What are some Sup Forums-approved jobs for a college dropout?
What are some Sup Forums-approved jobs for a college dropout?
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Basically any skilled physical labour.
waste management
Killing yourself
Oven technician.
Assasin for hire
going back to college.
>make $16 an hour 40 hours a week + overtime
>Supervise a slow as fuck Krispy Kreme
Self employed. Theres literally dozens and dozens of ways to make a liveable wage+ working for yourself.
The only real requirement for self employment is drive, and perseverance. The only thing is that they are needed in HEAVY doses. If you're the type of person who had trouble finding the willpower to get out of bed in the morning, don't bother.
Anything want to be as long as you bust ass to learn it.
Don't most Germans never go to university?
I though your whole high school is a semi-trade school
French Foreign Legion
> pushing diabetes on the population
You have the same job as kike pawn.
Work in a store. Can't you raise a family on minimum wage these days?
go get a certification for a blue-collar technical career, if you've still got the resources to do so
making 20/hour starting out aint bad
Yup. As someone who grew up fat it pains me to have to smile as I deliver boxes of lack of willpower to fat as fuck people and their fat as fuck kids who don't stand a fucking chance
Executive Director of a fortune 100 corporation.
If they can do it, so can you!
Trips of truth. My father graduated with a memedegree and ended up building a million-heavy company in his late 30s to mid 50s after having been gone from job to job for decades.
It's never too late if you got the motivation.
>tfw you're among the few people you know that admire the fuck outta your parents
>tfw they're tolerant as fuck
>tfw living up to their example is a pain to say the least
>security guard
>truck driver
>warehouse guy
>any trade
>professional cocksucker
Most, if not all of those jobs have either been automated or replaced by pedros and pajeets.
I've always seen white people doing waste management and janitorial work for some reason.
Start your own moving business. EZ bugattis m8
Look for a job with UPS or Fedex.
Hotel management.
Be a good one and not hire any mexican housekeepers
>people advocating working for someone else
>blue collar work to boot
Go into politics, teaching, or do blue collar stuff for your own. Start a cleaning business.
>or replaced by pedros and pajeets.
It's called not being too hoity toity to work for a shit wage.
You're literally using the same non-sequitur as pro-immigration libcucks.
Do the fucking job or work on having your labour be worth more than that.
>automated or outsourced
Pick one
>automated or outsourced
Pick one
Be a chef at Wendy's and make 500k s year.
I heard airports hire a lot but it might make you want to kill yourself
>pushing diabetes on the population
>implying they don't make the choice to buy it
Politics is absolutely soul-killing. Teaching is good.
Also this.
By the time we can automate those we'll most likely print houses as a matter of course.
And who cares anyways? The quicker fat fucks die the better. They are nothing but a drain on society.
You need a lot of connection to get far into politics
No user, minimum wage cannot even afford even the cheapest apartment. 4 or more minimum wage jobs are required to afford basic amenities such an apartment with electricity and water, and a cheap car. And that's with eating as cheap as possible. Me and me my wife both work 2 minimum wage jobs totalling about 120 hours a week between the two of us, and we don't even earn enough to have cable television. I'm stealing wifi from the neighbors and posting from an 8 year old pc in my ghetto mexican neighborhood.
>inb4 no skills
She has a degree in early childhood education and I was at ET in the navy. Now im delivering fucking pizzas because nobody else will hire a millenial white male electronics technician with a sparkling military record, they will only hire boomers or diversities.
I work in the industrial trades here, pretty easy way to make 100k a year.
Chef at Wendys
>professional cocksucker
>implying OP doesn't already do that for free.
Haha thats fucking hillarious i bet they're so fucking fat
>You need a lot of connection to get far into politics
That too, though arguably you don't really need to.
Plus, y'know. Connections are stuff nobody is per-se born with.
>She has a degree in early childhood education and I was at ET in the navy. Now im delivering fucking pizzas because nobody else will hire a millenial white male electronics technician with a sparkling military record, they will only hire boomers or diversities.
What's with American military either being an excellent means towards quickstarting a career or being a
End, anyway?
It seems for every person that does exceedingly well during and after there are five that do just as well and are dumped into the trash once they're out.
Is a job in the oil field a good one now days?
I've seen too many absolute Wall-E tier fatfucks come through the drive thru
Also if you can't pull up close to a fucking window you're a god damn failure
Jesus Christ.
Its the society that creates those types of people. They don't know any better
Not joking either, the pay is actually pretty damn good for something that requires damn near zero training. Not to mention so long as you aren't a lazy fucktard or a DUDE WEED LMAO its easy as shit to get hired.
Other than that I have heard nothing but good things about trash crew, not sure its lifetime career material but pays supposed to be good and union benefits out the ass.
Elite Soldier
>Draftsman/CAD technician
>Heavy Machinery operator/mechanic
>Machine programmer
Now, the Spanish gov is offering really good trade schools which are like more specialized engineering which are making universities look bad
I make $15/hr at a moving company before tips, which bring it up to
I don't believe anybody in a first world country, let alone God's gifted land, is this much of a loser. No way
Serve tables and bang qt 3.14 all day. Helps with confidence since you talk to strangers all day and you make fat cash.
I make $ 16-22 /hr and come home with over a bill of untaxed wages. Just report low income and claim benefits too, literally what everyone does. And then focus on your personal education or whatever goals you have
>pic related
Read it, memeish but has good points. You sound like you need it
>society did it
Spook discarded
Drywall can't be automated or outsourced. Our competition is all off the Siberian reserves. They steal your screw gun, blades and some pl 400 then they're gone
Enjoy having your job be 'in need of more people' and getting those Indian welders
>boy my van broke down and my sister's drunk so I can't get a ride when's pay day?
We have no HR department. There is no diversity. If we need more guys I'll stay til 5 or 7 or whenever I feel like leaving
campaigning for trump
Gay slut.
nowadays ALL germans go to university. and even for basic jobs you need a special education first
Are there alot of ukrainian shemales to buy sex from? Nice pale soft bodies. Do you have cute dicks?
Well, my dick is pretty cute. Of course i would lenghten it, if i could. But it will do, if necessary.
I don't look at peoples' dicks around me, but they're probably good too.
Kek'd at this for some reason
you dont need college to be successful, thats some jew bullshit.
just get a short technical career in whatever you like in whatever decent place, then get some experience in that field, then open up your own business.
and here is your protip to not fail in your own business: the first 6 months you will see nothing but loses or little gains, dont get desperate and dont waste your capital in shit your business doesnt need.
Uh, what, haha you must live in a retardedly expensive area then. I make about 20k a year just freelancing on Amazon Mturk and my wife doesn't even work, we have everything we want and can afford to buy weed and food too.
Median income in ukraine is 17 usd/month. And they are soviets to the core. So I guess you can easily find this.
Also this is some fine ukraininan humor: youtube.com
Casino is a good place to look, I'm a dealer and do pretty well for myself. Get in a high class casino and you can make six figures easily by flipping over cards.
>I make about 20k a year just freelancing on Amazon Mturk
What kind of jobs do you take?
became a wife of US Presidential Candidate
Ask the gorillas tradwife. I hear it's lucrative as fuck
Can you help me by naming a dozen?
What town do you live in? I'll fill out 12 resumes for you. Just hit the grind stone, Kiddo
Professional Meme Poster