Is this shit actually 10% muslim?
And if so, i have a question for you frogs, what do you fucking expect? May the trucks be with you
Is this shit actually 10% muslim?
And if so, i have a question for you frogs, what do you fucking expect? May the trucks be with you
It's worse than that. it's around 8% in general yes, but when you only look at the
25% of french youth is sandniggers
I tought that frogs were inly for canadian french
Yes, it's around that.
They are mostly concentrated in big cities however. I live in Paris, and it's around 40% White, 30% Niggers, 30% Muslims ... meanwhile rural areas are still 100% french.
The country is absolutely fucked. Our only hope is having our extreme-right make a big push in the next election, and hope it will scare the "normal" right enough that they stop being so passive toward this country's erosion.
But I doubt it will happen.
I thought canadians called Quebecois "pea-soupers" instead of frogs? I'm cajun from Louisiana, they call us "Coonass"
french people from France are always called frogs, i've never heard anyone call us or Quebecois "frogs"
> I live in Paris, and it's around 40% White, 30% Niggers, 30% Muslims
Jesus Christ. Even if you get Le Penne how in the fuck are you supposed to fix that? The only way would be through mass deportation, and we all know there's no way that is happening.
If we establish a climate of terror against muslims in France, they will go by themselves.
This. Most people can't be legally deported because there is nowhere to deport them to (French citizens or passportless Illegals).
When you can't get them out you have to concentrate them and keep them away from the productive society, i.e. wall some area and deport them there.
No, it's actually close to 1/3
Don't see the problem, just a last minute push to up the k/d ratio.
1/3 in suburban Paris, it's 2% in my small town.
Sadly there are no official numbers because of some dumb law from late 1800s.
I agree with what's said in this thread though, among young people (x - 30y old) the % of Muslims is really high despite the overall % "only" being around 10%.
At least you'll be more like America soon. 60%
Hey frenchbros do you have any hope whatsoever?
How's National Front? Would them winning make a difference?
you've said it
>small town
3300 people in my town and 2 nigger families at most.
But not so long ago it was 0.
And in small-to-medium sized towns you see more and more "potato-bags" wandering around. I see them when I go each week-end to the local supermarket. I try not to make pic-related face when I cross them, but I probably fail.
Its a difference whether you have segregated white and black communites or if the 40% live amidst the 60% and see then as cattle to prey on.
Why would you hide that face? If you don't show them how much you hate them they mistakenly feel welcome.
It's mainly the big cities and recently some suburbs. Live outside Atlanta and the amount of niggers lately is astounding. I'll be moving to Montana soon.
Every city is pretty segregated, but southern blacks don't start shit like northern blacks do. They know they couldn't get away with it.
he's lying, there's about 13% muslim in Paris
tell me this is a fake
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