaters

that's practically a limited release in this day and age.

suicide squad has hot pants. its a better movie. It had a blurry film transfer, blurry lenses, and bad exposure, boring sets. Batman was in it! BvS was just nonsense.

I like Zack Snyder on his direction reguarding Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead. While Watchmen was mostly frames and scenes straight from the book, but he handled all the source material and well. While being in the middle of the zombie craze Snyder's work on Dawn of the Dead was amazing. The movie played out really well and I feel is far superior to the original.

Yeah, what were they thinking. So when are we getting another reboot?

This is complete bullshit, most great art doesn't cause polarization. Also these are 3 hour long toy commercials.

You guys better put some respect Academy Award Winning Film Suicide Squad. Seriously though, some people really masturbate to rotten tomatoes scores. Reviews have never been important and they've been shit for a long time. People only try to make them more important now because the only thing Marvel does well is get good reviews.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be a long ass toy commercial with a half-assed plot like the last one. The entire purpose is to sell Groot toys because that's where the first movie made the majority of its funds. No complaints about that? Exactly.

I like how the only time the DCEU isn't "widely popular" is when the shills are trying to claim it is art.

>the only thing Marvel does well is get good reviews.
And fill theaters.
Which is, you know, the entire point of big budget action films.

>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
We're discussing Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. You literally can't stop mentioning marvel's capeshit because there's no substance to your favorite brand, so there's nothing to discuss. These are all toy commercials and adding visual references doesn't change matters much.

Why is there such disparity between the "critics" and the public?

You're right. That's mostly hype though. A lot of their movies don't hold up. The hype makes them the money, but later on, the movies aren't looked upon favorably. Sure money is important to the studio. You're right. It's all about the money in the end, but sales don't equal quality.

lol. It's a comic movie, both comic universes. My point was that you don't really have a problem that it was made for toy sales and t-shirts, you're just upset that DC made it. Also, you can't really be mad that the movie was like that when it was marketed like that. A fun brainless joy ride. Did you really see "substance" in those trailers?

>only thing Marvel does well is get good reviews
You mean Disney. Disney gets good reviews.

>That's hype though
If that were true, you wouldn't have seen Avengers 2 and 2.5 breaking a billion dollars.
>but later on, the movies aren't looked upon favorably.
Stop gauging public opinion by Autism Central here.

Wait, are you talking about batman and superman? Cuz that's not a thing for superman. (Yes, the casual handling of mass casualties was still a fuck-up)

Batman v Superma deserves better

Suicide Squad deserves worse.

>most great art doesn't cause polarization.
uhhhh, what?
Most great art will never be recognized as such in its own time and even afterwards, the majority of people will still not get it.

Please do not confuse "Critical consensus" for great art.

Because the movies were misrepresented to the public.

>1.6 billion dollars box office
>425 million to make
I'm sure they are upset

>that were true, you wouldn't have seen Avengers
Yes, because every Marvel movie debut's at 100% on rotten tomatoes. You may not realize what that does and how that affects hype. I work at a theater. Most people come in, come in because of the RT score they checked when looking for films.

How does that follow? If the people went out to see it expecting what the advertising showed, got something they weren't expecting but still didn't like, wouldn't the score reflect that?

>I serve popcorn, this allows me to understand why people choose specific movies.

Basically, the critics are full of shit and fake authority. They get people's expectations so low that when the people walk out of the theater they're like, "wow, that was nothing like the critics said it was. It was actually pretty good". That causes the disparity.

>person goes to see movie
>they pay for it

they don't get to change their minds.

At least I assume you're talking about boxoffice grosses as a representation of audience opinion. 65% and 73% are fucking awful for audience scores.

No, I talk to people, While you talk to yourself and pretend to know everything. I mentioned working at a theater because I was basing my assertion on first reactions and conversations with people who were surprised about the quality of a film.

capeshit isn't art, they are popcorn movie's at best . Entertainment for the masses sit, kill two hours, eat some popcorn and stop trying to make this shit relevant.

