And yet blue-collar morons buy tickets to watch that shit.
That's an exaggeration. He's from a small midwestern town, loves hunting, and is Christian. That doesn't make him a racist Sup Forums faggot.m
>wanting average blue collars represented
I'll take "What is Communism for $300," Alex.
well what are they supposed to do? Read?
I bet he's pretty racist behind closed doors.
Why are movies supposed to represent anyone? They aren't related to politics... Oh.
>he thinks blue-collar Americans are commies
>bro-off, dance. you and meme
most blue collar people just talk shit about whatever entertainment they consume
I can too talk about the low class and get bathed in dosh
no, they love being fucked over by big corporations and any eventual gov more than any other people on the planet, truly the best goys.
They are the unfortunate and uneducated and they do necessary jobs that keep the country going. They are an essential part of society like any other.
Voice of blue collar America = $ for transformers, fast and furious movies, and marvel
Prove me wrong. You can't.
What do you do for a living?
>was a drug smoking hippy bumming on the beaches of hawaii
>dude im blue collar lmao
there used to be better options
he didnt say that and are you a cop or something?
>dude im a cop lmao
good one joker
>dude im the joker lmao
>they do necessary jobs
>they do jobs
Those opiates aren't going to consume themselves
they make white girls for minorities
It's not represented in board rooms or Florida golf resorts either.
I wanted to argue this, then thought about it, and you're right.... but those are the movies that leftist Hollywood thinks the right wing wants. And to some extent, they're right. Dumb rednecks love transformers, marvel, and fast and furious.... but not all blue collar right wingers are stupid, and those want smarter entertainment.
Right wingers like good action movies (light on the social justice angles), war movies(once again, if there's a leftist message it needs to be subtle), mafia movies. There used to be a lot more of that type of stuff to choose from.
And there's a lot of movies with broader appeal horror and comedy, in most cases, don't pander to left or right necessarily.
That guy's not a trucker. He's a character actor, in faggy shows such as Supernatural.
right wingers, at least the poor ones in rural areas, tend to like mindless movies because they're just trying to relax after back breaking work
Liberals can go for higher minded stuff since a week at the office is not necessarily even stressful or difficult for them.
>all jocks that beat up or mock nerds in movies are actually theater kids that want to be actors
>rural and suburban retards aren't represented in film
>this is bad
>he thinks blue-collar Americans aren't commies
They probably don't even know unions are communist by design.
OP you've never worked a blue collar dirty job a day in your fucking life
Lmao. Pottery.
Hell or High Water, Into the Furnace, Mud, 99 Homes, Manchester By the Sea, Deepwater Horizon, The Finest Hours, Patriots Day.... just in the last couple years alone.
He just sounds like a typical whiny conservative.
There's nothing communist about collective bargaining, it's a normal consequence of a free labor market.
That's a good name for her but I still prefer moldylocks.
aren´t american tickets sells at a all time low?
Or perhaps a professional pandering to the most prevalent populace. Prudent Pratt.
Stop forcing this guy so hard.
>pandering to the audiance that actually makes you the most money
that actually would be refreshingly new in "current year"
I had the pleasure of meeting Chris once. He was in a rush at the airport (during the early days of Parc and Rec) so he couldn't talk much, but he was pretty damn nice.
>plucked from obscurity to become a movie star even though he lacked into describable talent
>guy literally won the lottery and now pretends to be a blue collar guy
He started life as a door to door steak-knife salesmen
>implying the democrats don't do this
>He's from a small midwestern town, loves hunting, and is Christian. That doesn't make him a racist
Only dumb Jersey assholes fall for his schtick now.
I didn't anticipate an alliterate assault, user.
>he's a blue-collar
>nearly every celebrity under the sun publicly speaks out against Trump and schills for Hillary.
>the few that don't are chastised and mocked.
>Trump still wins.
I'm not even a Trump supporter, but i loved seeing Hollywood as a whole get taken down a few pegs because most people don't actually give a fuck what they have to say.
