What are some movies about smart people?
What are some movies about smart people?
Hidden Figures
Wow niggers are stupid.
Wasn't it kind of racist to just focus on the 3 "black women" on the team, just for their race?
Also, one of them was pretty fucking pale.
a-alternative facts
You should see Sub Saharan African IQ numbers.
They're technically in the upper range of someone with mental retardation.
You mean ignored, or excused away, because of the "troublesome implications" (somewhat understandable, admittedly).
A better way to look at it though is if we obviously understand that some dog or cat breeds are smarter than others, why do we pretend that this doesn't apply to human 'breeds'?
Oh... it DOES.
>IQ test developed by white people for white people
my IQ is 134 by the way.
If blacks were intelligent on average they could adjust to this, in the case of growing up in the same school systems.
The whole cultural argument has no purchase. Cases of blacks raised by whites among whites have only slight improvements but still generally score lower.
That's why Jews and Asians score higher than whites?
It wasn't developed for white people it was developed for all people.
You would know that if your IQ was above 80
Movie really triggered my autism. The math she was doing wasn't even that complicated and the scene where she states all the math she has to do just made her seem more useless. At best she just made less mistakes that the average person. at worst, she was a calculation monkey that could have been replaced at any time.
Who's Johnny Johnson?
>my IQ is 134 by the way.
You know how I know you're lying?
Jews and Asians DO have higher IQs on average than whites.
Whites are arguably more creative though, and have higher visual / spatial intelligence. Jews have higher verbal intelligence. Asians are robots, but have little passion or willpower or assertiveness.
Blacks are highly creative, assertive, willful, but generally not the smartest.
What is the cinematic equivalent of this?
would you trade 15 IQ points if I guaranteed you would be happier?
Dumb people are always happier but no I wouldn't.
>asians aren't creative
I hear this all the time and it's clearly wishful thinking by white people that the rise of China won't result in them becoming a superpower to replace the West
white btw
>What is the cinematic equivalent of this?
pic related. I find his movies really mathy and autistic.
I'm very happy, and love life. And I enjoy being intelligent. My intelligence is more of a visual / sonic gift than verbal intelligence, although I'm effectively articulate in a wonky way, when I am actually interested in something. I am glad I'm not a dummy, but I would much rather by highly creatively intelligent and gifted than a mathbot or someone who can write fluently about others' works but create nothing original of my own.
>tfw to intelligent to be black
Not by being creative though, just by beating whites at the game they created by being more ruthless, while whites are concerned with hippy bullshit like transgenderism, refugees, and global warming.
Chinks haven't created anything worthwhile, they just take what white created and fuck whites over with it.
This is a satanic line of thought
Wow, well that was real fucking complicated
Because they're playing catch up. USA did the same thing with Britain. It's not like China didn't invent things before their own dark ages. Meanwhile American Asians are plenty creative so it's not a genetic thing.
Pretty sure you have AUTISM.
Asians work as a group though, they socially punish anyone who sticks out too much, and it's arguable from studies that they're genetically predisposed this way. Yes, they're highly intelligent, but they basically flow with groupthink, like water guided by gravity.
Whites, Jews, and blacks in particular are gifted with a kind of gravity-defying willfulness and individualism. When that's combined with creativity and/or intelligence, great things happen.
>Whites are arguably more creative though
has nothing to do with the point. The original post claims whites score higher because it's made by them for them. Yet asians beat them. IQ tests have nothing to do with culture, niggers are just dumb.
can't I deliver gas or electricity through water?
I didn't cross any lines, faggot. It didn't specify how to do it otherwise, so yeah, my solution is valid.
>China had gunpowder for centuries and couldn't develop a simple gun
Wow, such great inventors.
Taking the time to do the test proves you have AUTISM.
You all have autism
People aren't MMO character creation models
Being able to ignore arbitrary local social taboos and discern genetic patterns with a realist, matter-of-fact attitude is "satanic"?
One doesn't have to follow this understanding with any kind of ruthless social program or contempt. It's simply being self-respecting enough to not be led by bullshit ideological directives
Blacks are more athletic and often profoundly creative, but not the smartest on average. Asians are highly intelligent but groupminded and passive. Boo fucking hoo.
Life is a trade-off. Who cares? We can't all have everything.
Browsing Sup Forums proves you have autism. We're all autistic.