Not actually. Those are just average movie scores. The score is 1-100%. 50% being half and completely average. Based on the scale 65% and 73% are pretty good for any film.

That makes sense. Given what we know about crowd-sourced decision making, I'm actually more inclined to trust audience scores than critics' scores.

Pretty much any time I see more than a 20% swing from what critics rate and what the audience rates, I assume someone somewhere is working an agenda.

If you believe 63% or even 40% is an acceptable score for a movie, you need to watch more movies. MST3K is a good place to start to fill out your lower echelons to prevent you from saying idiotic bullshit like "transformers was the worst movie I've ever seen."

Do you feel the same about comics?

Factually. The new Ghostbusters has a 73% on RT while Live by Night has a 34% on RT. I honestly don't know how anyone can trust RT's critic scores to determine quality, nor the critics the site aggregates from.

75% isn't Man of Steel's "score", its the percentage that rated it above Rotten.

But honestly, cook up whatever metric that'll allow you to sleep soundly.

Oh and Avengers has about the same audience and critical scores, so you'll trust that, right?
Or does that not fit with your new metric system?

live by night was shit and ghostbusters was a clear attempt to make politics, rather than film quality, the subject of all reviews.

Did you even read my comment or did the autism take over? I didn't say anything about transformers. Didn't say that 40% is acceptable. None of that matters. "Acceptable". I"m not the studio. I didn't make the movies. The scores don't matter to me because I'm not a sheep. I was simply saying that 50% is a half way score between completely atrocious and God given. You really need to chill man.

The percentages are not scores.
Once again I repeat-
The percentages in no way represent the actual scores given to the movies.


>50% is a half way score between completely atrocious and God given

And saying something like that is symptomatic of simply having seen insufficient movies to have a meaningful opinion on such matters.

What are you talking about? Those were the numbers that were given to me. I just used them to explain the rating system they use. I didn't make anything up. Do you trust audience scores? Who is more motivated to rate a movie? The average person or someone who really hated the film/loved the film? Probably the people feeling extreme emotions, right? What I'm saying is that neither of the scores are unbiased and I don't care what either of them are I'll see the movie myself if I'm interested.

Saying that means I didn't skip math class for hand jobs from my uncle

Everyone knows how RT works, no one gives a fuck.

The entire point of their system is to lock critical reviews to a "yes" or "no." It doesn't matter if its a 4/10 "yes" or a 6/10 "no."

>Oh and Avengers has about the same audience and critical scores, so you'll trust that, right?

Yeah, I do trust that, actually. It was exactly what it sold itself as - brainless entertainment, nary a hint of a message to be found. I'd take my kids to see it again and we'd laugh about how funny it was when the Hulk slammed Loki all over the place like a cartoon.

I'd take them to see Man of Steel and BvS again, too. And we'd talk about why Superman seems sad and why the Batman seems a little nuts and continue to discuss it for months afterward, and I'd get some great opportunities to use the movies as examples of what heroes really are and why putting anyone on a pedestal, even Superman, is a bad idea.

These are the actual average scores of Ghostbusters, 6.5 from critics (barely fresh) and 3.1/5 (or 6.2) from audiences.
The scores actually don't deviate that much from one another, GB was right on the fresh/rotten line.

funny claim, considering the level of math you've displayed is elementary, and you still barely understand it.

Suicide Squad won more Oscars than the entire MCU

Kill yourselves MCUcks. Here's a gif of a marvelfag getting decked.

Your children hate you.

You're right, it is elementary. When you learn that 50 is half of 100 we can talk.

>I'd take them to see Man of Steel and BvS again, too. And we'd talk about why Superman seems sad and why the Batman seems a little nuts and continue to discuss it for months afterward
I think it's wonderful that you can use the Snyder films to discuss autism with your sibling's children.
It'll help them relate to you.

>those audience scores
Corrupt as fuck my friend

It had pretty neato makeup.

And you can't think of a single context where "50/100" is not something to be remotely proud of or praised?

