The original Ghostbusters was so sexist, guys
This is getting retarded. Its just a movie for fucks sake
Holy shit that website , I need a drink
I collect mold, spores, and fungus.
>it was sexist, you misogynistic shitlord!
And that's why it sold. Objectification, sexualization, and marginalization of women in films sell. Deal with it, feminists.
>it's true, this man has no dick
Actually it supports the trans community
agreed lol
but it was somewhat against multiculturalism
I'm still reading different articles, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills holy fuck and the white guilt hahahaha oh man. A toast to this being real *clink*
Dur that's why it was a good movie, fucking goy.
>the films' most famous line is "He slimed me!"
um, no?
Ok so this is what I see in the black characters of both movies
Original Ghostbusters
>1 black character
>respectable character
>Didn't chimp
>Didn't act like a dindu
>good comedy
>Same as white characters
>his characters race is never played
Racist and sexist
New and improved feminist ghostbusters
>1 black female character
>chimps out
>street smart
>is a complete dumbass while white female characters are scientists
>only use is being a driver
The funny thing is that the black lady was only decent character from the four-woman crew.
you should check out my cock lol
>calling something sexist when it isn't
Typical butthurt cunt.
who would ever have sex with that mutant creature, christ
OG ghostbusters
>black guy just sort of hangs out
>doesn't give a fuck about the plot
>was literally written for Eddie Murphy but had 2/3s of his lines cut or moved to different characters when Murphy dropped the project
Leslie Jones is the only character in 2016 Ghostbusters who has a consistent character throughout and isn't just lolsorandom the entire time.
We should have shitposted on Paul Feig or Melissa McCarthy's profiles, not the only person who was actually acting.
You see, this is why I'm a conservative. Let the liberals in to take over and kiss your cherished traditional things good bye with their radical political correctness, blowing everything out of proportion with spread mass hysteria. I just enjoyed the original movie and didn't want to see the new one. Sucks to be you if you find that offensive. But I don't hate ou despite you hating me as a white man while screeching about discrimination and in the meanwhile discriminating against me. That's the difference between me and them.
$75 mil as of today. They'll probably make a decent profit. I knew it wouldn't bomb. People just can't help themselves.
>this is why I'm conservative
>because an extended Twinkie commercial was bad
What is this cartoon meant to mean?
It means I meant to pick my Ray Parker Jr gif but clicked the wrong image.
But what does it actually mean?
But if this was a "new and improved" feminist and non-sexist version of the movie, why would they make the sole black female character a street smart loudmouth, while making the white characters scientists and sheeit? That is what my point is. Wouldn't the try to attempt to build her character better and not stereotype a black person if this was supposed to be "muh all equal non racist sexist feminism movie"
Either way this article and the movie itself was total bullshit
Nah, in the actual movie she has an educated history of New York and provides pretty coherent background for landmarks being targeted by the villain.
There's many valid criticisms of the New Ghostbusters but Leslie Jones is not one of them.
This is what a cenobite looks like without the black leather suit.
It would have been good if the other scientists were autists and frauds like in the original, not hypercompetant sarcastic badasses. Paul Feig made Bridesmaids, he should know how to write normal women. Being feminist or whatever shouldn't have anything to do with making everyone a quantum physicist and martial arts expert.
The movie was misconceived on every level, but at least Leslie Jones was consistent and funny.
>$75 mil as of today. They'll probably make a decent profit. I knew it wouldn't bomb. People just can't help themselves.
>$75 mil
>decent profit
son, they spent at least 250 million on it, feig even said 500 million.
Where are those figures coming from? Jewpedia says 144 million. It's only been out 5 days. If they spent 144 why wouldn't they make it back and more before the summer is over?
He's counting advertisements and shit. 144 was the production itself.
advertising isn't included in budget because the studio spends that money itself.
It doesn't matter though. The Ghost Buster's movie happened. It was Ok. There's more than likely going to be a sequel. Let's put it this way: the drop off this weekend won't be nearly as bad as the drop off for batman vs. superman.
It's all smoke and mirrors. They usually spend at least another 50% the budget on advertisement and shit.
There's no reason for the movie to cost more than $50 million or so, but this way Sony can justify doing a fuckton of overpriced digital effects and divert an extra 100 million into their in-house studios.