>Chinks haven't created anything worthwhile, they just take what white created and fuck whites over with it.
That's not really true, although it's frequently stated of Mongolians. The odd thing with the IQ test is that there is no room for creative logic, yet it's all about arranging symbols. Strangely, it has an internal logical structure (form) without content-specific tropes. It's outside symbolism, which is counter-cultural to the West. A form of ornament or flower-arrangement.
Your mind is ruled by satanic influence. Sorry my man.
>The earliest chemical formula for gunpowder appeared in the 11th century Song dynasty text, Wujing Zongyao,[8] however gunpowder had already been used fore fire arrows since at least the 10th century. In the following centuries various gunpowder weapons such as bombs, fire lances, and the gun appeared in China. The technology supposedly spread from China throughout Eurasia.[3] The earliest Western accounts of gunpowder appear in texts written by English philosopher Roger Bacon in the 13th century.[9]
>The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around CE 1000. By the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century.[2]
>be literally chained up and only bred to work in a field for 400 years
>HMM wonder why niggers are SO STUPID?!?!
I hate that chart.
The two bell curves should be nearly the same height, but the chart needlessly scales the black bell-curve according to their proportion of the US population.
This is the kinda shit that makes people immediately write off any statistic that makes black people look bad as a "KKK lie" because some jackass wanted to obscure the fact that there's a statistically significant number of 100+ and 110+ IQ blacks (as if it matters).
The symbols here are in the wrong place, it should be fire first, then water, then electricity... then the symbols would measure up with our delivery systems. It's not an autism test, it's the visual equivalent of crossed eyes.
that movie isn't even mathy. It's just hard to understand because he's a shitty director and had a poor budget.
Sorry if reality seems "mean" to you.
Guess what? Reality is an unfair, often racist and savagely elitist motherfucker.
And it doesn't give a fuck about how you feel things "should" be. Reality is not a spoiling, coddling parent who wants EVERYONE to win EQUALLY.
It seems like you really have an axe to grind with reality. What are you angry about user?
Different guy, but reading the conversation, you seem to be the one calling reality satanic...
Wow I hated racism but now that I've seen this thread I hate niggers. Thank you for saving me from my ignorance?
Life isn't fair.
East Asians are good at math but have 3 inch penises. But their women are cute as fuck. *shrug*
Blacks literally invented cool and are constantly at least at the forefront of part of the cutting edge in aesthetics and style, and, like whites, have big dicks, but they're not the smartest, and seem to have a hardon for constantly murdering their own. And their women are the least desired.
Reality includes sin and sin is satanic. But sin is not from God making it ultimately futile.
I love reality, you're the one trying to call realism satanic.
One can recognize the unfairness in life without feeling bad about it. It's much nicer to just absorb the inherent unfairness in things and then work realistically from there.
How dare you reply to me.
Yea but how are genes responsible for IQ? Genuine question.
If you plotted Trump supporters on the graph it would show them to be dumber than blacks. And they would find excuses to explain it, like calling it a "fake test"
2/10 because you got idiots to reply
That's nihilism, the root of all evil. Nihilism comes from Satan and he wants you to be nihilistic.
>I'll just make something up about Drumpf supporters, he'll be impeached by Monday!
>But their women are cute as fuck
they're not though. They're just easier than whites, so the a lot of losers conditioned themselves to like them.
That's a nice fantasy my man.
Lolno. Whites are on average smarter than blacks. And working class whites are smarter than working class blacks, obviously. Just look at their neighborhoods. I've lived in working class white neighborhoods. The schools are good and well behaved, while white neighborhoods, even poor ones, are peaceful and high-trust. Black neighborhoods are ALWAYS murderous, chaotic shitholes, and their children are HELL for the teachers who bend over backwards to try to help them.
And lol, I love when "progressives" accidentally reveal their actual disdain for working class people.
This. They look like fucking aliens mostly.
But doesn't this factor into the test? There are tons of different kinds of whites and different kinds of blacks. Ashkenazi jews score way higher than the rest.
your brain is made out of the same genetic matter as the rest of you. If your parents were short, chances are, you'll be short too. If your parents were retarded, chances are you, you too will be retarded.
>what is statistical significance
Plus, I am pretty sure people who post said graph are either trolls, or if they are serious probably below an IQ of 90.
So anecdotes=/=scientific evidence now? I can see you're a bit lower on the bell curve
You didn't offer any facts to begin with lol. Stop trying to make liberals look like retards Sup Forums.
