Alcohol costs society $185 billion but only $14.5 billion is collected in taxes.
Alcohol costs society $185 billion but only $14.5 billion is collected in taxes
>only $14.5 billion is collected in taxes.
that's ok. it pays lots of wages, feeds many industries. pretty sure we'd go to war if you took my beer. a lot more expensive than 185b-14.5b
What's your point?
That's nice. The alcohol industry also creates hundreds of thousands of jobs
what do niggers and illegals cost us?
>only $14.5 billion
and all of the $185 billion externalities are paid for by... who? the government?
oh, right. no
And it keeps people content, we'd be a miserable Muslim shithole without booze.
What are you suggesting? Should there be a 50% tax on alcoholic beverages?
That may be a good idea.
My state did that with cigarettes.
I doubt that something like this would get passed though.
There are too many degenerate people who love alcohol. They are the majority and would never vote for any politician advocating this.
Faggotry also costs a lot for society because people aren't procreating.
>Alcohol costs society $185 billion
show some proof faggot