This ugly manlet piece of shit is calling Milo a "Faggot kike"
Fuck you Anglin, you subhuman faced dwarf
This ugly manlet piece of shit is calling Milo a "Faggot kike"
Fuck you Anglin, you subhuman faced dwarf
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Anglin is alright in my books.
but milo is a faggot kike
I like anglin much more than Milo
he's right. milo has admitted to both of these charges
Admitted? I've heard him call himself both a faggot and a kike.
Is this the nazi guy who spends his dads money on asian underage prostitutes?
He's not wrong. Milo is subversive and should be disregarded by us. It is demeaning to be one of his dicksucker fans. I want to vomit every time I see some nĂ¼male with ' cultural libertarian' in his twitter bio.
why is he wearing a golden dawn shirt?
is he a communist?
Milo is a faggot kike whose fans manage to make the MAGA hats look cringey as fuck with their wispy teenstaches. He dresses like shit as well but swag is for boys, class is for men.
But he is a faggot kike?
arrest him for hate speech because Sup Forums has always loved faggots and kikes
He's right, milo is a faggot kike
A Nazi
good old Andy
he can't be a nazi
golden dawn is communist
milo might be cancerous but this autistic crackpot is even worse
>Andrew Anglin
>This ugly manlet piece of shit is calling Milo a "Faggot kike"
But he's right you dirty spic. Milo's a disguising human being - we can use someone else to trigger leftists.
He looks racially inferior to Milo.
Like an Albino nigger.
Is Milo a kike..Yes
Is milo a sodomite...Yes
What point are you trying to push here..
hes so shit
How can anyone like that homosexual bastard is beyond my comprehension.
Soon enough the alt-right will become just one more group of mentally damaged cunts at the service of the system.
Anglin can be kind of cringe himself but he is leagues ahead of the faggot kike.
he's white you retard
Milo is a non-white jew who miscegenates and promotes miscegenation. Stop being such a fucking cuckold.
Based Anglin. There must be more people like him standing up to degeneracy taking over the alt-right.
Reminder that 90% of all Stormfags on Sup Forums are actually SPLC and ADL employees, but that Anglin is part of the 10% that are their own uncles.
Kek. Milo isn't white. Your gay is showing.
Ancient Greeks were Kangs.
The purest of the whites acting degenerate is still a sub human.
he is a faggot kike
lit a cocksucker
He sure don't look white.
i think he has a slavic potato face, but he claims 100% anglo
epic dude :)
Take the side of the faggot kike coalburner, you're so alt-right.
He has a lot of Cro-magnon in him, that's all. I don't like his racial type, but it's still considered white.
Cool. Don't care.
He wouldn't necessarily look out of place up north but his nose definitely makes him look niggish. I think he said he's had it broken a few times though.
Whatever, the guy puts out good material 90% of the time.
Milo is 6'3
Anglin is 5'4
Anglin has a great instict. He has been doing that shit longer than everyone here and knows how to identify a subversive kike like Milo Faggotopoulos
Pewdiepie is Swedish and has a similar wide nose.
Unemployed, basement-dwelling manlets, are the cream of the master race.
Where did he claim that he's a leader of anything? That being said he's a faggot kike.
LMAO what a loser and manlet
Sup Forums arguing over whose cock taste better in their mouths
You ass fucks never cease to amaze me
Cro-magnoid. The original Nordics looked more like this, before they mixed with Germanics.
milo is a faggot kike ... hes gay and jewish...
dumbass shill
Milo the cum-guzzling kike is British?
Reminder he's an ex-Labour faggot. Basically he hates immigrants because he wants all the welfare for himself.
What a fucking legend.
Anglin is such a loser manlet 6'3, white blonde hair vs 5'4 chimp face lmao
We are the true neanderthals pulling women into our caves by their hair!
People need to realize that Sup Forums is a cancerous shithole full of faggots and cucks who have migrated from other boards and places like leddit. They've seen a few Milo videos talking about fucking feminism on youtube and think they belong here.
Kill yourselves.
Don't give a crap about Milo, but Anglin is no white man.
So Andrew is taller than everyone from your country?
He's basically an albino negro
Anglin is the poster boy of trolling.
Milo is a Jew faggot who tweets about getting rammed by niggers. For once Twitter did the right thing and banned that mentally ill kike.
even our degenerates carry the best genes
The Daily Stomer is satire.
Sup Forums is satire.
I am satire.
The whole universe is satire.
I disagree with Anglin in everything but he wrote some pretty funny articles making Ben Garrison look like a one-man Klan
Fuck that bitch Milo
also: you're stupid if you believe in that story shit and not know that it's the truth, excluding the pulling
Go suck Milo's mutilated cock, faggot.
Anti-white, pro-degeneracy propaganda, disguised as 'joke'.
>they say as they sit in mummys house being mad about shitskins
You're fucking retarded...Skinheads are pure Anti Social degeneracy
Many on the Alt Right support Gay Rights, except this pathetic Neo Nazi Nu Males Klan who supported a Muslim terrorist shooting up a Gay Night Club on American Soil
Hello Andrew "Five Foot Four" Anglin
How do you know they're underage.
>Many on the Alt Right support Gay Rights
kill yourself lmao
>Many on the Alt Right support Gay Rights
And we don't support the alt - right.
cocksucker detected
The alt-right will never be about faggotry, it's about traditionalism. Gays are always degenerate. That doesn't mean wipe them out, but it means they shouldn't raise kids, they shouldn't display affection in public, etc.
Am I wrong though? And Andrew is alright desu.
He does look kind of gypsy actually. One of those gypsy cuteboys you can find if you're into cheap, dirty anal sex.
Anglin don't look Cro-Magnon.
>Many on the Alt Right
Back to your containment board sodomite
Milo is gone senpai. There are multiple Anti-milo threads flourishing. I don't know who Anglin is but he should not be our leader like Milo once was or else he'll screw us over
Nah, m8, you have to go in the oven, or at least be sterilized, and kept from all forms of public communication.
If you can't even manage a burger-flipping job, then all you have to offer society is autism.
I'm taller than him myself
Holy shit, I didn't realize how much Anglin looked like that.
Yeah but skinheads didn't build this country. They don't have jobs, they smell like shit, they're violent, they don't how to run businesses.... They're a fucking dead end.
>but he should not be our leader like Milo once was or else he'll screw us over
You fucking ledditors should seriously fuck off
>Sup Forums having a leader
Yes, you're wrong because you're Andrew "manlet" Anglin.
Posting about how cool you find yourself on Sup Forums is never alright, short stuff. Also Manlet Anglin has never done anything for The Cause short of making money off of alt-right sentiments and ideas
Its a joke chucklehead. Since Mexicans are short.
Where does anglin stay, on a tree branch?
wtf im #AnglinArtillery now
Kike detected
Is milo not a kike faggot?
Anglin achieves nothing but division when attacking fellow travellers/gateway drugs like Sargon and Milo.
Yes, Milo is uber-degenerate but he doesn't needs to be attacked from 2 fronts, just let him cause ruckus against the SJWs.
>talking about how Greeks aren't white
wew lad
>sterilizing autistic people
Are you retarded? You're literally halting evolution. Fuck off you pansy cunt go live on an island
His website is funny. I like it.
>that negroid nose
wow, definitely masterrace here guys