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for once im proud of normies :^)
It's almost like getting someone who likes the original sauce material to make a movie that appeals to it's core audience is a GOOD THING!
Liberals and (((MOVIE EXECUTIVES))) BTFO.
just proves how outnumbered they are. this is the peak of their downfall
Was the Deadpool movie any good? Sup Forums told me it was too normie/fedora.
ghostbusters that was true to original with murray in it would have cleared a billion easy
I wouldn't go that far but an engaged Murray and the old cast passing the torch would have made me be there opening night.
What's the point you're making? One is a great movie while the other isn't, of course it flopped.
I liked it, but I knew exactly what to expect from it.
Lots of be-headings and amputations, so just another day at the cartel for you, Jose.
Why don't you stop shit posting for an hour and a half and see for yourself?
>Passion project vs forced feminism agenda pushing remake
I hate superhero movies generally but Deadpool is so irreverent and atypical I thought it was one of the better ones I've seen.
It's good for capeshit
I think a movie with a new plot where the old ghost busters train the new ones would have been more successful than this shitty reboot.
where did the $144m budget go?
They didn't hire a single star, they grabbed a bunch of SLN D-tier "actresses".
> fake blonde
the qt is on the left
I despise all Marvel hero movies. I hate them with passion. I saw this movie in the cinema with both spanish and Arabic subtitles on screen at the same time and all the "nude" scenes were cut out and I still enjoyed it very much. It's a good fun movie.
its reddit:the movie
This. It was literally a movie Reynolds pushed and wanted on his own because he's a fan of the character himself. It was a great adaptation.
I just love it. We were supposed to be brainwashed into watching.
I told all the shills that fear pushing this movie won't work.
Why didn't they listen.
Probably advertising and merchandising. This was Sony's tentpole movie for the summer.
half the movie writes itself
They could have gone to Spengler's funeral at the beginning and realize they're getting old. In canon he could have died from being too slow/old or somesuch.
Women could have been their daughters/nieces/what have you. They start training them as their replacements.
bam, actual continuity instead of dumbshit.
pretty funny for a leaf, but easy because it's true
Fun movie
Nah, not enough violence. 5/7.
Bananas for Harambe, probably.
I haven't even seen it but I know it's reddit tier meme shit.
it made almost 70 million in 5 days thats not that bad.
They could probably break even
>where did the $144m budget go?
Into Amy Pascal's pocket, to "buy" Zoe Quinn's movie rights for a biography flick, and the rest is going to bribe Scarlett Johansen into starring in that shitfest; with Scarlett on board, Amy can ask for a fuckhuge budget because the top-earning female star in Hollywood is involved, and she'll steal that fucking budget for herself and Zoe too. Fuck feminism.
No idea. Sony said that they need at least 300 million to get even with the money spent. No fucking idea what they did but they failed in a spectacular way.
You literally forgot all the advertising costs of the movie too m8
You can tell it was trying really hard to be bigbudget on nobudget.
But it's basically lolrandum shit that Deadpool is known for. If you like the character, you'll like the movie.
When I first heard about a reboot. I thought it would be the daughters of the original cast, who grew up never really believing their fathers stories hut then realizing how they were truthful all along. This complete disconnect was never going to work.
Why would you fucking spend that much money on a movie like this that was obviously going to be controversial?
the budget doesn't include advertising or merchandise, just the production.
>>No idea. Sony said that they need at least 300 million to get even with the money spent.
>No fucking idea what they did
they spit on and insulted the pre-installed, core fanbase in an attempt to pander to a new one that doesn't exist.
brb, going to write a romance novel as a man, for men, then complain loudly when women don't read it.
Are these the last white Swedes left in Scandanavia?
because people think the tumblr sjw audience actually has money
marvel did the same thing and their comic sales are in the shitter, down like 70% across the board
Was the GB movie budget all on advertising?
My thoughts exactly. I'd watch it.
>Deadpool's budget was only $58 million
Holy shit.
budget doesn't include advertising
try 2 weeks in euroland
rude tbvh
I'm thinking watching busters, idk what a deadpool is.
want as bad as i thought
lots of blood n stuff
It was capeshit with extra edge
it was fucking trash
But most romance are written by women.
Are you referring to the female Thor and the black female ironman ? Are they really down with the sales ? If so then this is good news. Maybe they'll stop shitting on good franchises then.
