Hey grandpa, did people really look like you when you were young? What happened to all the white people?

>hey grandpa, did people really look like you when you were young? What happened to all the white people?

Well Sup Forums? What will you say when your grandkids sit on your lap and ask you about the great race war and white genocide that followed?

>implying we would loose

I would tell my White grandchild that shills like you got BTFO! Thsy will then run off and safely play in the backyard.

Feels good desu.

We took the BLEACHED meme way too far. Oops.

We wuz kangs.

Do people actually consider this attractive?


>Wacchu talking about, dawg?

Straight men, yes. I can see how people that masturbate to "traps" and anime wouldn't be interested.

No, it's another psyop. Most mixed look just like nigger-lite.

Get a life you insane nigger shill. You spend 247 on Sup Forums posting sheboon chimps.


I honestly wouldn't talk to my grandkids if they were black. Cut out of my life completely

I got another pic for your folder.

Shieeeeeet mane, don't cut yourself with dat edge

Spanking to trap and anime is redpilled



Butthurt schizo nigger

>having children
>in a shitskin infected world


we wuz kangz in shiiiet

I would tell my beautiful mulatto master race grandchild that I was on the right side of history, and gladly assisted in the cultural enrichment of society by taking a black wife, and forbidding my children from mating with anyone their own color. When the Arch-Shitlord Donald Trump lost his pitiful bid for the 2016 presidency and his problematic minions rose up in defiance, we crushed them with out diversity. We were like a giant swiss army knife of many different powers and abilities, all contributing to the greater whole. I shed no tears as I tied the nooses for those I once called friend, but who dared to wear MAGA hats in my presence, a known trigger.

we developed space travel and left this shithole to the niggers, gooks and mudslimes to fight over

Nothing edgy about it. Burn the coal pay the troll


You've got some pristine genes there, white boy. It'd be a shame if they were sullied.

That's obviously an abo.


I'm mexican