The most conservative areas of the country tend to be rural shitholes...

The most conservative areas of the country tend to be rural shitholes. It doesn't seem like capitalism is working in those areas.

explain to me how does capitalism is better than socialism again?

Other urls found in this thread:,_neither_shall_he_eat#Soviet_Union

Why does she wear the eyepatch?

>The most conservative areas of the country tend to be rural shitholes. It doesn't seem like capitalism is working in those areas.
What kind of argument is this? Do you have facts to back anything up? sage'd

Sup Forums is just satire.

We know socialism is the best economic system.

Move along.

The most liberal areas of the country tend to be urban shitholes. It doesn't seem like diversity and welfare is working in those areas.

explain to me how does welfare is better than capitalism again?

aaand this picture was made by a liberal


0/10 no (you) for you

The most liberal areas of the country are the richest and most developed. It's a very obvious trend when you look at the data.

I would argue those areas aren't even liberal. if they were there would be no crime because all potential thugs would have been aborted by their mothers.

you talk about rural "shitholes" and the only thing that makes them shitty is cheap housing

Meanwhile you go to urban areas and its shitskins/race mixers as far as the eye can see
Graffitti on every surface

Of course the shitskins will spread to rural/small towns eventually too

And socialist sates have been such a massive success? The only reason that socialists are able to enjoy their standards of living in the urban areas is because of the fruits of capitalism. When Boris Yeltsin visited America he was struck by how much higher living standards were there and in his "socialist paradise" in the USSR. As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

I will give you one thing though, that was some good bait. You got me clicking there

newfag detected

Rural area != Shithole

Just as in urban areas there is a spectrum of people on the SES scale. There are nice and not so nice neighborhoods in both types of areas

Op confirmed for shut in liberal ass licking faggot


Nce ass child

>inner cities are the only liberal areas in the United States
>redneck shitholes are shitty because housing is inexpensive

Obviously, he thinks the antithesis of "liberalism" is fascism. He acknowledges libertarianism, so he doesn't think that liberalism is absolute freedom, but he has the cognitive dissonance to ignore the very fascist tendencies of modern liberals.

fascist are like ants.
ants arent allowed to have brains.

You guys realize that anyone who has been educated on how to analyze data and basic realities of society just sees these threads and they laugh their asses off right?

Enjoy your embarrassing level of ignorance and stupidity.


>Rural shithole

So in other words you've never left your shitty city bubble and you think nice neighborhoods are unique to large, liberal cities.

Rural areas are diverse in quality.

There are no jobs in white rural areas so everyone is basically on welfare(while being anti-socialist and conservative). It's rural whites who receive all the welfare, not urban ghetto blacks btw.

>extract wealth from hardworking whites and give it to niggers, spics, and communist sympathizers
>gee why don't you guys have any money lol we're rolling in it over here
fuck you

If I pull that off, will she die?



Capitalism, when not under authoritarian rule, spawns degeneracy.

Yet again we can see that national fascism is truly the only correct way forward.

thats only because rich white people tend to be liberal because they are out of touch, they don't live in the nigger infested ghettos that make up their cities, they live in the high class condos and houses.

Do you not live in a rural area? Or own a car?

People drive to jobs between 10-20 miles away no problem. Niggers are on welfare because they're tightly packed and can't stop having kids.

They're shitholes because there's no resources there, there are no opportunities for making money so business doesnt go there.

In rural america the reasons for any success in rural area used to be these:
* Good Farmland
* Coal or Minerals to be Mined.
* Factory sets up shop there for one reason or another usually related to geography and transport.

Reasons these places are wastelands now:

* No Factories in america, 86% service economy. This started around 1985.

* Mines run dry or get shut down, those people no longer have jobs and cant find new ones. So they grow Marijuana or make Meth.

* Farms are Corporate owned, bring in outside workers or immigrants. Tells local people to BTFO so that doesnt help them either.

* Farming isnt competitive anymore, not a good field to get into (hehe) unless you're farming only for yourself and immediate community. Food prices are unsustainable.

Because of that the money leaves the area, everything shuts down. And the only jobs available are between minimum wage or up to $15 an hour topps (and those are...

So you got 90% of the rural population making $8-10 per hour. What you think their houses are gonna look like?

I live in a rural area, sunshine, clean air, cheap land, nice houses that are affordable, honest hardworking people.

So how is life in self loathing cuckland?

>It's rural whites

Funny, wasn't it blacks who were massively over represented in welfare recipients?

good post.

its the lack of manufacturing or other blue collar jobs that make those places poor. in the past before everything was globalized and sent overseas those areas were able to thrive.

Brain size doesn't determine intelligence. Neanderthals had bigger brains than we do.

