So why was he awarded this again?
So why was he awarded this again?
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They bought into the hope and change meme and awarded it to him before he got a chance to fuck shit up.
Affirmative action
so that shame would keep him from straying from the path of peace. but americans have no shame
good marketing.
le ebin black man meme presented by the media when in fact no one even bothered to look at his painfully moderate platform
For being black. That's literally the only reason
This thing called affirmative action.
i read somewhere that usa has 'been in war' far longer in obongo's term than any other president
is it true?
race conflicts eat your country up because it was multi from the start
Ear of a Syrian child.
>if we give Obama the peace prize now he will surely bring peace later
nah, the vietnam war lasted multiple presidents.
america is just goofy because a lot of times when we go to war we don't declare war which gives the president more leeway to do goofy shit.
lately we've been calling them policing actions.
Because nobel comitee is kike-infested piece of shit.
They did not even awarded Mendeleev. Not for gas law, nor for his periodic table.
Ask Norway. We're the ones in charge of the proper prizes. Norway was western Sweden until we cut em lose.
Affirmitive Action in Action. Well more like In-Action.
Kinda like Shitting while Standing.
That was the peak of Obama-mania. Got the award purely because of the recent election and Europe trying to join in on the fun. His acceptance speech was literally about justifying going to war.
Because they couldn't give Bush an anti-prize.
vietnam wasn't a war though
it was a conflict
I dunno paid 50 million bucks?
So what?
chicken butt
he wuz kangz n sheet
what yo mouth bigot or im finna bust it
Came here to post this.
And thank God you did.
Because he's black.
Vietnam war was a single war.
Obama is in war with Syria, Iraq-isis, lybia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, created Arab springs from Tunis to the east all across the middle east, occupation of Afghanistan continues, proxy-war with Russia in Ukraine, infringed nuclear disarm treaty (basically there is no legal reason for Russia and China no not nuke USA), in war even with his own population trough NDAA, BLM terrorist movement is also on the rise. Not to mention the ancient conflict of anglo kikes with local mudshits supported by obongo both ways.
It's a Jew and BestGoy award.
because he Black President Man, blacks are a peaceful people
Came here to post pic related.
he fixed race relations in a racist country
Was this the official reason they gave one to him? "in hopes he'll actually live up to it"?
In the history of nobel prizes, has this ever happened before?
Black Privilege.
It's no longer called 'Affirmative Action' - it is simply Black Privilege.
The commitee were all cucks. They wanted a mandingo party.
Not being George Bush. They also thought it would shame him into working for peace but he ordered a drone strike during th reception after he got the award
The official reason was his work in nuclear disarmament. Unofficially it was so that he would be forced to go further with in as president or lose face from abandoning the work that got him the reward.
Obama gave no shits and just started drone striking everyone because he is shameless.
To dilute the white definitions of excellence and prestige.
Because Europeans have always been smug about how tolerant they are compared to "racist" America.
Because of Jagland in the Nobel Committee:
I think they gave it to him because he promised peace in the middle east or something like that, I cant remember
piss prize for the man pissing on everything and everyone
Because he is a nigger. Literally only reason.