>600 millions more than the MCU by the third movie
>one oscar more
>no flops
>audience scores reflecting the actual quality of the movies
Remind us what, OP?

I heard my twelve-year old son tell one of his friends that he thinks the DC movies are a lot more like the comics and that the Marvel movies are too much like cartoons. I was proud of him for that, because that's not a judgement he's ever heard me make. That was him forming his own opinion.

You need to greentext that imaginary story for us.


Jesus, man. Are you that threatened by truth?

>Iron Man x5
What the fuck. I hate this board.

>That's what your average marvelcuck poster looks like

I just think its cute you're using the opinions/taste of an imaginary 12 year old to make it seem as if BvS wasn't horrid.


Look man, I sort of migrated here when IMDB's discussion boards shut down. It was here or reddit and I fucking despise reddit. This image of channers as basement-dwelling NEETs is about as relevant as Eminem.

Sup Forums has basically become the internet's subconscious.

Who the fuck cares about ratings or critics? This thread is stupid. Just because a lot of people like something, that doesn't mean it's good. and the other way around.

I prefer to hear more about people's personal feelings for the films. Why they like or hate. Not just, this is bad/gud, because score.

>Sup Forums has basically become the internet's subconscious.

Yes it is.
In fact, in the Kingdom Come arc, Superman become unpopular in the public realm because of his refusal to kill. Joker kills a bunch of people, including (implied) Lois Lane, and Superman just takes him to the police like a cuck, when a new hero named Magog blasts Joker in the chest on the steps of city hall.
Then people like killer heroes better, because they're more efficient, so Supes goes into hiding and a new generation of reckless heroes are running around killing each other.
It's the whole catalyst and heart to the story.

Do me a favor.

Prove you can distinguish between killing and murder.

What does that have to do with my post?

That even the Kingdom Come version of Superman drew on the lore from comics as his past. and that Superman had killed.

It's not that, it's just his shitty lack of context.

good thread

dc kiddos eternally btfo

Suicide Squad was the worst film I've seen in years. The rating should be lower.

Incredibly rarely. I can think of maybe two people that the mainstream DC universe Superman had killed.

He has a "no-kill" code, but that doesn't mean he never kills. It means that he does everything in his power not to, which makes it all the move devastating for him when he does.

The smart call would've been to not make him kill anyone for his first movie or two, build up his commitment to saving lives, then tear it down down the line. Not having the buildup of seeing how far he'll go to save a life negates the emotional impact of seeing him take one.

Today is the day i remind you....

DC: 1
MVL: 0

for some reaon this pic actually makes me feel sad-DC cuck is such a little guy, makes it sadder with the JL jumper ;_;

>Incredibly rarely. I can think of maybe two people that the mainstream DC universe Superman had killed

Yes, and one of them was Zod. It also happened early in his career and it was frequently cited as part of his motivation for exploring literally every other option before he resorts to it again. It's just that when you're Superman, you've got an awful lot of options.

Now working off the assumption you're still the same guy I asked in the first place, do you distinguish between killing and murder?

Yes, I think that there is a difference.

While murdering someone is definitely killing them, I wouldn't categorize all killing as murder.

It's like that "squares and rectangles" shit.

>Believing the ratings Jew

The difference lies in premeditation and defense of either self or others.


If the Joker did something to draw the Batman's attention, then once he was present, he pressed a button on a remote and informed Bruce that he'd just activated a device connected to his heart that transmitted a signal to a nuclear bomb hidden somewhere in Gotham, and that the detonator was rigged to go off after either 30 heartbeat signals or 24 hours, should Bruce kill him?

Do any of y'all actually give a shit what rottentomatoes says? Damn well knowing these were ass yet have a decent score. Foh.

Fans divided
Critics hate it
Underperforms financially

>Great art

Ayy lmaoo

But everyone loved Superman: The Motion Picture, Batman 1989, Spider-Man 2002, Iron Man, and many other fantastic films.

Snyder is shit.


>How to spot a pleb
Yeah, easy. Just look for any Snyder rider posting claims of any substantive depth in any of his films.