If they can sell enough pizza and ecto-cooler, they'll keep making more movies.
Arguably so. I haven't seen the movie and I'll take your word on Jones' part. Based my observations on what I've seen in the trailers, that is the conclusion I came too. It's been years since I've seen the original too.
But if people are calling it the "feminist" whatever or some shit and the writing not based on it, why would the praise a stereotypical character? From what I've seen (which is not a lot) her acting may be good but her character is meh at best.
I may have to see the movie at some point.
You all need to learn to read
It's 2015, shitlord! Don't you know the current year?
>your cherished traditional things
It was 80's cheese with SNL actors. Get over yourself.
I don't think "working class black woman" is a stereotype, and she does have a knowledgebase that's important to the Ghostbusters.
She does scream and mug a lot, but she's the only one who sticks to a character and doesn't just rely on shitty improv the entire time. The fact that it's three white scientists and one black driver/historian is unfortunate, but its one tone-deaf move in a movie with no identity and no real message anyway.
I really do think it's unfortunate that Jones actually played ball with all the twitter idiots. She's the least shit thing in the movie.
It's kind of null to have an argument about the content of a movie you haven't seen dude.
The character suffers from some stereotyping but isn't like inhuman. In fact she has more character development than Melisa Mcarthy or Kristen Wigg.
She also comes into the movie way before Winston (who came in like 45 minutes after the start.)
Once again, many valid criticisms against this movie, stereotypical black woman isn't really one of them.
Try: the movie seems obsessed with justifying existence. Extended amounts of time, with no relation to the plot, spent nearly breaking the 4th wall either referencing the old movie, having a cameo from the old cast, or just acknowledging the trolls.
Before I saw the movie I thought: It's a shame this movie is never going to be able to exist outside of the context of its own controversy, even if its good it will be muddled by external forces.
But once I saw it, I realized how much of that controversy had gone into the creative process and realized that the movie is a product of its own controversy. Which is a shame. It really didn't need to be
>T-t-he o-old movie was b-bad too!
It kinda was honestly senpai. It was a fun movie with good visual effects, but it's not like it was some kind of cinematic masterpiece.
>>The movie was misconceived on every level, but at least Leslie Jones was consistent and funny.
The problem I have with LJ's role was that in the original Ernie Hudson's Zeddemore was viewed as an everyday working man who just wanted a job. He was blue collar joe trying to get back on his feet and served as a role model of responsibility for the black community even if they did cut out that he was a former marine with three doctorates (which was honestly unrealistic). He was also religious and kept the activities of the Ghostbusters in perspective, giving a layman's perspective of all the weird shit that was happening.
t. nigger from the Bronx who thought Zed being allowed to fire a laser gun was cool as shit and inspired me to try to find work that would let me do that. I ended up going into the trades and now I'm owner of a small pest control business, so I guess I kind of followed in his footsteps, though sometimes I wish I actually had a laser cannon to deal with the car-sized cockroaches I occasionally find in some neighborhoods.
People shouldn't be sentimental about it? Just about anybody under 30 watched that movie when they were a kid. It's part of their childhood. Feminists didn't give a fuck about Ghostbusters. It was about taking anything and fucking it up with an agenda. If it bothering me makes me a little cry baby fag, so be it.
I agree with you up until your final statement. It looks like her Twitter beef is a marketing ploy
>pic related
Not sure if it's fake or not tho but it was quickly deleted from her account.
True, but my original comment was to be taken as a joke, from my observations of the trailers.
In the original Eddie Murphy script he was going to be a discharged Navy man who couldn't find a decent job anywhere else and was down on his luck.
I hate the new one as much as you guys, but Ernie Hudson's character is only there as an audience surrogate. And don't get me started on his role in Ghostbusters 2, where he could easily have been more important to the plot than Ackroyd or Ramis, but literally just followed Ackroyd around the entire time.
Feminists care about Ghostbusters. They saw the movie this weekend didn't they?
It shouldn't bother you that something has been re-imagined and brought to life for a new audience. The thing you loved still existed. and you're totally allowed to be sentimental. But when people say "the old one was sexist / racist" they're only responding to you guys saying "we don't need a new one!" A new one doesn't hurt anyone. You get your classic Ghost Busters, feminists get their new Ghost busters.