You're thinking of the deep south, which is infested with niggers, and had its developed crippled by the civil war and botched reconstruction

Phoenix is a nice city, and the texas triangle is a bastion of human civilization and development

wtf happened?

Over 30 percent of welfare goes to blacks.

Why the fuck is that person on the ground?

Fascist Germany handed out amphetamines like candy as "work enhancers"
Prove your baseless assertion.
Not to mention liberal environmental policy that aren't actually working towards reducing pollution have shut down many mining communities leaving the people there jobless and some of the poorest in the entire nation.

>Imblying rural areas are shitholes

Nigger infested city dweller detected. Enjoy your cultural enrichment.


Pick one.

It depends on your views of success. It's working, they just don't feel like going any further. Capitalism only works if you aren't lazy.

yes, i am in a rural area right now. I hate it here. There's nothing here. no job opportunities. no place to shop for food. only one convenience store(it sells overpriced shit and gets away with it because it's the only store in this fucking town)

at least there are job opportunities in urban areas. in rural areas there are no job opportunities. it would be more justified to have a kid in an urban area than in a rural area desu

looks like epilepsy or something man
I know theres a kpop singer who faints all the time, has some blood sugar type thing, this looks more like a fit tho

Straight outta kpg, aren't you?

4 u

>the show must go on


Yeah keep thinking that city boy

>explain to me how does capitalism is better than socialism again?
Explain how it isn't.
Your nonsequitur isn't really an argument especially considering there are plenty of very wealthy conservative areas if this nation.
>Implying liberal cities are capitalist.
Would you also like to comment on the complete implosion of Venezuela's economy:^)

For example, there are no more lead mines in the US. At all. EPA regulated them all away. Now 100% of our lead is from recycling and purchased from mexico, who's environmental policy ranges from laughable to sarcastic.

Capitalism: Follow these tasty bread crumbs towards success. *om nom nom* What bread crumbs?

Socialism: Look at all these bread crumbs. *om nom nom* What bread crumbs?

Different methods, same result.

>Why does she wear the eyepatch?
>If I pull that off, will she die?
>wtf happened?
>Why the fuck is that person on the ground?

Someone pulled the eyepatch off!

Why is Texas on of the Number one growing economies in the U.S?

Why is Commiefornia doing so shit?
Why can't Seattle pay for simple maintenance?
Why does Chicago still suck?

holy shit didn't think it would be that funny

the most republican city in California is Newport Beach.

oh yeah rural areas are much better in a socialist society
brb moving to the gulag

the liberal areas of texas are doing great (such as austin). the conservative areas are shit

>Not knowing the @ meme

>rural shitholes
There are no rural shitholes in America. Rural America is extremely peaceful, full of nice, hardworking peaceful, and I'd rather be there than in urban shitholes.

This. The leaps of logic boggles the mind. As though all liberals are socialists. As though all areas with liberal dominance are practicing socialism. As though correlation equals causation.

It's like OP just smashed three different ideas together in an attempt to make an argument.

>the conservative areas are shit
The best areas in Texas are conservative suburbs.

1:30, backup dancer starts having epileptic fit

I bet all he knows about libertarianism and fascism is that fascism is evil and Jon Stewart said libertarians aren't as bad.

It's the opposite. Do you live in Texas?

I have been to Texas alot, Houston Austin, Galveston, San Antonio ect...

Austin was by far the worst in terms of Crime, trash, and general shitty-ness.

The countryside, and more conservative areas of Texas are clean and well kept and generally well off it seems.

Wow, the ignorance is mindblowing.

>all rural areas are poor shitholes
>doesn't understand where his food comes from

wew lad

i am a socialist who believes there should be cities every where. In fact, i think you could create jobs by taxing the rich and using their money to build cities. it would create millions of jobs (building cities).

I am for replacing all rural shitholes with cities (even if the population doesn't like it)

>Austin worse than Houston
wew lad; you obviously only went around the nice areas of Houston.

I can also say that it was well worth it when i moved out urban life into the rural life. I havnt regretted for a second moving into the countryside. Sure there is less people, stores ect, but hey i have alot of land, affordable, nice house, good internet im comfy as fuck.

When i lived in the city i literally started getting grey hairs im only 26, i was stressed all the time, renting my apt, housing was not affordable, prices high it was quite terrible.

Land, Gold,Guns, family, and morals are all we really need, its all that matter's...blood and soil.


Wew lad

>all rural areas are poor shitholes

the ones i have been to are. can you point to one that isn't a shithole?

if there is only one store and no jobs, then it's a shit hole.

>Fascist Germany
Literally what.
Nazis aren't fascists, they're smelly socialists.