>im one of u
holy fuck user
how do I into Pratt lifehack?
He's right, but the average Joe is a philistine who couldn't care less about films beyond easily digestible schlock. There were some good directors in the 70s who made films with mass appeal but enough artistic merit to appeal to arthouse fags, but they're all dead or dried up. And what's more is that the audience for those films no longer exists anyway.
>Implying he knows what blue collar is
>being fucked over by le ebul big corporations
Why should I care about Cleetus from some bumbfuck trailer park being underrepresented in Hollywood?
>USA has a long history of labour struggle, including actual wars between the government and workers
>there has only been one film made specifically about this subject.
also, far too many people on Sup Forums are confusing liberals and leftists. speaking very generally, liberals are about giving more representation to minorities in the rooms of power. Leftism is more about saying, "fuck your rooms, EVERYONE should have power"
because you care about blacks and mexicans being represented.
No, no I dont Cletus
I mean it's a pretty general truth that doesn't necessarily have to mean he is blue collar.
Ultimately, Hollywood doesn't give a shit about your beliefs and views. Just your dollars.
You pay for movies with diversity index considerations. America is the first cuckholded country to exist ever since white slave owners let mandingo have a go at their wives and your government enslaved itself to the jewish lobby.
I don't want to be represented in the movies made by hollywood, I don't understand this fad where what I watch has to be about me, me, me, I'm just trying to distract myself from reality for about 1h and 30m.
you know that feeling you get when you see that a hollywood movie cast someone who isn't a white male? I mean you probably feel bad because you wanted someone who looks like you in the flm right?
Well that's the same feeling that blacks, asians etc have ALL THE TIME. that's the thing about you alt-righter, you have zero empathy for anyone, you're the most spoiled of anyone in the west and despite having an almost infinite amount of choices at your fingertips for media, you devote your life to impotent raging because a few movies didn't cast a whitey. You're pathetically cucked and what's worse is you don't even realise it.
t. trust fund babby
>haha, that rich millionaire actor sticks up for me!
>I will see all your movies from now, Chris!
He's from an '''affiliated''' family from Boston. His uncle was a US representative.
He's about as blue collar or authentic as Amy Schumer.
But kek at the shills itt
Who gives a fuck about what a rich celebrity thinks
Oh wait he agrees with me?
Based as fuck, literally our guy
How isn't he shunned yet?
Literally ((()))
Fuck off shills
black panthers confirmed retards
>allign yourselves with people/descendants of people who lynched/cucked your shit up
>i-it's okay now playa, we're both poor now!
top kek
at least he aint a fucking jew
Hmm....i wonder
they pushed a bunch of nigger actors in films, now black sales increased, but overall sales decreased a lot.
what did the jews mean by this?
>blue collar
Holywood isn't real or a business. But sweet mindless racism. You really fooled us.
Guys this Hollywood actor, his crooked politician. uncle and his faggot soap opera star brother, is just a regular blue collar guy.
>implying Sup Forums is full of blue collar hard working adults and not sweaty NEET manchildren living off of their parents and autismbux
>all this hate for blue collar workers from a board that's 90% unemployed or working retail
>Christopher Michael Pratt[2][better source needed] was born on June 21, 1979[3] in Virginia, Minnesota,[3] the son of Kathleen Louise (née Indahl), who worked at a Safeway supermarket, and Daniel Clifton Pratt (died in 2014 from multiple sclerosis),[4] who worked in mining and later remodeling houses.[5][6][7]
Well he grew up in a blue-collar home at least.
Kek if you believe anything about this fraud.
Nigga we hate this fucking (((actor))) not blue collar workers
But keep shilling.
Why is the average blue-collar American worth listening to?
>when you try to roast an user but you're too retarded to make a coherent sentence
Kek at the shills trying to make this a conversation.
You're not fooling anyone, nor is this Amy Schumer-tier capeshit nigga.
>Align with people in the same position as you and ignore the racists an the liberals trying to keep you divided for their own monetary gain
sounds pretty good to me.