I've never actually attempted it before.
Guess their never was a trick to it.
Haha the statistics will back that up.
But obviously also you've only lived in white/Jewish neighborhoods if you don't know the GLARING TRUTH in what I said there, rich boy.
It's not that simple. For example, brown eyes are a result of a lot of melanin. God doesn't just make a fucking checklist for you.
>Surely blacks are just as intelligent as whites! They must be!! Life is fair and gratifies my egalitarian fantasies!!!
not even him, but you don't know the definition of cute if you don't think that's true. A "cute" white woman is most of the time just a passable chick pedophiles would settle for. Asians are by far more able to both look like grown women and be cute at the same time than white girls are.
I'm not the same guy, dummy.
Good job making shit up. I live in a predominantly hispanic urban area.
Luckily, the jews are more intelligent than whites and thus control the world and prevent whites from breeding.
>Good job making shit up. I live in a predominantly hispanic urban area.
Oh, wonderful, then you must have realized by now the majority of them are fucking retards, but I'm sure you'll deny that.
Imagine being this delusional
Name ONE Asian that looks like a grown woman.
So anyone with artistic ability will concern himself with the external utility of the symbol almost to the exclusion of the internal form. Because the IQ test does not provide a measurement for content-specific tropes (or traditions), it's serviceable to short-range democracy but not to a wider ideology of community living. A sign without an external symbolic value can be a dangerous thing.
Is there an IQ test associated with symbolic values, aside from basic arrangement? I know of the Famous Artists Talent Test, but I mean a more academic test than that!
ITT whites plot their IQs against the most impoverished, undereducated ethnic group to feel better, conveniently forgetting that asians and jews absolutely shit on them
Lol the average IQ in Mexico is 88.
It figures.
Nobody even disputes that, they just want liberals to admit it.
Not really. They mostly all act pretty white. But why do you think that you're the same as all the great white people in history?
Just because you're white doesn't mean you're Benjamin Franklin or Nikola Tesla. That's the only reason why you care about this so much. Because it lets you leech off of greater people. You're literally in WE WUZ KANGS mode.
East Germany and Israel were both initially tested at about that level. East Germans were ten points below West Germans so everyone thought they must be "retarded", then they kept testing them and the scores improved.
>blaming the IQs on impoverisment.
I know middle/upper class blacks. Still not as smart as whites.
It's fucking genetic and you know it.
is there a sub-saharan african country that isn't a total shithole? South Africa is a bit better than the rest and that's only because it had apartheid going for it. I don't know how much genetic diversity blacks have, but if they do, it's between "somewhat retarded" and "totally retarded"
It's never that simple, but there is obvious correlation.
But in any case, if both your parents have brown eyes, chances are, you won't have blue eyes, unless they both carried recessive genes and you won the lottery (i.e. small chance)
There are a bunch of factors at play but pretending that intelligence has no basis in genetics because "muh racial equality feels" is stupid. Nobody finds it offensive when people say that African Americans on average tend to have superior athletic skills. It makes sense, since they were artificially selected for physical labor. But god forbid you mention they tend to have lower IQ on average compared to whites, then everybody gasps.
white "people"
But isn't it worth researching why there's such a difference? How would we get anywhere if we just produced a statistic and left it at that? Why is that what you want?
Yes, user.
Mestizo Mexians are biologically as intelligent as GERMANS.
Wtf I love science now?
Isn't South Africa a fucking shithole again now though?
Are you prepared for the possibility that some people might be biologically more intelligent on average than others? Or are you going to stick to the view that sounds nicer and less "racist"?
Because the numbers are out there, but you don't seem to want to see them.
Some dog breeds are smarter than others. Races/ethnicities are just human breeds.
Well according to every piece of data we have over the last five decades of testing it goes;
Ignorance is bliss as they say
god 5+ years of this and it is just hitting me
who the fuck pays you to spam these non-film related threads
there is literally no reason to reply to this yet i did and i am still doing it i guess
who is pushing this agenda and why?
I didn't claim that, it's simply what the IQ tests appeared to indicate in the 1960's. It's likely that they were much sharper in other areas, so I'm arguing that the test failed them.
Why are you so triggered?
>Are you prepared for the possibility that some people might be biologically more intelligent on average than others?
>I know some people
Whoa, amazing argument