It was good m8, but I'd only really recommend it if you're a deadpool fan.
this me too.
hmm.. okay I'll give a go then, skipped it
It was ok I guess, but a Deadpool movie could've been much better if they went all out rated PEGI 18+. Its like driving a super sports car with 50km/h.
The jokes were kinda meh and the action was predictable.
That's actually not true at all.
t. harlequin editorial staff
at least I can get some inappropriate laughs. Can't wait for it to hit amazon.
I could be thinking about eroticism.
No, marketing budget is not included in the production budget. Rumors say the marketing would have been another extra $100 million.
>"LOL le deadpool xDDD"
>"me and 82 people went to comic-con as le deadpool this year!!11!!"
>"le so random and le vulgar"
>fans run around like a weaboo naruto ninja
vs. Ghostbusters
>feminist horseshit
You autists really showed those liberals who's boss, huh?
>Rumors say the marketing would have been another extra $100 million.
entirely possible
t. that's nearly how high our marketing hit on a AAA video game before I left the company I worked at because the company that owned ours was more interested in advertising than our actual product
Honestly i think she has real blonde hair. Alot of blonde swedish people have like real white blonde hair, almost like it looks fake.
Same humor that goes from Sup Forums to normies months later, except Deadpool has been doing it longer, its a fun movie.
Dub trips.
They shot a bunch expensive scenes that didn't work, so they had to do reshoots and new scenes because of "muh improv."
Yes, go to and you can see the monthly sales for each issue.
This is for Sup Forums. Delete & move there plz.
Tell that to the countless shill threads.
Nah, you're thinking of the right genre, you're just falling for the marketing. There's three "big" named romance authors who are female. The rest of the top 10 are guys/ghostwritten by guys.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Show yourself out, Jamal.
>Alot of blonde swedish people have like real white blonde hair, almost like it looks fake.
I have medium-ish-light blond hair and when I was in norway there were a lot of people with a lighter blond hair than mine that looked like the color I had when I was a child
never saw it in any other country I've been t b h
it does look like the dyed blond color
I used to write erotica for an English Lit teacher I was banging. I have hundreds of pages of shit, should I publish it?
Ghostbusters is still making money though
funny thing, the first ghost busters was essentially the same.
More than anything I just hope this helps stop the endless stream of remakes and reboots. Doubtful though.
A Zoe Quinn movie is being made starting Scarlet J? Are you fucking kidding me?
Fucking go for it. I'd actually suggest you read a dozen or so to get the patterns down (it'll take no time at all and some can be quite laughable).
Worst that'll happen is you'll get a rejection letter, best that can happen is you start getting royalty checks for churning out bullshit.
the action was good, but it was mostly leddit humour
Its only the cities that are keked.
The suburbs and the countryside is really nice in Sweden.
Stop luring stupid britbongs in your countryside, Achmed.
It's not flopping that hard really. I was hoping for worse so we could get some glorious salty "What 'Ghostbusters' Flopping Says About the State of Western Men" articles.
New Meme
>It's not flopping that hard really.
>hasn't even dented advertising costs let alone production
>got denied release in china
damage control
What did he mean by this?
deadpool was still cringeworthy
who is going to watch this shit... fucking nothing happened there.
Its a good movie, the amount of sex jokes is way over the top, to the point where they become annoying
its a meme sketch which means "can i have some yoghurt?"
It's only gonna be a minor failure though, i was hoping for a David Hayter's "Wolves"-tier flop.
May as well. This girl was the biggest elitist snob in the history of literature, a feminist and all round critical batch. But nothing got her off like the concept of her being used for my pleasure. It started out because I ran out of shit to say, next thing you know she would do the most degrading shit for the next installment of "story time" as she called it.
for a superhero movie it was one of the better ones
it was reddit tier, but a small step in the right direction
bullshit requisite "girls are tough too"
lame jokes, weak villian
Variety had an article that mentioned The Secret Lives of Pets which has already been out for a week managed to beat Goybusters.
You know a movie is utter garbage when even the normies find it completely without any merit.
>it came out the front
That was perfect.
Comedy gold right here.
Watch the dropoff. It ain't holding 3963 theaters for long either.
This stinker is going to bomb hard.
it was funny but only watched it once, i couldnt stand to watch it a second time
Politically Incorrect film vs Politically Correct film