Not really,trash and shit yea but not many niggers,

>The most liberal areas of the country tend to be urban shitholes. It doesn't seem like multiculturalism is working in those areas.

explain to me how does multiculturalism is better than racism again?

she's a chuuni

I stayed in hotel near a crime ridden area of Houston they said it was bad, didnt look to bad to me. When i stayed in Austin less than a month later i heard gunshots, ambulances, police blockade ect, idk it may have just been a one off thing.

Then they just drag here ass off.

Well, when you're one-out-of-16 billion who fucking cares

It didnt seem to be blacks in Austin committing crime it was Mexicans from what i could tell. As for Houston yes i did see more dindus.

Have you ever been in a shopping mall user?

You seem to be implying that urban areas are inherently better. As if we all want to live in a cramped commie-block, and anyone who lives in a rural area is just too stupid and poor to move to the city. Did it ever occur to you that maybe some people actually enjoy living in rural areas? The roads aren't packed constantly, so you can drive fast. Fewer police. Better scenery. You can walk down to the reservoir and shoot your guns, without 87 people calling the cops, assuming it to be illegal because they're brainwashed and don't care about their rights and want to tattle like a little kindergartner. It's actually the complete opposite of what you are implying. Conservative values and capitalism are working great in rural areas. We love our lives. We can do whatever we want. Urban areas have stricter laws and more police presence - yet higher crime rates. Almost everyone in the city is a butthurt SJW. Just terrible, terrible people. Don't you ever just want to open the door and see pic related? When I want to relax, I don't wanna open my front door and see a bunch of butthurt feminists protesting or whatever. I just want quiet, I don't want a bunch of BLM nerds screaming in my face.

>California used to be conservative and energetic.
>These people built California.
>liberals and socialists move there to live the easy life.
>California becomes a welfare hellhole.
>only mega corps survive and dominate.
>Texas is the next best thing.
>all of the numales and stronk females move there to fuck up Texan cities.
>Austin is a Marxist colony now.

i would let texas secede and let all the conservatives have their own conservative country. i would like to see what it looks like after a decade. it would become a fucking desert full of shitty rural areas.

There's that meme again.

Only because it's the same crooked power hungry assholes at the top of the food chain. Normal people are too busy feeding and filling their empty lives with trivial distractions.

cause in socialism hard working people like me have to pay for ur lazy ass

I've been seeing you on Sup Forums and /lbg/ threads. Keep fighting the good fight lad.


socialists believe workers have to pay for rich people's lazy ass. socialism as defined by commies is a worker oriented ideology. In fact, lenin went as far as to say that he who does not work shall not eat.,_neither_shall_he_eat#Soviet_Union

You know next to nothing about socialism or any ideology in general. Prattling off Lenin quotes won't do you any good. You sound like you're 12.

how are you supposed to know what socialism is if you don't quote the theorists behind it? make up shit about it like the average right winger does?

OP is just another butt hurt big city faggot who has never lived in the glorious rural American countryside

>not knowing what it's like to drive down a dirt road sipping a beer
>never having rid in the bed of a pickup truck
>never walked from your house to the river to go fishing just because
>not knowing what stars are supposed to look like
>never stopping in at the local country bar and recognizing everyone instantly
>never having spent an afternoon sitting on a porch listening to birds chirp

God your life must suck OP.

Sisters, Oregon
Ketchum, Idaho (basically any ski resort)
Golden, Colorado

If socialism is a bunch of quotes then socialism is not a governmental model. That much is obvious to anyone who thinks.

In my state (Alabama) your right to ride on the back of a pickup truck was written into the state constitution, which is 422 page as long

>If socialism is a bunch of quotes then socialism is not a governmental model.

don't you do the same with capitalism? you probably quote ayn rand, mises , and all these other capitalists that you like to get some understanding of what capitalism is.
if not then where the fuck are you getting your knowledge of capitalism from?

>OP is just another butt hurt big city faggot who has never lived in the glorious rural American countryside

i grew up in a rural area and am currently living in a rural area.

The biggest city i've ever been to was reno, nevada.

you yourself probably live in a city and learned about rural areas from movies and shit. They are not the great places that people make them out to be. There are no jobs in rural areas, so everyone is basically fucking poor and on fucking welfare.

No. Capitalism literally describes the use of capital. It's the direct ideological successor of mercantilism. The term was created to describe an ongoing process, rather than a planned system. Your understanding of economics and history is absolutely ridiculous. As though a council of people got together and said "Hey, guys, I have a plan! Let's all do what we were going to do anyway!"

>everyone is basically fucking poor and on fucking welfare
You described inner cities not rural america.

i said nothing about economics. I said what socialists say about themselves. nothing i said was untrue

>Socialism is the best!
>I wasn't talking about economics!
Pick one you 12 year old.