The original was the one where he had a doctorate, wasn't it?
>linking directly to left wing clickbait
this should be bannable
Bro, I'm fucking eating. What the fuck.
Jesus fucking christ ivan
This is exactly how i feel about everything that succumbs to this shit. Not everything has to be for everyone, just dont see it. It likely will end up being a failure in the end, but that's Sony's loss, not yours.
>But in practice, his character is "winning" because he crudely and constantly harasses women—and harassing women is funny, get it?
I don't know if he ever had a doctorate, but he used to be a lot more than "as long as there's a steady check I'll believe whatever you say".
So when do you guys think well get all the articles telling how sexist we all are for not going to see it?
It made more money than originally projected / a few tweets should never be taken as fact? Especially when those people explicitly state the were in like Tuesday afternoon screenings.
I know this is trolling, but it's unproductive. Just to make you feel better. It's blatantly just not truthful.
They won't. In fact a sequel's already planned.
So much energy spent on shitting on a movie that did decently. You guys are so deep into this shit you need to convince yourself it did bad. Just let it go!
I don't really care about the movie, i just want butthurt salon articles is all.
The original Ghostbusters wasn't sexist, one of the main characters was an SJW feminist; Slimer.
>They saw the movie this weekend didn't they?
They saw it because of virtue signalling. Be dishonest all you want, but deep down you know that.
>It shouldn't bother you
A more than likely woman telling me how I should feel. Irrelevant if you're a man
>"we don't need a new one!"
We didn't. Make another Charlie's Angels.
Whatever. It's made. Let them circle jerk over it.
How much further down the rabbit hole do we have to fall down?
But there won't be? Why do you care about articles if you don't care about the movie.
When was I dishonest? I said they saw the movie, evident by the amount of money the movie made. You're the one straw maning.
I'm not telling you how to feel about it. I'm just expressing that it's a useless waste of energy to hate something when it's just as, if not more effective to ignore it. In fact, you said yourself many people saw the movie this weekend to make a point. If original fans had simply ignored this one, it might not have taken nearly as much money.
YOU don't need a new one. But it's a nice treat for people who love Ghostbusters but maybe thought it would be cool to see women be Ghostbusters. The old one was sexist. A new one made today could be more fun for everyone. Or at least the people who felt marginalized by the first one.
Honestly I think this is one of the things that pisses me off the most.
One of the great things about the original is the chemistry of the characters - they work together for a reason:
Ray and Egon are the brains, they understand how all the paranormal stuff works, but they're also both big fat autists with no idea how to interact with normal people. Venkman brings street smarts and business sense to the group, he knows how to work with people and get them to do what he wants. For this reason though he's also completely full of himself. Zeddemore is the down to earth guy. He doesn't get all the paranormal stuff like Egon and Ray, and he's not a smooth talker like Venkman, but he's humble, hardworking, honest, and brings the team some much needed perspective.
The team worked because each member brought something to the team that made up for a weakness of the others.
In the new film, all three of the original members are all hyper-intelligent, hyper-talented, PhD superstars, and LJ is the sassy black lady because they decided they needed a sassy black lady. It's completely unbalanced and the team ends up coming across like they've got no chemistry whatsoever.
Which is a shame because these actresses aren't talentless hacks, they've been in movies with good writing and direction and they've been good in them. But that's not what happened here.
>It made more money than originally projected
The originally projected for it to make a loss? Interesting.
>But it's a nice treat for people who love Ghostbusters
Hardly anyone who really loved Ghostbusters liked this new film.
Given the massive online controversy, absolutely. Sony predicted 30mil.
Samefag aside, you need to spend more time off of Sup Forums. It's a fine movie. Most people who would have hated it, didn't see it. There's, believe it or not, a large portion of the population who loved the original Ghost Busters growing up and was excited to see it again this weekend.
>Given the massive online controversy, absolutely. Sony predicted 30mil.
LOL What?? When? Since when does controversy make a film tank at the box office? It usually helps. People hating the film because of the feminist shit didn't effect the movie much, people loved the new Mad Max. The "controversy" that made Sony make downward revisions to expected box office returns was most people didn't like the trailer.
>It's a fine movie.
What's the point in claiming this? In the end it's just your opinion. Most people didn't want to see it based on what they heard of it.
