How ironic is it that a female Gen Z is pro capitalism and religion, while a fat male hates religion and swears by communism?
11 year olds debate communism
Get that youtube shit out of here. Not Sup Forums
where should youtube stuff be posted?
Who was the Dafneposter that I met in the Sup Forums thread? Show yourself you nigger.
I bet you whine and call it child abuse when some lesbos fill their kids head with commie shit
She isn't fucking 11, she definitely has Andy Milonakis-itis
>11 year olds
Sup Forums or /r9k/ where things that don't have boards have gone for years
Sup Forums, /trash/, /s4s/
Yes it's wonderful the next generation of people are basically bible thumping republiturds that will reject science and logic for muh beliefs and label anyone who doesn't adhere to the hivemind as a commie homosexual dejenerate.
Fuck Sup Forums.
Kill yourself pedo
>le self deprecating 10 year old
epic win sjws btfo
Brings a tear to my eye honestly famus
>He's so goddamned woke that my fucking cock is hard
Would you face fuck her gremlin mouth?
she looks pretty small for 11, I remember girls pretty much maxing out their height by then
kill this kid before it lays eggs
Old enough to debate, old enough to fuck
I get annoyed seeing this person posted all around the internet because it's clear that she probably just read some other person's opinion on reddit and then regurgitated it as her own
The reason she's so popular with a certain crowd is because she just reads what everybody in that crowd is saying and says some vague amalgamation of those opinions and gets loads of praise heaped upon her for it
I was just wanna kick her right in that big fat fucking melon head
Literally nothing wrong with this.
>random little cunt is more successful than you'll ever be in your entire life
faggot user BTFO
*le tips*
nice post krager!
That's why I forbid my child of using internet before the age of 16/
Why are practically all left wingers dysfunctional or maladaptive in some major way?
>Check her age
>She's old enough to fuck
Why cant we just kill all socialists and libtards? Literally nothing of value woild be lost
Listen, I just want to have sex with her, ok? I take her Sup Forumstard brothers opinions that she repeats with a grain of salt
Stop shilling this ugly brat, Sup Forums already dumped her months ago.
go back to Sup Forums
holy shit post this on /x/
demon possession 1:43
I mean nothing says the acceptance of logic and science like some greasy fat fucking virgin supporting a dead ideology that enslaved and killed millions of people and no one outside of retarded humanities academia adheres to