9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation...

9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants in every generation. 10 This is my covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Circumcise every male. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will be a symbol of the covenant between us. 12 On the eighth day after birth, every male in every generation must be circumcised, including those who are not your own children: those born in your household and those purchased with silver from foreigners. 13 Be sure you circumcise those born in your household and those purchased with your silver. Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male whose flesh of his foreskin remains uncircumcised will be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”

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those borders are disgusting

Agreed, Israel should have Iran as well.

fight me

There is a new testament
You know, after the kikeshits murdered the Lord.

You mean the Romans. Italians killed Jesus.

Fuck Off

Pilate left it up to the "jews."
> judeans

Iran sponsors terrorism, Israel grows gardens in the desert and helped create Judeo Christian culture aka bWestern civilization.
Fuck all Arabs, Jewish supremacy now.
Jesus was executed by Roman law in Roman court with a Roman punishment administered by Roman soldiers.

>diagonal border

also new testament, all people are now "internally circumcised"

That straight border is triggering. It should be something more estethic

> roman law
Which is why pilate left it up to the jews?

Circumcision is an important Christian rite as well. Where are you getting the idea God doesn't want his people to show their love for him by circumcision of their young?
I am glad I am currently, holy shit uncut docks are unnatural and weird.

>Iran sponsors terrorism
I wonder who's behind that
>Israel grows garden
No, It doesn't
>Judeo-Christian Culture
Zoroastrianism made Old Judaism Monoteist.
>Fuck Arab
Fuck Jews too

Iran is the leading cause of terror worldwide and probably funds ISIS.
Israel is the only real nation in the Middle East, they along have a culture, history,breeding, innovation and hard work that make a successful nation. Daily I pray to be Israeli or Jewish.

Fuck Hasbara you filthy, scheming kike.
Israel is a land of Barbarism, where slavery is still legal. "ISIS" is a jewish/NATO creation, and is very similar to the greater israel plan. Totally coincedental, im sure.
The gig is up sheenie

aesthetic ya pleb

but what about the arabs that gona be there after we conquered, I don't want to live next to them.
if this thing actually happen how many of the original arab population gonna remain?
south lebanon is good place for new Israelis cities but the region is allready packed with cities and towns.

>No Medina


Israel contributes to world scientific development


The Muslims there can either go to reservations, killed or sent to europe and the surrounding Arab states.

>those purchased with silver from foreigners
>kikes will defend this

No one supports that. Israel is entitled to no land like that.

Israel should only have Sinai Penninsula and Lebanon

They also contribute Marxism and usury to poison white countries.

enough for me
we don't even need all of lebanon only south lebanon and sinai Penninsula will be perfect.
then my country actually feel big.