American education driving Gordon Ramsay insane

>Gordon: Three threes are what?
>Amanda: Three
>Gordon: Three threes are three? Fuck me... Three times three is what?
>Amanda: Six, chef!
>Gordon: Six?! Oh, my GOD! WHAT??? Three times three, Amanda!
>Amanda: Nine!
>Gordon: Nine! Then give me nine fucking chops, you stupid thick bitch!

The fuck went wrong?

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British version of his shows are better desu

Much less (((production))) dramatic background music/sounds etc.

Doesn't surprise me.
(((They))) can't resist meddling.

>stress out people
>they mess up
>act like a nigger monkey

wew pop cooks

He's got to find out who can handle the pressure.

it's how he weeds out the untermensch

Yeah , watched his us masterchef for a while and it just feels like a bunch of forced drama, plus the italian judge seems like a total cunt

doesnt surprise me. choosing to be a chef is like going into the army. you do it because, "college isnt the right fit for you" or more plainly because you're stupid.

he's got a show to run

Wow I hate food now

I don't think that's the education system per se. It's more like this:

>>> Before open borders and socialized college
> Dumb people do dumb jobs (mines, fields, cleaning)
> Medium people do medium jobs (cooking, crafts & trades)
> Bright people do hard jobs (engineering, R&D, doctors)

>>> After open borders and socialized college
> Immigrants do dumb jobs
> Dumb people do medium jobs badly
> Medium people go to college needlessly
> Bright people still do hard jobs and have to live with the mess

Outside of TV he doesn't act like that at all in the kitchen its all an act if he had to yell at cooks that hard he would just fire them

holy shit I love Gordon Ramsey. I just discovered his youtube only few days ago. really interesting videos

Some theories say that Ramsay's teachers were french. So, these chefs treated him like shit in the training process only because Ramsay is british, and now he is just retaliating against the world

I believe that I learned from a French chef and he could be brutal but he was a cool dude once he saw I could cook great food, hated the British though

Are you a chef?

You should check out his original show, when he first branched out to start his own place.

He is genuinely a cunt. After his show "The boiling room" his own mother admonished him by saying she did not recognize him.

Motha fucka would fire waiters for having a bow tie that was slightly skew. Very entertaining to watch.

this is exactly why you're being overrun, Hans

"im missing two scollops"
The plate shows wet spots where the scollops were removed before the "bit" was played. Not sure wether Ramsey creates the problem to test someone or if everyone is in on it and theyre just making some tv but that shit is undercooked.

Shit show. My grandma coocks better.

I bet she does cock better