>a large portion of the population who loved the original Ghostbusters growing up and was excited to see it again this weekend.
It doesn't seem like it based on the empty theatres.
proof of empty theaters outside 10 tweets? I feel like 2nd at the box office should dispute that immediately but whatever.
The Mad Max controversy didn't occur until the film came out. This has been harked on Ghostbusters since the beginning.
I am happy to continue this discussion but you'll need to provide more backup for each of your extremely unbased opinions.
I'm saying it's a fine movie because I don't even think it's that great. Just to restate I'm only here because I'm shocked at how much effort is being put into down play this movie's success even though it already came out and a sequel is probably planned. Overall just silly.
also, go look up how much mad max made it's opening weekend last year. Made less than Ghostbusters
Origonal wasn't sexist, it was good business.
Think about it, it was the 80's;
>'OMG he likes star trek, what a nerd.'
>'D&D, OMG what a nerdy creeplord'
>"OMG geeks, ewww'.
Considering that was women's attitudes towards pretty much anything even slightly sci-fi/fantasy back then, it would have been utterly stupid to pander to them with ghostbusters.
Ghostbusters was made by men, for men because men actually liked that shit - shit, men actually like stuff for fucks sake, we're not women using our 'likes' or interests as a social-political move.
>I feel like 2nd at the box office should dispute that immediately but whatever.
It was second because it was beaten by an animated film that came out the previous week. It's now projected to make a total of about $130m. I'm sure not every theatre was empty, but it didn't do very well.
>Just to restate I'm only here because I'm shocked at how much effort is being put into downplay this movie's success
By what metric do you consider the movie to be a success?
>also, go look up how much mad max made it's opening weekend last year. Made less than Ghostbusters
That is true. Though is did make double it's budget back. And received 97% on RT.
Yeah and minions is the 9th highest grossing movie of all time so what? The success of one movie doesn't imply the failure of another.
And Success because it was projected to make 30-50 million and it made 46. Higher end of projections. A success.
Ghost Busters will not make as much money as mad max, but I was countering your point about how Mad Max also did super well despite it's controversy. As of now, there's no concrete proof to display that.
Pleasure debating with you potato.
>Higher end of projections. A success.
How does beating projections make something a success? How is it a success if it still makes a loss?
Also projections before the trailers came out would have been much higher. Paul Feig said the movie would need to pull $500m+ to be considered a success. So early projections would have been at least that. Why do those projections not count?
>Ghostbusters will not make as much money as mad max
Current projects predict it won't make any money at all though.
>Pleasure debating with you potato.
you too man
god it feels good to like things because i like them and not because my circle of 'friends' does or because liking the thing is trendy
thank you females, for making fun of my hobbies as a child and then ruining them for me as a young adult. It's a lot easier to live life when you don't give a single fuck what anybody thinks of you outside of work relations.
And being liked at work gets easier and easier as more entitled shits enter the workforce, making 'being a semi-decent human being' the only criteria for people to enjoy your company
Saying beating projections makes a movie a success is like saying "I'm going to die in ten minutes" and then claiming you're immortal when you don't keel over in that time.
Imagine how he rates the success of his life..
I try to think about others as little as possible, especially if they've proven themselves stupid pawns, but i do imagine there's a nasty skewing of worldview going on in that chap's brain.
And people tell me my mom being a "the patriarchy" feminist isn't a real thing.
This is exactly the kind of mindset she has at any point in time.
why do you go to non-news sites just to look up stuff to make urself mad
I covered my mouth because I thought I was going to vomit.
>these dumb cunts misspelled "Venkman" throughout the entire article
I guess having an editor smacks too much of PATRIARCHY
>Noah Berlatsky
Oh jeezuz THAT guy.
He's been trying to be some kind of comic book version of Shaun King, a white guy who hates ALL white comic book characters and writes this dross all the time.
Hey burger, you replying?
You said
>I am happy to continue this discussion but you'll need to provide more backup for each of your extremely unbased opinions.
Did you mean something else?
>this site
>But that's not what happened here.
More than likely the director read a newspaper during the shoot and the actresses just gave their own direction.
Fucking really?
>clicking on something that hasn't been archived
is offense pls remove
What in the actual fuck? Did he used to be 600 pounds or something?
That fucking website man. Completely discarded.