>donald trump is an evil per-
Donald trump is an evil per-
Carson Powell
Other urls found in this thread:
Anthony Moore
Why do liberals hate their fathers so much?
Anthony Russell
>trump loves the only person who has had an impact on his development more than his storebought plastic wife or his jewish grandkids
Aaron Carter
mentall illness
Ryder Ross
That's some Rosebud shit senpai.
Justin Rodriguez
>visit to the white house
>wear cowboy hats
Isaac Lee
I didn't know his father was black
Wtf i love trump now
Robert Watson
But his father was fucking evil, user.
Isaac Cruz
Because most liberals were raised by fathers that were either absentees, or divorced from their mothers.
There's a high correlation between liberalism and having zero masculine influence in your life and development.
Kevin Adams
Trump is a kang. He has to wear orange makeup to fool white people.